{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Web.Scotty.PathNormalizer
    -- * Scotty action
    , pathNormalizerAction
    -- * Normalization implementation
    , NormalizationResult (..)
    , normalizePath
    , normalizeSegmentList
    ) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Bool
import Data.Either
import Data.Eq
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Function
import Data.Functor
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord
import Network.Wai
import Numeric.Natural
import Text.Show
import Web.Scotty

import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Text       (Text)
import Prelude         ((+), (-))

import qualified Data.Text               as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding      as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy          as LT
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as LT

slash, dot, up :: Text
slash = T.pack "/"
dot   = T.pack "."
up    = T.pack ".."

anyPath :: RoutePattern
anyPath = function (const (Just []))

-- | Adds a Scotty route that matches all non-normalized paths,
-- where the action redirects to the corresponding normalized path.

addPathNormalizer :: ScottyM ()
addPathNormalizer = get anyPath pathNormalizerAction

-- | A Scotty action which issues a redirect to the normalized
-- form of the request target, or aborts (with 'next') if the
-- request target is already a normal path.

pathNormalizerAction :: ActionM ()
pathNormalizerAction =
    req   :: Request  <- request
    path  :: Text     <- decodeUtf8 (rawPathInfo req)
    query :: Text     <- decodeUtf8 (rawQueryString req)
    path' :: Text     <- normalize path

    redirect (LT.fromStrict (path' `T.append` query))

    decodeUtf8 :: ByteString -> ActionM Text
    decodeUtf8 bs =
        case (T.decodeUtf8' bs) of
            Left _  -> next
            Right x -> return x

    normalize :: Text -> ActionM Text
    normalize path =
        case (normalizePath path) of
            Invalid       -> next
            AlreadyNormal -> next
            Normalized x  -> return x

data NormalizationResult a = Invalid | AlreadyNormal | Normalized a
    deriving (Functor, Show)

-- |
-- A path that's already in normal form:
-- >>> normalizePath "/one/two/three"
-- AlreadyNormal
-- A path that contains empty segments:
-- >>> normalizePath "//one/./two/three/"
-- Normalized "/one/two/three"
-- A path that goes "up" a directory:
-- >>> normalizePath "/one/two/three/../four"
-- Normalized "/one/two/four"
-- A path that goes up too far:
-- >>> normalizePath "/one/../../two/three"
-- Invalid
-- The root path is a normalized path:
-- >>> normalizePath "/"
-- AlreadyNormal
-- The empty string is not a valid path (because a path
-- must begin with a slash):
-- >>> normalizePath ""
-- Invalid

normalizePath :: Text -> NormalizationResult Text
normalizePath path
    | path == slash  =  AlreadyNormal
    | otherwise      =
        case T.stripPrefix slash path of
            Nothing           -> Invalid
            Just slashRemoved -> joinSegments <$>
                normalizeSegmentList (T.split (== '/') slashRemoved)
    joinSegments :: [Text] -> Text
    joinSegments [] = slash
    joinSegments xs = foldMap (\x -> slash `T.append` x) xs

-- |
-- A path that's already in normal form:
-- >>> normalizeSegmentList ["one", "two", "three"]
-- AlreadyNormal
-- A path that contains empty segments:
-- >>> normalizeSegmentList ["", "one", ".", "two", "three"]
-- Normalized ["one","two","three"]
-- A path that goes "up" a directory:
-- >>> normalizeSegmentList ["one", "two", "three", "..", "four"]
-- Normalized ["one","two","four"]
-- A path that goes up too far:
-- >>> normalizeSegmentList ["one", "..", "..", "two", "three"]
-- Invalid
-- The empty string is a normalized path:
-- >>> normalizeSegmentList []
-- AlreadyNormal

normalizeSegmentList :: [Text] -> NormalizationResult [Text]
normalizeSegmentList segments =

    case (foldr step init segments) of
        State _  _ False -> AlreadyNormal
        State xs 0 _     -> Normalized xs
        _                -> Invalid

data State = State [Text] Natural Bool

init :: State
init = State [] 0 False

step :: Text -> State -> State
step x (State xs parents different)
    | x == T.empty  =  State       xs    parents       True
    | x == dot      =  State       xs    parents       True
    | x == up       =  State       xs   (parents + 1)  True
    | parents > 0   =  State       xs   (parents - 1)  True
    | otherwise     =  State  (x : xs)   parents       different