{-| Create graphical plots of signals and their spectrums. Uses OpenGL. -}
module SDR.Plot (

    -- * Line Graphs

    -- * Waterfalls

    -- * Filled In Line Graphs

    -- * Axes
    ) where

import           Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable       as VS
import           Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL
import           Graphics.Rendering.Cairo

import           Pipes
import           Data.Colour.Names
import           Graphics.Rendering.Pango

import           Graphics.DynamicGraph.Line
import           Graphics.DynamicGraph.Waterfall
import           Graphics.DynamicGraph.FillLine
import           Graphics.DynamicGraph.Axis
import           Graphics.DynamicGraph.RenderCairo
import           Graphics.DynamicGraph.Window

-- | Create a window and plot a dynamic line graph of the incoming data.
plotLine :: Int -- ^ Window width
         -> Int -- ^ Window height
         -> Int -- ^ Number of samples in each buffer
         -> Int -- ^ Number of vertices in graph
         -> ExceptT String IO (Consumer (VS.Vector GLfloat) IO ())
plotLine width height samples resolution = window width height $ fmap pipeify $ renderLine samples resolution

-- | Create a window and plot a dynamic line graph of the incoming data. With Axes.
plotLineAxes :: Int       -- ^ Window width
             -> Int       -- ^ Window height
             -> Int       -- ^ Number of samples in each buffer
             -> Int       -- ^ Number of vertices in graph
             -> Render () -- ^ Cairo Render object that draws the axes
             -> ExceptT String IO (Consumer (VS.Vector GLfloat) IO ())
plotLineAxes width height samples xResolution rm = window width height $ do
    --render the graph
    renderFunc <- renderLine samples xResolution

    --render the axes
    renderAxisFunc <- renderCairo rm width height

    return $ for cat $ \dat -> lift $ do
        blend $= Disabled

        viewport $= (Position 50 50, Size (fromIntegral width - 100) (fromIntegral height - 100))
        renderFunc dat

        blend $= Enabled
        blendFunc $= (SrcAlpha, OneMinusSrcAlpha)

        viewport $= (Position 0 0, Size (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height))

-- | Create a window and plot a waterfall of the incoming data.
plotWaterfall :: Int       -- ^ Window width
              -> Int       -- ^ Window height
              -> Int       -- ^ Number of columns
              -> Int       -- ^ Number of rows 
              -> [GLfloat] -- ^ The color map
              -> ExceptT String IO (Consumer (VS.Vector GLfloat) IO ())
plotWaterfall windowWidth windowHeight width height colorMap = window windowWidth windowHeight $ renderWaterfall width height colorMap

-- | Create a window and plot a waterfall of the incoming data. With Axes. TODO: doesnt work.
plotWaterfallAxes :: Int       -- ^ Window width   
                  -> Int       -- ^ Window height
                  -> Int       -- ^ Number of columns
                  -> Int       -- ^ Number of rows
                  -> [GLfloat] -- ^ The color map
                  -> Render () -- ^ Cairo Render object that draws the axes
                  -> EitherT String IO (Consumer (VS.Vector GLfloat) IO ())
plotWaterfallAxes windowWidth windowHeight width height colorMap rm = window windowWidth windowHeight $ do
    renderPipe <- renderWaterfall width height colorMap
    renderAxisFunc <- renderCairo rm width height

    return $ (>-> renderPipe) $ for cat $ \dat -> do
            lift $ viewport $= (Position 0 0, Size (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height))
            lift renderAxisFunc

            lift $ viewport $= (Position 50 50, Size (fromIntegral width - 100) (fromIntegral height - 100))

            yield dat

-- | Create a window and plot a dynamic filled in line graph of the incoming data.
plotFill :: Int       -- ^ Window width
         -> Int       -- ^ Window height
         -> Int       -- ^ Number of samples in each buffer
         -> [GLfloat] -- ^ The color map
         -> ExceptT String IO (Consumer (VS.Vector GLfloat) IO ())
plotFill width height samples colorMap = window width height $ fmap pipeify $ renderFilledLine samples colorMap

-- | Create a window and plot a dynamic filled in line graph of the incoming data. With Axes.
plotFillAxes :: Int       -- ^ Window width
             -> Int       -- ^ Window height
             -> Int       -- ^ Number of samples in each buffer
             -> [GLfloat] -- ^ The color map
             -> Render () -- ^ Cairo Render object that draws the axes
             -> ExceptT String IO (Consumer (VS.Vector GLfloat) IO ())
plotFillAxes width height samples colorMap rm = window width height $ do
    renderFunc <- renderFilledLine samples colorMap

    renderAxisFunc <- renderCairo rm width height

    return $ for cat $ \dat -> lift $ do
        viewport $= (Position 50 50, Size (fromIntegral width - 100) (fromIntegral height - 100))
        renderFunc dat

        blend $= Enabled
        blendFunc $= (SrcAlpha, OneMinusSrcAlpha)

        viewport $= (Position 0 0, Size (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height))

-- | Create a Cairo `Render` monad that draws a set of axes with 0 at the bottom left.
zeroAxes :: Int       -- ^ Image width
         -> Int       -- ^ Image height
         -> Double    -- ^ X axis span
         -> Double    -- ^ X axis grid interval
         -> Render ()
zeroAxes width height bandwidth interval = do
    blankCanvasAlpha black 0 (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height)
    let xSeparation = (interval / bandwidth) * (fromIntegral width - 100)
        ySeparation = 0.2 * (fromIntegral height - 100)
        xCoords     = takeWhile (< (fromIntegral width  - 50)) $ iterate (+ xSeparation) 50
        yCoords     = takeWhile (> 50) $ iterate (\x -> x - ySeparation) (fromIntegral height - 50)
    ctx <- liftIO $ cairoCreateContext Nothing
    xAxisLabels ctx white (map (\n -> show n ++ " KHz" ) (takeWhile (< bandwidth) $ iterate (+ interval) 0)) xCoords (fromIntegral height - 50)
    drawAxes (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height) 50 50 50 50 white 2
    xAxisGrid gray 1 [] 50 (fromIntegral height - 50) xCoords
    yAxisGrid gray 1 [4, 2] 50 (fromIntegral width - 50)  yCoords

-- | Create a Cairo `Render` monad that draws a set of axes with the X axis centered on a specified value.
centeredAxes :: Int       -- ^ Image width
             -> Int       -- ^ Image height
             -> Double    -- ^ Center X value
             -> Double    -- ^ X axis span
             -> Double    -- ^ X axis grid interval
             -> Render ()
centeredAxes width height cFreq bandwidth interval = do
    blankCanvasAlpha black 0 (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height)
    let xSeparation = (interval / bandwidth) * (fromIntegral width - 100)
        firstXLabel = fromIntegral (ceiling ((cFreq - (bandwidth / 2)) / interval)) * interval
        fract x     = x - fromIntegral (floor x)
        xOffset     = fract ((cFreq - (bandwidth / 2)) / interval) * xSeparation
        ySeparation = 0.2 * (fromIntegral height - 100)
        xCoords     = takeWhile (< (fromIntegral width - 50)) $ iterate (+ xSeparation) (50 + xOffset)
        yCoords     = takeWhile (> 50) $ iterate (\x -> x - ySeparation) (fromIntegral height - 50)
    ctx <- liftIO $ cairoCreateContext Nothing
    xAxisLabels ctx white (map (\n -> show n ++ " MHZ") (takeWhile (< (cFreq + bandwidth / 2)) $ iterate (+ interval) firstXLabel)) xCoords (fromIntegral height - 50)
    drawAxes (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height) 50 50 50 50 white 2
    xAxisGrid gray 1 [] 50 (fromIntegral height - 50) xCoords
    yAxisGrid gray 1 [4, 2] 50 (fromIntegral width - 50)  yCoords