schedule- Pure deterministic scheduled computations

Safe HaskellNone



Pure abstractions for time and clocks.



data Clock c Source #

A maybe-impure supplier of time, to a pure scheduled computation.

The type c is the computational context where clock operations occur, e.g. a Monad such as IO.

Clock implementations must be monotonic. See System.Time.Monotonic for an example on how to wrap non-monotonic clocks to be monotonic.




  • clockNow :: !(c Tick)

    Get the current time.

  • clockDelay :: !(TickDelta -> c ())

    Suspend the current computation for a given number of ticks.

    Nothing else in the computation runs until the suspension is over. Afterwards, clockNow will give the expected value, i.e. for all n:

        old <- clockNow
        clockDelay n
        new <- clockNow
        let new' = assert (old + n <= new) new

    The relation is <= not ==, because the computer might have slept during the mean time or something. On the other hand, if the underlying physical clock might delay for a shorter period than requested, then implementations of this function must loop-delay until the <= condition is satisfied.

    The above is the only condition that scheduled computations should rely on, and any actual physical real delay is up to the implementation.

  • clockWith :: !(forall a. c a -> c (Clocked c a))

    Interleave actions with ticks.

    This is typically recommended for the use-case where your action represents a stream of inputs, e.g. from the network or the user. It is meant to satisfy the same functionality as the select system call found in common operating systems, used with a timeout parameter.

    If action when executed repeatedly gives a sequence of results, then in the expression clkAct <- clock clockWith action, runClocked clkAct when executed repeatedly gives the same sequence of results but with ticks interleaved in between them. Executing finClocked clkAct closes any resources and invalidates any future calls to clkAct.

    It is not necessary to call finClocked if any part of runClocked (e.g. child threads) throws an exception - implementations should detect these situations and clean these up automatically. This frees the user of this function from requiring extra constraints which would be necessary if it's necessary to run finally finClocked clkAct as cleanup.

  • clockTimer :: !(forall a. TickDelta -> c a -> c (Either Tick a))

    Given an action, run it with a timeout.

    This is typically recommended for the use-case where your action represents the response to a single previously-sent request.

    The action may complete despite the timeout firing, in which case its result will be lost. This is in general unavoidable and is a common property that one simply has to live with in distributed systems. If you run the input action repeatedly, then this property applies *for every execution*, i.e. it is possible that you get 10 timeouts even though the action succeeded 10 times, and you'll lose 10 results.

    If you want all results of all actions, use clockWith instead. The downside with that, is that it's slightly less efficient than this, as it will interleave every single Tick event and it is up to you to deal with skipping/ignoring any of them.

data Clocked c a Source #

See clockWith for details on what this is for.


