{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

{-| Common utilities for implementing /reservation/ data structures.

A /reservation/ data structure is one that allows multiple inserts of the same
item, by returning a unique handle for each insert operation that must be given
to the delete operation.

If you need to store the handle together with the item, e.g. so that the item
knows how to delete itself, this can be achieved via the standard Haskell
"tying the knot" technique.

__This API is experimental at the moment, and parts of it may change.__
module Data.Rsv.Common
  ( RHandles(..)
  , RHandle
  , newHandles
  , nextHandle
  , checkHandle
  , withHandle
  , sEnqueue
  , sUnqueue
  , sDequeue

-- external
import qualified Data.Sequence.Internal as Seq

import           Data.Sequence          (Seq (..), (|>))
import           Data.Word              (Word64)
import           GHC.Generics           (Generic)
import           GHC.Stack              (HasCallStack)

-- | Handle generator. Runtime invariants:
-- 1. A handle from one generator is not used in a context that expects a
-- handle from a different generator. TODO: use a string or other data to
-- distinguish the contexts.
-- 2. Newly generated handles are distinguishable from previously-generated
-- ones. 'checkHandle' is used to check this.
newtype RHandles = RHandles { getNextHandle :: RHandle }
  deriving (Show, Read, Generic, Eq)
newtype RHandle = RHandle { getHandle :: Word64 }
  deriving (Show, Read, Generic, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)

newHandles :: RHandles
newHandles = RHandles (RHandle 0)

nextHandle :: RHandles -> (RHandle, RHandles)
nextHandle (RHandles h) = (h, RHandles (succ h))

-- | Check that an existing handle is consistent with the current state of a
-- handle generator, i.e. it must not be part of the generator's future.
checkHandle :: RHandles -> RHandle -> Bool
checkHandle (RHandles hh) h = hh > h

  :: ((RHandle, i) -> c -> c) -> i -> (RHandles, c) -> (RHandle, (RHandles, c))
withHandle doWith item (handles0, container0) =
  let (handle, handles1) = nextHandle handles0
      container1         = doWith (handle, item) container0
  in  (handle, (handles1, container1))

sEnqueue :: a -> Seq a -> Seq a
sEnqueue x slm = slm |> x

sUnqueue :: (HasCallStack, Eq k) => k -> Seq (k, a) -> (Maybe a, Seq (k, a))
sUnqueue idx' slm = (snd <$> found', others)
  -- TODO: this is O(n); maybe it should be more efficient...
  (Seq.Seq found, others) = Seq.partition ((== idx') . fst) $ slm
  found'                  = case found of
    Seq.EmptyT              -> Nothing
    Seq.Single (Seq.Elem x) -> Just x
    _                       -> error "sUnqueue found more than one key"

sDequeue :: Seq a -> (Maybe a, Seq a)
sDequeue (h :<| t) = (Just h, t)
sDequeue Seq.Empty = (Nothing, Seq.Empty)