{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables, TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia, FlexibleInstances, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
-- |
-- Module     : Control.Selective
-- Copyright  : (c) Andrey Mokhov 2018-2019
-- License    : MIT (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : andrey.mokhov@gmail.com
-- Stability  : experimental
-- This is a library for /selective applicative functors/, or just
-- /selective functors/ for short, an abstraction between applicative functors
-- and monads, introduced in this paper:
-- https://www.staff.ncl.ac.uk/andrey.mokhov/selective-functors.pdf.
module Control.Selective (
    -- * Type class
    Selective (..), (<*?), branch, selectA, apS, selectM,

    -- * Conditional combinators
    ifS, whenS, fromMaybeS, orElse, andAlso, untilRight, whileS, (<||>), (<&&>),
    foldS, anyS, allS, bindS, Cases, casesEnum, cases, matchS, matchM,

    -- * Selective functors
    ViaSelectA (..), Over (..), getOver, Under (..), getUnder, Validation (..),
    ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer
import Data.Bool
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Proxy

-- | Selective applicative functors. You can think of 'select' as a selective
-- function application: when given a value of type @Left a@, you __must apply__
-- the given function, but when given a @Right b@, you __may skip__ the function
-- and associated effects, and simply return the @b@.
-- Note that it is not a requirement for selective functors to skip unnecessary
-- effects. It may be counterintuitive, but this makes them more useful. Why?
-- Typically, when executing a selective computation, you would want to skip the
-- effects (saving work); but on the other hand, if your goal is to statically
-- analyse a given selective computation and extract the set of all possible
-- effects (without actually executing them), then you do not want to skip any
-- effects, because that defeats the purpose of static analysis.
-- The type signature of 'select' is reminiscent of both '<*>' and '>>=', and
-- indeed a selective functor is in some sense a composition of an applicative
-- functor and the 'Either' monad.
-- Laws:
-- * Identity:
-- @
-- x \<*? pure id = either id id \<$\> x
-- @
-- * Distributivity; note that @y@ and @z@ have the same type @f (a -> b)@:
-- @
-- pure x \<*? (y *\> z) = (pure x \<*? y) *\> (pure x \<*? z)
-- @
-- * Associativity:
-- @
-- x \<*? (y \<*? z) = (f \<$\> x) \<*? (g \<$\> y) \<*? (h \<$\> z)
--   where
--     f x = Right \<$\> x
--     g y = \a -\> bimap (,a) ($a) y
--     h z = uncurry z
-- @
-- * Monadic @select@ (for selective functors that are also monads):
-- @
-- select = selectM
-- @
-- There are also a few useful theorems:
-- * Apply a pure function to the result:
-- @
-- f \<$\> select x y = select (fmap f \<$\> x) (fmap f \<$\> y)
-- @
-- * Apply a pure function to the @Left@ case of the first argument:
-- @
-- select (first f \<$\> x) y = select x ((. f) \<$\> y)
-- @
-- * Apply a pure function to the second argument:
-- @
-- select x (f \<$\> y) = select (first (flip f) \<$\> x) (flip ($) \<$\> y)
-- @
-- * Generalised identity:
-- @
-- x \<*? pure y = either y id \<$\> x
-- @
-- * A selective functor is /rigid/ if it satisfies @\<*\> = apS@. The following
-- /interchange/ law holds for rigid selective functors:
-- @
-- x *\> (y \<*? z) = (x *\> y) \<*? z
-- @
-- If f is also a 'Monad', we require that 'select' = 'selectM', from which one
-- can prove @\<*\> = apS@.
class Applicative f => Selective f where
    select :: f (Either a b) -> f (a -> b) -> f b

-- | A list of values, equipped with a fast membership test.
data Cases a = Cases [a] (a -> Bool)

-- | The list of all possible values of an enumerable data type.
casesEnum :: (Bounded a, Enum a) => Cases a
casesEnum = Cases [minBound..maxBound] (const True)

-- | Embed a list of values into 'Cases' using the trivial but slow membership
-- test based on 'elem'.
cases :: Eq a => [a] -> Cases a
cases as = Cases as (`elem` as)

-- | An operator alias for 'select', which is sometimes convenient. It tries to
-- follow the notational convention for 'Applicative' operators. The angle
-- bracket pointing to the left means we always use the corresponding value.
-- The value on the right, however, may be skipped, hence the question mark.
(<*?) :: Selective f => f (Either a b) -> f (a -> b) -> f b
(<*?) = select

infixl 4 <*?

-- | The 'branch' function is a natural generalisation of 'select': instead of
-- skipping an unnecessary effect, it chooses which of the two given effectful
-- functions to apply to a given argument; the other effect is unnecessary. It
-- is possible to implement 'branch' in terms of 'select', which is a good
-- puzzle (give it a try!).
branch :: Selective f => f (Either a b) -> f (a -> c) -> f (b -> c) -> f c
branch x l r = fmap (fmap Left) x <*? fmap (fmap Right) l <*? r

-- Implementing select via branch:
-- selectB :: Selective f => f (Either a b) -> f (a -> b) -> f b
-- selectB x y = branch x y (pure id)

-- | We can write a function with the type signature of 'select' using the
-- 'Applicative' type class, but it will always execute the effects associated
-- with the second argument, hence being potentially less efficient.
selectA :: Applicative f => f (Either a b) -> f (a -> b) -> f b
selectA x y = (\e f -> either f id e) <$> x <*> y

{-| Recover the application operator @\<*\>@ from 'select'. /Rigid/ selective
functors satisfy the law @(\<*\>) = apS@ and furthermore, the resulting
applicative functor satisfies all laws of 'Applicative':

* Identity:

    > pure id <*> v = v

* Homomorphism:

    > pure f <*> pure x = pure (f x)

* Interchange:

    > u <*> pure y = pure ($y) <*> u

* Composition:

    > (.) <$> u <*> v <*> w = u <*> (v <*> w)
apS :: Selective f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
apS f x = select (Left <$> f) (flip ($) <$> x)

-- | One can easily implement a monadic 'selectM' that satisfies the laws,
-- hence any 'Monad' is 'Selective'.
selectM :: Monad f => f (Either a b) -> f (a -> b) -> f b
selectM x y = x >>= \e -> case e of Left  a -> ($a) <$> y -- execute y
                                    Right b -> pure b     -- skip y

-- Many useful 'Monad' combinators can be implemented with 'Selective'

-- | Branch on a Boolean value, skipping unnecessary effects.
ifS :: Selective f => f Bool -> f a -> f a -> f a
ifS x t e = branch (bool (Right ()) (Left ()) <$> x) (const <$> t) (const <$> e)

-- Implementation used in the paper:
-- ifS x t e = branch selector (fmap const t) (fmap const e)
--   where
--     selector = bool (Right ()) (Left ()) <$> x -- NB: convert True to Left ()

-- | Eliminate a specified value @a@ from @f (Either a b)@ by replacing it
-- with a given @f b@.
eliminate :: (Eq a, Selective f) => a -> f b -> f (Either a b) -> f (Either a b)
eliminate x fb fa = select (match x <$> fa) (const . Right <$> fb)
    match _ (Right y) = Right (Right y)
    match x (Left  y) = if x == y then Left () else Right (Left y)

-- | Eliminate all specified values @a@ from @f (Either a b)@ by replacing each
-- of them with a given @f a@.
matchS :: (Eq a, Selective f) => Cases a -> f a -> (a -> f b) -> f (Either a b)
matchS (Cases cs _) x f = foldr (\c -> eliminate c (f c)) (Left <$> x) cs

-- | Eliminate all specified values @a@ from @f (Either a b)@ by replacing each
-- of them with a given @f a@.
matchM :: Monad m => Cases a -> m a -> (a -> m b) -> m (Either a b)
matchM (Cases _ p) mx f = do
    x <- mx
    if p x then Right <$> (f x) else return (Left x)

-- TODO: Add a type-safe version based on @KnownNat@.
-- | A restricted version of monadic bind. Fails with an error if the 'Bounded'
-- and 'Enum' instances for @a@ do not cover all values of @a@.
bindS :: (Bounded a, Enum a, Eq a, Selective f) => f a -> (a -> f b) -> f b
bindS x f = fromRight <$> matchS casesEnum x f
    fromRight (Right b) = b
    fromRight _ = error "Selective.bindS: incorrect Bounded and/or Enum instance"

-- | Conditionally perform an effect.
whenS :: Selective f => f Bool -> f () -> f ()
whenS x y = select (bool (Right ()) (Left ()) <$> x) (const <$> y)

-- Implementation used in the paper:
-- whenS x y = selector <*? effect
--   where
--     selector = bool (Right ()) (Left ()) <$> x -- NB: maps True to Left ()
--     effect   = const                     <$> y

-- | A lifted version of 'Data.Maybe.fromMaybe'.
fromMaybeS :: Selective f => f a -> f (Maybe a) -> f a
fromMaybeS x mx = select (maybe (Left ()) Right <$> mx) (const <$> x)

-- | Return the first @Right@ value. If both are @Left@'s, accumulate errors.
orElse :: (Selective f, Semigroup e) => f (Either e a) -> f (Either e a) -> f (Either e a)
orElse x y = branch x (flip appendLeft <$> y) (pure Right)

-- | Accumulate the @Right@ values, or return the first @Left@.
andAlso :: (Selective f, Semigroup a) => f (Either e a) -> f (Either e a) -> f (Either e a)
andAlso x y = swapEither <$> orElse (swapEither <$> x) (swapEither <$> y)

-- | Swap @Left@ and @Right@.
swapEither :: Either a b -> Either b a
swapEither = either Right Left

-- | Append two semigroup values or return the @Right@ one.
appendLeft :: Semigroup a => a -> Either a b -> Either a b
appendLeft a1 (Left a2) = Left (a1 <> a2)
appendLeft _  (Right b) = Right b

-- | Keep checking an effectful condition while it holds.
whileS :: Selective f => f Bool -> f ()
whileS act = whenS act (whileS act)

-- | Keep running an effectful computation until it returns a @Right@ value,
-- collecting the @Left@'s using a supplied @Monoid@ instance.
untilRight :: (Monoid a, Selective f) => f (Either a b) -> f (a, b)
untilRight x = select y h
    -- y :: f (Either a (a, b))
    y = fmap (mempty,) <$> x
    -- h :: f (a -> (a, b))
    h = (\(as, b) a -> (mappend a as, b)) <$> untilRight x

-- | A lifted version of lazy Boolean OR.
(<||>) :: Selective f => f Bool -> f Bool -> f Bool
a <||> b = ifS a (pure True) b

-- | A lifted version of lazy Boolean AND.
(<&&>) :: Selective f => f Bool -> f Bool -> f Bool
a <&&> b = ifS a b (pure False)

-- | A lifted version of 'any'. Retains the short-circuiting behaviour.
anyS :: Selective f => (a -> f Bool) -> [a] -> f Bool
anyS p = foldr ((<||>) . p) (pure False)

-- | A lifted version of 'all'. Retains the short-circuiting behaviour.
allS :: Selective f => (a -> f Bool) -> [a] -> f Bool
allS p = foldr ((<&&>) . p) (pure True)

-- | Generalised folding with the short-circuiting behaviour.
foldS :: (Selective f, Foldable t, Monoid a) => t (f (Either e a)) -> f (Either e a)
foldS = foldr andAlso (pure (Right mempty))

-- Instances

-- As a quick experiment, try: ifS (pure True) (print 1) (print 2)
instance Selective IO where select = selectM

-- And... we need to write a lot more instances
instance Selective [] where select = selectM
instance Selective ((->) a) where select = selectM
instance Monoid a => Selective ((,) a) where select = selectM
instance Selective Identity where select = selectM
instance Selective Maybe where select = selectM
instance Selective Proxy where select = selectM

instance Monad m => Selective (ExceptT s m) where select = selectM
instance Monad m => Selective (ReaderT s m) where select = selectM
instance Monad m => Selective (StateT s m) where select = selectM
instance (Monoid s, Monad m) => Selective (WriterT s m) where select = selectM

-- | Any applicative functor can be given an instnce of 'Selective' by
-- defining @select = selectA@.
newtype ViaSelectA f a = ViaSelectA { fromViaSelectA :: f a }
    deriving (Functor, Applicative)

instance Applicative f => Selective (ViaSelectA f) where
    select = selectA

-- | Selective instance for the standard applicative functor Validation.
-- This is a good example of a selective functor which is not a monad.
data Validation e a = Failure e | Success a deriving (Functor, Show)

instance Semigroup e => Applicative (Validation e) where
    pure = Success
    Failure e1 <*> Failure e2 = Failure (e1 <> e2)
    Failure e1 <*> Success _  = Failure e1
    Success _  <*> Failure e2 = Failure e2
    Success f  <*> Success a  = Success (f a)

instance Semigroup e => Selective (Validation e) where
    select (Success (Right b)) _ = Success b
    select (Success (Left  a)) f = ($a) <$> f
    select (Failure e        ) _ = Failure e

-- | Static analysis of selective functors with over-approximation.
newtype Over m a = Over m
        (Functor, Applicative, Selective)
        ViaSelectA (Const m)
    deriving Show

-- | Extract the contents of 'Over'.
getOver :: Over m a -> m
getOver (Over x) = x

-- | Static analysis of selective functors with under-approximation.
newtype Under m a = Under m
    deriving (Functor, Applicative) via Const m
    deriving Show

instance Monoid m => Selective (Under m) where
    select (Under m) _ = Under m

-- | Extract the contents of 'Under'.
getUnder :: Under m a -> m
getUnder (Under x) = x

------------------------------------ Arrows ------------------------------------

-- See the following standard definitions in "Control.Arrow".
-- newtype ArrowMonad a b = ArrowMonad (a () b)
-- instance Arrow a => Functor (ArrowMonad a)
-- instance Arrow a => Applicative (ArrowMonad a)

instance ArrowChoice a => Selective (ArrowMonad a) where
    select (ArrowMonad x) y = ArrowMonad $ x >>> (toArrow y ||| returnA)

toArrow :: Arrow a => ArrowMonad a (b -> c) -> a b c
toArrow (ArrowMonad f) = arr (\x -> ((), x)) >>> first f >>> arr (uncurry ($))