{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs            #-}

-- | Utility functions to work with `text` and `text-format`. Feel
-- free to add more if you need. Some functions have two versions, `'`
-- suffix means that function operates on strict Text.

module Serokell.Util.Text
       ( -- * @formatting@ utilities
         FPFormat (..)
       , showFloat
       , showFloat'
       , showFixedPretty'
       , showDecimal
       , showDecimal'

       -- * Formatters
       , pairF
       , tripleF
       , listJson
       , listMap
       , listJsonIndent
       , listChunkedJson
       , listCsv
       , mapJson

       -- * Builders
       , pairBuilder
       , tripleBuilder
       , listBuilder
       , listBuilderJSON
       , listBuilderJSONIndent
       , listChunkedBuilderJson
       , listBuilderCSV
       , mapBuilder
       , mapBuilderJson

       -- * String readers
       , readFractional
       , readDouble
       , readDecimal
       , readUnsignedDecimal
       ) where

import Prelude

import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.RealFloat (FPFormat (Exponent, Fixed, Generic))
import Formatting (bprint, (%))
import Formatting (Format, fixed, later, sformat)
import Formatting.Buildable (Buildable (build))
import GHC.Exts (IsList (..))

import Serokell.Util.Common (chunksOf)

import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as B
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Int as B
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.RealFloat as B
import qualified Data.Text.Read as T
import qualified Formatting.Formatters as F
import qualified Universum as U

-- | Render a floating point number using normal notation, with the
-- given number of decimal places. This function also truncates
-- redundant terminating zeros.
    :: Real a
    => Int -> a -> T.Text
showFixedPretty' prec =
    T.dropWhileEnd (== '.') . T.dropWhileEnd (== '0') . sformat (fixed prec)

  :: (RealFloat a)
  => FPFormat -> Maybe Int -> a -> LT.Text
showFloat f precision v = B.toLazyText $ B.formatRealFloat f precision v

  :: (RealFloat a)
  => FPFormat -> Maybe Int -> a -> T.Text
showFloat' f prec = LT.toStrict . showFloat f prec

showDecimal :: (Integral a)
             => a -> LT.Text
showDecimal = B.toLazyText . B.decimal

showDecimal' :: (Integral a)
              => a -> T.Text
showDecimal' = LT.toStrict . showDecimal

pairF :: (Buildable a, Buildable b) => Format r ((a,b) -> r)
pairF = later pairBuilder

tripleF :: (Buildable a, Buildable b, Buildable c) => Format r ((a,b,c) -> r)
tripleF = later tripleBuilder

listJson :: (Foldable t, Buildable a) => Format r (t a -> r)
listJson = later listBuilderJSON

listMap :: (Traversable t, Buildable a, Buildable b) => Format r (t (a, b) -> r)
listMap = later mapBuilder

listJsonIndent :: (Foldable t, Buildable a) => Word -> Format r (t a -> r)
listJsonIndent = later . listBuilderJSONIndent

    :: (U.Container l, Buildable (U.Element l))
    => Int -> Format r (l -> r)
listChunkedJson chunkSize = later $ listChunkedBuilderJson chunkSize

listCsv :: (Foldable t, Buildable a) => Format r (t a -> r)
listCsv = later listBuilderCSV

mapJson :: (IsList t, Item t ~ (k, v), Buildable k, Buildable v)
        => Format r (t -> r)
mapJson = later mapBuilderJson

-- | Prints pair (a, b) like "(a, b)"
    :: (Buildable a, Buildable b)
    => (a, b) -> B.Builder
pairBuilder (a, b) = bprint ("(" % F.build % ", " % F.build % ")") a b

-- | Prints triple (a, b, c) like "(a, b, c)"
    :: (Buildable a, Buildable b, Buildable c)
    => (a, b, c) -> B.Builder
tripleBuilder (a, b, c) =
    bprint ("("%F.build%", "%F.build%", "%F.build%")") a b c

-- | Generic list builder. Prints prefix, then values separated by delimiter and finally suffix
  :: (Buildable prefix, Buildable delimiter, Buildable suffix, Foldable t, Buildable a)
  => prefix -> delimiter -> suffix -> t a -> B.Builder
listBuilder prefix delimiter suffix as =
  mconcat [build prefix, mconcat builders, build suffix]
  where builders = foldr appendBuilder [] as
        appendBuilder a [] = [build a]
        appendBuilder a bs = build a : build delimiter : bs

-- | This function helps to deduce type arising from string literal
  :: (Foldable t, Buildable a)
  => B.Builder -> B.Builder -> B.Builder -> t a -> B.Builder
_listBuilder = listBuilder

-- | Prints values in JSON-style (e. g. `[111, ololo, blablabla]`)
  :: (Foldable t, Buildable a)
  => t a -> B.Builder
listBuilderJSON = _listBuilder "[" ", " "]"

-- | Like listBuilderJSON, but prints each value on a new line with indentation
  :: (Foldable t, Buildable a)
  => Word -> t a -> B.Builder
listBuilderJSONIndent _ as | null as = "[]"
listBuilderJSONIndent indent as =
    listBuilder ("[\n" `LT.append` spaces)
                ("\n]" :: B.Builder)
  where spaces =
          LT.replicate (fromIntegral indent)
                       " "
        delimiter = ",\n" `LT.append` spaces

-- | Like listBuilderJSON. but prints per @chunkSize@ elements on a line.
    :: (U.Container l, Buildable (U.Element l))
    => Int -> l -> B.Builder
listChunkedBuilderJson chunkSize values
    | U.null values = "[]"
    | otherwise =
        _listBuilder "[" "" (newline U.<> "]") $
        _listBuilder newline ", " "" <$>
        chunksOf chunkSize (U.toList values)
    newline = "\n    "

-- | Prints comma separated values
  :: (Foldable t, Buildable a)
  => t a -> B.Builder
listBuilderCSV = _listBuilder "" "," ""

-- | There is no appropriate type class for map, but all reasonable maps
-- provide something like `assocs` function.
-- Map may be printed prettier (e. g. using JSON style), it's future task.
-- Having at least one such function is still good anyway.
    :: (Traversable t, Buildable k, Buildable v)
    => t (k, v) -> B.Builder
mapBuilder = listBuilderJSON . fmap pairBuilder

    :: (IsList t, Item t ~ (k, v), Buildable k, Buildable v)
    => t -> B.Builder
mapBuilderJson = _listBuilder "{" ", " "}" .
    map (\(a, b) -> bprint (F.build % ": " % F.build) a b) . toList

-- | Read fractional number. Returns error (i. e. Left) if there is something else
readFractional :: Fractional a => T.Text -> Either String a
readFractional = _wrapReader T.rational

-- | Like readFractional, but much more efficient. It may be slightly less accurate
readDouble :: T.Text -> Either String Double
readDouble = _wrapReader T.double

-- | Read signed decimal number. Returns error (i. e. Left) if there is something else
-- WARNING: if input is negative and `a` is unsigned, overflow will occur
readDecimal :: Integral a => T.Text -> Either String a
readDecimal = _wrapReader $ T.signed T.decimal

-- | Read unsigned decimal number. Returns error (i. e. Left) if there is something else
readUnsignedDecimal :: Integral a => T.Text -> Either String a
readUnsignedDecimal = _wrapReader T.decimal

_wrapReader :: T.Reader a -> T.Text -> Either String a
_wrapReader reader t =
  case reader t of
    Left err -> Left $ mconcat [ "failed to parse '"
                               , T.unpack t
                               , "': "
                               , err
    Right (res, "") -> Right res
    Right (_, remainder) ->
      Left $
      mconcat [ "failed to parse '"
              , T.unpack t
              , "', because there is a remainder: "
              , T.unpack remainder