{-# LANGUAGE CPP                   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances  #-}
module Servant.Server.Internal.Delayed where

import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
                 (MonadIO (..))
import           Control.Monad.Reader
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
                 (ResourceT, runResourceT)
import           Network.Wai
                 (Request, Response)

import           Servant.Server.Internal.DelayedIO
import           Servant.Server.Internal.Handler
import           Servant.Server.Internal.RouteResult
import           Servant.Server.Internal.ServerError

-- | A 'Delayed' is a representation of a handler with scheduled
-- delayed checks that can trigger errors.
-- Why would we want to delay checks?
-- There are two reasons:
-- 1. In a straight-forward implementation, the order in which we
-- perform checks will determine the error we generate. This is
-- because once an error occurs, we would abort and not perform
-- any subsequent checks, but rather return the current error.
-- This is not a necessity: we could continue doing other checks,
-- and choose the preferred error. However, that would in general
-- mean more checking, which leads us to the other reason.
-- 2. We really want to avoid doing certain checks too early. For
-- example, captures involve parsing, and are much more costly
-- than static route matches. In particular, if several paths
-- contain the "same" capture, we'd like as much as possible to
-- avoid trying the same parse many times. Also tricky is the
-- request body. Again, this involves parsing, but also, WAI makes
-- obtaining the request body a side-effecting operation. We
-- could/can work around this by manually caching the request body,
-- but we'd rather keep the number of times we actually try to
-- decode the request body to an absolute minimum.
-- We prefer to have the following relative priorities of error
-- codes:
-- @
-- 404
-- 405 (bad method)
-- 401 (unauthorized)
-- 415 (unsupported media type)
-- 406 (not acceptable)
-- 400 (bad request)
-- @
-- Therefore, while routing, we delay most checks so that they
-- will ultimately occur in the right order.
-- A 'Delayed' contains many delayed blocks of tests, and
-- the actual handler:
-- 1. Delayed captures. These can actually cause 404, and
-- while they're costly, they should be done first among the
-- delayed checks (at least as long as we do not decouple the
-- check order from the error reporting, see above). Delayed
-- captures can provide inputs to the actual handler.
-- 2. Method check(s). This can cause a 405. On success,
-- it does not provide an input for the handler. Method checks
-- are comparatively cheap.
-- 3. Authentication checks. This can cause 401.
-- 4. Accept and content type header checks. These checks
-- can cause 415 and 406 errors.
-- 5. Query parameter checks. They require parsing and can cause 400 if the
-- parsing fails. Query parameter checks provide inputs to the handler
-- 6. Header Checks. They also require parsing and can cause 400 if parsing fails.
-- 7. Body check. The request body check can cause 400.
data Delayed env c where
  Delayed :: { capturesD :: env -> DelayedIO captures
             , methodD   :: DelayedIO ()
             , authD     :: DelayedIO auth
             , acceptD   :: DelayedIO ()
             , contentD  :: DelayedIO contentType
             , paramsD   :: DelayedIO params
             , headersD  :: DelayedIO headers
             , bodyD     :: contentType -> DelayedIO body
             , serverD   :: captures
                         -> params
                         -> headers
                         -> auth
                         -> body
                         -> Request
                         -> RouteResult c
             } -> Delayed env c

instance Functor (Delayed env) where
  fmap f Delayed{..} =
      { serverD = \ c p h a b req -> f <$> serverD c p h a b req
      , ..
      } -- Note [Existential Record Update]

-- | A 'Delayed' without any stored checks.
emptyDelayed :: RouteResult a -> Delayed env a
emptyDelayed result =
  Delayed (const r) r r r r r r (const r) (\ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> result)
    r = return ()

-- | Add a capture to the end of the capture block.
addCapture :: Delayed env (a -> b)
           -> (captured -> DelayedIO a)
           -> Delayed (captured, env) b
addCapture Delayed{..} new =
    { capturesD = \ (txt, env) -> (,) <$> capturesD env <*> new txt
    , serverD   = \ (x, v) p h a b req -> ($ v) <$> serverD x p h a b req
    , ..
    } -- Note [Existential Record Update]

-- | Add a parameter check to the end of the params block
addParameterCheck :: Delayed env (a -> b)
                  -> DelayedIO a
                  -> Delayed env b
addParameterCheck Delayed {..} new =
    { paramsD = (,) <$> paramsD <*> new
    , serverD = \c (p, pNew) h a b req -> ($ pNew) <$> serverD c p h a b req
    , ..

-- | Add a parameter check to the end of the params block
addHeaderCheck :: Delayed env (a -> b)
               -> DelayedIO a
               -> Delayed env b
addHeaderCheck Delayed {..} new =
    { headersD = (,) <$> headersD <*> new
    , serverD = \c p (h, hNew) a b req -> ($ hNew) <$> serverD c p h a b req
    , ..

-- | Add a method check to the end of the method block.
addMethodCheck :: Delayed env a
               -> DelayedIO ()
               -> Delayed env a
addMethodCheck Delayed{..} new =
    { methodD = methodD <* new
    , ..
    } -- Note [Existential Record Update]

-- | Add an auth check to the end of the auth block.
addAuthCheck :: Delayed env (a -> b)
             -> DelayedIO a
             -> Delayed env b
addAuthCheck Delayed{..} new =
    { authD   = (,) <$> authD <*> new
    , serverD = \ c p h (y, v) b req -> ($ v) <$> serverD c p h y b req
    , ..
    } -- Note [Existential Record Update]

-- | Add a content type and body checks around parameter checks.
-- We'll report failed content type check (415), before trying to parse
-- query parameters (400). Which, in turn, happens before request body parsing.
addBodyCheck :: Delayed env (a -> b)
             -> DelayedIO c         -- ^ content type check
             -> (c -> DelayedIO a)  -- ^ body check
             -> Delayed env b
addBodyCheck Delayed{..} newContentD newBodyD =
    { contentD = (,) <$> contentD <*> newContentD
    , bodyD    = \(content, c) -> (,) <$> bodyD content <*> newBodyD c
    , serverD  = \ c p h a (z, v) req -> ($ v) <$> serverD c p h a z req
    , ..
    } -- Note [Existential Record Update]

-- | Add an accept header check before handling parameters.
-- In principle, we'd like
-- to take a bad body (400) response take precedence over a
-- failed accept check (406). BUT to allow streaming the body,
-- we cannot run the body check and then still backtrack.
-- We therefore do the accept check before the body check,
-- when we can still backtrack. There are other solutions to
-- this, but they'd be more complicated (such as delaying the
-- body check further so that it can still be run in a situation
-- where we'd otherwise report 406).
addAcceptCheck :: Delayed env a
               -> DelayedIO ()
               -> Delayed env a
addAcceptCheck Delayed{..} new =
    { acceptD = acceptD *> new
    , ..
    } -- Note [Existential Record Update]

-- | Many combinators extract information that is passed to
-- the handler without the possibility of failure. In such a
-- case, 'passToServer' can be used.
passToServer :: Delayed env (a -> b) -> (Request -> a) -> Delayed env b
passToServer Delayed{..} x =
    { serverD = \ c p h a b req -> ($ x req) <$> serverD c p h a b req
    , ..
    } -- Note [Existential Record Update]

-- | Run a delayed server. Performs all scheduled operations
-- in order, and passes the results from the capture and body
-- blocks on to the actual handler.
-- This should only be called once per request; otherwise the guarantees about
-- effect and HTTP error ordering break down.
runDelayed :: Delayed env a
           -> env
           -> Request
           -> ResourceT IO (RouteResult a)
runDelayed Delayed{..} env = runDelayedIO $ do
    r <- ask
    c <- capturesD env
    a <- authD
    content <- contentD
    p <- paramsD       -- Has to be before body parsing, but after content-type checks
    h <- headersD
    b <- bodyD content
    liftRouteResult (serverD c p h a b r)

-- | Runs a delayed server and the resulting action.
-- Takes a continuation that lets us send a response.
-- Also takes a continuation for how to turn the
-- result of the delayed server into a response.
runAction :: Delayed env (Handler a)
          -> env
          -> Request
          -> (RouteResult Response -> IO r)
          -> (a -> RouteResult Response)
          -> IO r
runAction action env req respond k = runResourceT $
    runDelayed action env req >>= go >>= liftIO . respond
    go (Fail e)      = return $ Fail e
    go (FailFatal e) = return $ FailFatal e
    go (Route a)     = liftIO $ do
      e <- runHandler a
      case e of
        Left err -> return . Route $ responseServerError err
        Right x  -> return $! k x

{- Note [Existential Record Update]

Due to GHC issue <https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/2595 2595>, we cannot
do the more succinct thing - just update the records we actually change.