{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}

module Codec.SelfExtract.Distribution
  ( bundle
  , bundle'
  ) where

import Control.Monad.Extra (unlessM)
import Data.Binary (Word32, encode)
import Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.FileEmbed (injectFileWith)
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo (LocalBuildInfo(..))
import Path (Dir, File, Path, fromAbsFile, parseRelDir, parseRelFile, relfile, toFilePath, (</>))
import Path.IO (doesFileExist, renameFile, resolveDir', withSystemTempDir)
import System.PosixCompat.Files (fileSize, getFileStatus)

import Codec.SelfExtract.Tar (tar)

-- | Bundle the given directory into the executable with the given name.
-- To be used as part of the Setup.hs file.
bundle :: String -> FilePath -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO ()
bundle exe dir lbi = do
  dir' <- resolveDir' dir
  bundle' exe dir' lbi

-- | Bundle the given directory into the executable with the given name.
-- To be used as part of the Setup.hs file.
bundle' :: String -> Path b Dir -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO ()
bundle' exeName dir LocalBuildInfo{buildDir} = do
  exeDir <- resolveDir' buildDir
  exeNameDir <- parseRelDir exeName
  exeNameFile <- parseRelFile exeName

  let exe = exeDir </> exeNameDir </> exeNameFile
  unlessM (doesFileExist exe) $ error $ "Executable does not exist: " ++ exeName

  size <- getFileSize exe

  withSystemTempDir "self-extract" $ \tempDir -> do
    let exeWithSize = tempDir </> [relfile|exe_with_size|]
    injectFileWith "self-extract"
      (LBS.toStrict $ encode size)
      (fromAbsFile exe)
      (fromAbsFile exeWithSize)

    let zippedDir = tempDir </> [relfile|bundle.tar.gz|]
    tar dir zippedDir

    let combined = tempDir </> [relfile|exe_and_bundle|]
    cat [exeWithSize, zippedDir] combined

    renameFile combined exe

-- | Get the size of the given file.
getFileSize :: Path b File -> IO Word32
getFileSize = fmap getSize . getFileStatus . toFilePath
    getSize = fromIntegral . fileSize

-- | Concatenate the given files and write to the given file.
cat :: [Path b File] -> Path b File -> IO ()
cat srcs dest = do
  contents <- BS.concat <$> mapM (BS.readFile . toFilePath) srcs
  BS.writeFile (toFilePath dest) contents