{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module SequenceTools.PileupCaller (callToDosage, Call(..), callGenotypeFromPileup,
    callMajorityAllele, findMajorityAlleles, callRandomAllele,
    callRandomDiploid, CallingMode(..),
    TransitionsMode(..), filterTransitions, cleanSSdamageAllSamples) where

import SequenceFormats.FreqSum (FreqSumEntry(..))
import SequenceFormats.Pileup (Strand(..))
import SequenceTools.Utils (sampleWithoutReplacement)

import Data.List (sortOn, group, sort)
import Pipes (Pipe, cat)
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P

-- |A datatype to represent a single genotype call
data Call = HaploidCall Char | DiploidCall Char Char | MissingCall deriving (Show, Eq)

-- |A datatype to specify the calling mode
data CallingMode = MajorityCalling Bool | RandomCalling | RandomDiploidCalling

data TransitionsMode = TransitionsMissing | SkipTransitions | SingleStrandMode | AllSites deriving (Eq)

-- |a function to turn a call into the dosage of non-reference alleles
callToDosage :: Char -> Char -> Call -> Maybe Int
callToDosage refA altA call = case call of
    HaploidCall a | a == refA -> Just 0
                  | a == altA -> Just 1
                  | otherwise -> Nothing
    DiploidCall a1 a2 | (a1, a2) == (refA, refA) -> Just 0
                      | (a1, a2) == (refA, altA) -> Just 1
                      | (a1, a2) == (altA, refA) -> Just 1
                      | (a1, a2) == (altA, altA) -> Just 2
                      | otherwise                -> Nothing
    MissingCall -> Nothing

-- |Make a call from alleles 
callGenotypeFromPileup :: CallingMode -> Int -> String -> IO Call
callGenotypeFromPileup mode minDepth alleles =
    if length alleles < minDepth then return MissingCall else
        case mode of
            MajorityCalling withDownsampling -> callMajorityAllele withDownsampling minDepth alleles
            RandomCalling -> callRandomAllele alleles
            RandomDiploidCalling -> callRandomDiploid alleles

-- |Sample the majority allele, or one of the majority alleles
callMajorityAllele :: Bool -> Int-> String -> IO Call
callMajorityAllele withDownsampling minDepth alleles = do
    maybeAlleles <- if withDownsampling
        then sampleWithoutReplacement alleles minDepth
        else return (Just alleles)
    case maybeAlleles of
        Nothing -> return MissingCall
        Just alleles' -> do
            a <- case findMajorityAlleles alleles' of
                [] -> error "should not happen"
                [a'] -> return a'
                listA -> do
                    r <- sampleWithoutReplacement listA 1
                    case r of
                        Just [r'] -> return r'
                        _ -> error "should not happen"
            return $ HaploidCall a

-- |Find the majority allele(s)
findMajorityAlleles :: String -> [Char]
findMajorityAlleles alleles =
    let groupedAlleles = sortOn fst [(length g, head g) | g <- group . sort $ alleles]
        majorityCount = fst . last $ groupedAlleles
    in  [a | (n, a) <- groupedAlleles, n == majorityCount]

-- |call a random allele
callRandomAllele :: String -> IO Call
callRandomAllele alleles = do
    res <- sampleWithoutReplacement alleles 1
    case res of
        Nothing -> return MissingCall
        Just [a] -> return $ HaploidCall a
        _ -> error "should not happen"

-- |call two random alleles
callRandomDiploid :: String -> IO Call
callRandomDiploid alleles = do
    res <- sampleWithoutReplacement alleles 2
    case res of
        Nothing -> return MissingCall
        Just [a1, a2] -> return $ DiploidCall a1 a2
        _ -> error "should not happen"

filterTransitions :: (Monad m) => TransitionsMode -> Pipe FreqSumEntry FreqSumEntry m ()
filterTransitions transversionsMode =
    case transversionsMode of
        SkipTransitions ->
            P.filter (\(FreqSumEntry _ _ _ _ ref alt _) -> isTransversion ref alt)
        TransitionsMissing ->
            P.map (\(FreqSumEntry chrom pos id_ gpos ref alt calls) ->
                let calls' = if isTransversion ref alt then calls else [Nothing | _ <- calls]
                in  FreqSumEntry chrom pos id_ gpos ref alt calls')
        _ -> cat
    isTransversion ref alt = not $ isTransition ref alt
    isTransition ref alt =
        ((ref == 'A') && (alt == 'G')) ||
        ((ref == 'G') && (alt == 'A')) ||
        ((ref == 'C') && (alt == 'T')) ||
        ((ref == 'T') && (alt == 'C'))

cleanSSdamageAllSamples :: Char -> Char -> [String] -> [[Strand]] -> [String]
cleanSSdamageAllSamples ref alt basesPerSample strandPerSample =
    if   (ref, alt) == ('C', 'T') || (ref, alt) == ('T', 'C')
    then [removeForwardBases bases strands | (bases, strands) <- zip basesPerSample strandPerSample]
        if (ref, alt) == ('G', 'A') || (ref, alt) == ('A', 'G')
        then [removeReverseBases bases strands | (bases, strands) <- zip basesPerSample strandPerSample]
        else basesPerSample
    removeForwardBases = removeReads ForwardStrand
    removeReverseBases = removeReads ReverseStrand

removeReads :: Strand -> String -> [Strand] -> String
removeReads strand bases strands = [b | (b, s) <- zip bases strands, s /= strand]