servant-ede-0.5.1: Combinators for rendering EDE templates in servant web applications

Copyright(c) Alp Mestanogullari 2015
Safe HaskellNone




Rendering EDE templates with servant.

This package provides two combinators to be used as content-types with servant (i.e just like JSON), HTML and Tpl.

  • HTML takes a filename as parameter and lets you render the template with that name against the data returned by a request handler using the text/html;charset=utf-8 MIME type, XSS-sanitizing the said data along the way. See HTML for an example.
  • Tpl does the same except that it's parametrized over the content type to be sent along with the rendered template. Any type that has an Accept instance will do. See Tpl for an example.



data HTML file Source

HTML content type, but more than just that.

HTML takes a type-level string which is a filename for the template you want to use to render values. Just like Tpl, types used with the HTML content type (like User below) must provide a ToObject instance.


type UserAPI = "user" :> Get '[JSON, HTML "user.tpl"] User

userAPI :: Proxy UserAPI
userAPI = Proxy

data User = User { name :: String, age :: Int } deriving Generic

instance ToObject User

server :: Server API
server = return (User "lambdabot" 31)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  loadTemplates userAPI "./templates"
  run 8082 (serve userAPI server)

This will look for a template at ./templates/user.tpl, which could for example be:

  <li><strong>Name:</strong> {{ name }}</li>
  <li><strong>Age:</strong> {{ age }}</li>

IMPORTANT: it XSS-sanitizes every bit of text in the Object passed to the template.


Accept * (HTML file)
(KnownSymbol file, ToObject a) => MimeRender * (HTML file) a

XSS-sanitizes data before rendering it

data Tpl ct file Source

A generic template combinator, parametrized over the content-type (or MIME) associated to the template.

The first parameter is the content-type you want to send along with rendered templates (must be an instance of Accept).

The second parameter is the name of (or path to) the template file. It must live under the FilePath argument of loadTemplates.

Any type used with this content-type (like CSSData below) must have an instance of the ToObject class. The field names become the variable names in the template world.

Here is how you could render and serve, say, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) templates that make use of some CSSData data type to tweak the styling.

data CSS

instance Accept CSS where
  contentType _ = "text" // "css"

type StyleAPI = "style.css" :> Get '[Tpl CSS "style.tpl"] CSSData

styleAPI :: Proxy StyleAPI
styleAPI = Proxy

data CSSData = CSSData
  { darken :: Bool
  , pageWidth :: Int
  } deriving Generic

instance ToObject CSSData

server :: Server API
server = -- produce a CSSData value depending on whatever is relevant...

main :: IO ()
main = do
  loadTemplates styleAPI "./templates"
  run 8082 (serve styleAPI server)

This will look for a template at ./templates/style.tpl, which could for example be:

body {
  {% if darken %}
  background-color: #222222;
  color: blue;
  {% else %}
  background-color: white;
  color: back;
  {% endif %}

#content {
  width: {{ pageWidth }};
  margin: 0 auto;

A complete, runnable version of this can be found in the examples folder of the git repository.


Accept * ct => Accept * (Tpl ct file) 
(KnownSymbol file, Accept * ct, ToObject a) => MimeRender * (Tpl ct file) a 

Sending Haskell data to templates

class ToObject a where Source

Turn haskell values into JSON objects.

This is the mechanism used by EDE to marshall data from Haskell to the templates. The rendering is then just about feeding the resulting Object to a compiled Template. Example:

import Text.EDE

data User = User { name :: String, age :: Int }

instance ToObject User where
  toObject user =
    fromPairs [ "name" .= name user
              , "age"  .= age user

However, you're not forced to write the instance yourself for such a type. Indeed, for any record type (i.e a datatype with a single constructor and with field selectors) you can let GHC.Generics derive the ToObject instance for you.

data User = User { name :: String, age :: Int } deriving Generic
instance ToObject User

This will generate an equivalent instance to the previous one.

Minimal complete definition



toObject :: a -> Object Source

Turn values of type a into JSON Objects.

-- Reminder:
type Object = HashMap Text Value


Loading template files (mandatory)

loadTemplates Source


:: (Reify (TemplateFiles api), Applicative m, MonadIO m) 
=> Proxy api 
-> FilePath

root directory for the templates

-> m Errors 

This function initializes a global template store (i.e a Templates value) and fills it with the resulting compiled templates if all of them are compiled successfully. If that's not the case, the global template store (under an MVar) is left empty.

IMPORTANT: Must always be called before starting your servant application. Example:

type API = Get '[HTML "home.tpl"] HomeData

api :: Proxy API
api = Proxy

main :: IO ()
main = loadTemplates api "path/to/templates" >>= print

This would try to load home.tpl, printing any error or registering the compiled template in a global (but safe) compiled template store, if successfully compiled.

type family TemplateFiles api :: [Symbol] Source

Collect all the template filenames of an API as a type-level list of strings, by simply looking at all occurences of the Tpl and HTML combinators and keeping the filenames associated to them.


type TemplateFiles * Raw = [] Symbol 
type TemplateFiles * ((:<|>) a b) 
type TemplateFiles * (Get cs a) 
type TemplateFiles * (Post cs a) 
type TemplateFiles * (Delete cs a) 
type TemplateFiles * (Put cs a) 
type TemplateFiles * (Patch cs a) 
type TemplateFiles * ((:>) k k1 a r) = TemplateFiles k1 r 

class Reify symbols Source

Helper class to reify a type-level list of strings into a value-level list of string. Used to turn the type-level list of template file names into a value-level list.

Minimal complete definition



Reify ([] Symbol) 
(KnownSymbol s, Reify symbols) => Reify ((:) Symbol s symbols) 

data Templates Source

An opaque "compiled-template store".

The only way to get a value of this type is to use loadTemplates on a proxy of your API.

This ensures that when we lookup a template (in order to render it) in our Templates store, we are guaranteed to find it.

type TemplateError = (FilePath, String) Source

A TemplateError is a pair of a template filename and the error string for that file.