Module: Test.Semiring
Description: Some QuickCheck properties for Semirings
License: MIT
Maintainer: mail@doisinkidney.com
Stability: experimental

module Test.Semiring
  ( plusAssoc
  , mulAssoc
  , plusComm
  , mulDistribL
  , mulDistribR
  , plusId
  , mulId
  , annihilate
  , semiringLaws
  , Laws
  ) where

import           Data.Semiring   (Semiring (..))
import           Test.QuickCheck (Property, conjoin, counterexample)

-- | Plus is associative.
plusAssoc :: (Eq a, Semiring a, Show a) => a -> a -> a -> Property
plusAssoc x y z = counterexample s res where
  res = lp == rp
  l = x <+> y
  r = y <+> z
  lp = l <+> z
  rp = x <+> r
  s = unlines
    [ "Testing associativity of plus."
    , "Law: (x <+> y) <+> z = x <+> (y <+> z)"
    , "x <+> y = " ++ show l
    , "y <+> z = " ++ show r
    , "(x <+> y) <+> z = " ++ show lp
    , "x <+> (y <+> z) = " ++ show rp]

-- | Multiplication is associative.
mulAssoc :: (Eq a, Semiring a, Show a) => a -> a -> a -> Property
mulAssoc x y z = counterexample s (lp == rp) where
  l = x <.> y
  r = y <.> z
  lp = l <.> z
  rp = x <.> r
  s = unlines
    [ "Testing associativity of <.>."
    , "Law: (x <.> y) <.> z = x <.> (y <.> z)"
    , "x <.> y = " ++ show l
    , "y <.> z = " ++ show r
    , "(x <.> y) <.> z = " ++ show lp
    , "x <.> (y <.> z) = " ++ show rp]

-- | Plus is commutative.
plusComm :: (Eq a, Semiring a, Show a) => a -> a -> Property
plusComm x y = counterexample s (l == r) where
  l = x <+> y
  r = y <+> x
  s = unlines
    [ "Testing commutativity of <+>."
    , "Law: x <+> y = y <+> x"
    , "x <+> y = " ++ show l
    , "y <+> x = " ++ show r ]

-- | Multiplication distributes left.
mulDistribL :: (Eq a, Semiring a, Show a) => a -> a -> a -> Property
mulDistribL x y z = counterexample s (l == r) where
  l = x <.> (y <+> z)
  r = x <.> y <+> x <.> z
  s = unlines
    [ "Testing left distributivity of <.> over <+>."
    , "Law: x <.> (y <+> z) = x <.> y <+> x <.> z"
    , "x <.> (y <+> z) = " ++ show l
    , "x <.> y <+> x <.> z  = " ++ show r ]

-- | Multiplication distributes right.
mulDistribR :: (Eq a, Semiring a, Show a) => a -> a -> a -> Property
mulDistribR x y z = counterexample s (l == r) where
  l = (x <+> y) <.> z
  r = x <.> z <+> y <.> z
  s = unlines
    [ "Testing right distributivity of <.> over <+>."
    , "Law: (x <+> y) <.> z = x <.> z <+> y <.> z"
    , "(x <+> y) <.> z = " ++ show l
    , "x <.> z <+> y <.> z = " ++ show r ]

-- | Additive identity.
plusId :: (Eq a, Semiring a, Show a) => a -> Property
plusId x = counterexample s (l == x && r ==x) where
  l = x <+> zero
  r = zero <+> x
  s = unlines
    [ "Testing identity of <+>."
    , "Law: x <+> zero = zero <+> x = x"
    , "x = " ++ show x
    , "x <+> zero = " ++ show l
    , "zero <+> x = " ++ show r ]

-- | Multiplicative identity.
mulId :: (Eq a, Semiring a, Show a) => a -> Property
mulId x = counterexample s (l == x && r ==x) where
  l = x <.> one
  r = one <.> x
  s = unlines
    [ "Testing identity of <.>."
    , "Law: x <.> one = one <.> x = x"
    , "x = " ++ show x
    , "x <.> one = " ++ show l
    , "one <.> x = " ++ show r ]

-- | Annihilation of '<.>' by 'zero'.
annihilate :: (Eq a, Semiring a, Show a) => a -> Property
annihilate x = counterexample s (l == zero && r == zero) where
  l = x <.> zero
  r = zero <.> x
  s = unlines
    [ "Testing annihilation of <.> by zero."
    , "Law: x <.> zero = zero <.> x = zero"
    , "x = " ++ show x
    , "x <.> zero = " ++ show l
    , "zero <.> x = " ++ show r ]

-- | A property for all laws of 'Semiring'.
semiringLaws :: (Eq a, Semiring a, Show a) => a -> a -> a -> Property
semiringLaws x y z = conjoin
  [ plusAssoc   x y z
  , mulAssoc    x y z
  , plusComm    x y
  , mulDistribL x y z
  , mulDistribR x y z
  , plusId      x
  , mulId       x
  , annihilate  x ]

type Laws a = a -> a -> a -> Property