-- | Various utilities for working with newtype wrappers.

module Data.Semiring.Newtype where

import Data.Coerce
import Text.Read
import Text.Read.Lex
-- import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec
-- import Control.Monad

-- Show1, Read1

-- | A definition for 'Data.Functor.Classes.liftShowsPrec' suitable for
-- newtypes.
-- Given a newtype declared as:
-- @
-- newtype T a = T { unT :: a }
-- @
-- The 'Data.Functor.Classes.Show1' definition can be given as:
-- @
-- instance Show1 T where
--   liftShowsPrec = showsNewtype "T" "unT"
-- @
    :: Coercible b a
    => String
    -> String
    -> (Int -> a -> ShowS)
    -> ([a] -> ShowS)
    -> Int
    -> b
    -> ShowS
showsNewtype cons acc = s
    s sp _ n x =
        showParen (n > 10) $
        showString cons .
        showString " {" .
        showString acc . showString " = " . sp 0 (coerce x) . showChar '}'
{-# INLINE showsNewtype #-}

-- | A definition for 'Data.Functor.Classes.liftReadsPrec' suitable for
-- newtypes.
-- Given a newtype declared as:
-- @
-- newtype T a = T { unT :: a }
-- @
-- The 'Data.Functor.Classes.Read1' definition can be given as:
-- @
-- instance Read1 T where
--   liftReadsPrec = readsNewtype "T" "unT"
-- @
    :: Coercible a b
    => String -> String -> (Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadS [a] -> Int -> ReadS b
readsNewtype cons acc = r where
    r rp _ = readPrec_to_S $ parens $ prec 10 $ do
        lift $ expect (Ident cons)
        Punc "{" <- lexP
        lift $ expect (Ident acc)
        Punc "=" <- lexP
        x <- reset (readS_to_Prec rp)
        Punc "}" <- lexP
        pure (coerce x)
{-# INLINE readsNewtype #-}

-- Typealiases to make coercion signatures shorter

type Binary a = a -> a -> a
type CoerceBinary a b = Binary a -> Binary b
type WrapBinary f a = Binary a -> BinaryWrapped f a
type BinaryWrapped f a = Binary (f a)

-- Coercive composition

infixr 9 #.
(#.) :: Coercible b c => (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
(#.) _ = coerce
{-# INLINE (#.) #-}

infixr 9 .#
(.#) :: Coercible a b => (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
(.#) f _ = coerce f
{-# INLINE (.#) #-}