Synopsis |
This the type lazy input data.
Note that the lazy input type (LI) is a member of Functor,
this means that one can update the contents of the input with
any pure function.
LI could be a strict monad and a strict applicative functor.
However it is not a lazy monad nor a lazy applicative functor as required Haskell.
Hopefully it is a lazy (pointed) functor at least.
| Instances | |
Extract the data from a lazy input, this is commonly
used to actually run the given process over lazy inputs.
As in all the functions that requires a NFData instance
this means the result will forced using rnf.
Pretty much as run expect that one can use strict
IOs (System.IO.Strict) to produce the final result.
Pretty much as run but live in the SIO monad instead of IO.
Pretty much as run' but live in the SIO monad instead of IO.
Basic inputs
Any pure data can lifted as lazy input.
Returns the contents of the given handle lazily.
Returns the contents of standard input lazily.
Like hGetContents but it takes a FilePath.
Return a lazy list representing the contents of the supplied
Chan, much like System.IO.hGetContents.
Combining multiple inputs lazily
Combining them in sequence
Sequence two lazy inputs that produces lists as one only
list. Note that the resource management is precise. As
soon as the beginning of the second input is required,
the resource of the first input is released and the
the second resource is acquired.
Same as append but for a list of inputs.
Combining them in parallel
Takes two lazy inputs and returns a single interleaved lazy input.
Note that this function is left biased, this is always the left
canal that is read first. This function is rarely used directly
with file contents since it mixes the two contents, one generally
use some tagging to separate them back. Look at interleaveEither
for such a function.
Like interleave but it starts by tagging the left input by Left and right
input by Right leading to lazy input of Eithers.
Combine two lazy inputs as a single lazy input of pairs.
Note that if one input list is short, excess elements of the longer list are discarded.
zipWith generalize zip with any combining function.
A shorthand for \h1 h2-> zip (hGetContents h1) (hGetContents h2).
Add debugging messages using the given string.
This will returns the same lazy input but more verbose.
Produced by Haddock version 2.4.2 |