sessions-2008.3.29: Session Types for HaskellSource codeContentsIndex
Heterogeneous lists. This has been done many times, in many different ways. Explicit constructors are hidden deliberately.
data Nil
data Cons
class TyListLength list length | list -> length where
tyListLength :: list -> length
nil :: Nil
cons :: TyList n => t -> n -> Cons t n
modifyCons :: (TyList n1, TyList n2) => (t1 -> t2) -> (n1 -> n2) -> Cons t1 n1 -> Cons t2 n2
tyHead :: Cons t n -> t
tyTail :: Cons t n -> n
class TyList l
class TyListIndex lst idx res | lst idx -> res where
tyListIndex :: lst -> idx -> res
tyListUpdate :: lst -> idx -> res -> lst
class TyListUpdateVar lst1 idx val lst2 | lst1 idx val -> lst2 where
tyListUpdateVar :: lst1 -> idx -> val -> lst2
class TyListTake cnt lst res | cnt lst -> res where
tyListTake :: cnt -> lst -> res
class TyListDrop cnt lst res | cnt lst -> res where
tyListDrop :: cnt -> lst -> res
class TyListAppend a b c | a b -> c where
tyListAppend :: a -> b -> c
class TyListReverse m n | m -> n, n -> m where
tyListReverse :: m -> n
class TyListElem lst val idx | lst val -> idx where
tyListElem :: lst -> val -> idx
class TyListMember lst val res | lst val -> res where
isTyListMember :: val -> lst -> res
class TyListConsSet e set set' | e set -> set' where
tyListConsSet :: e -> set -> set'
class TyListToSet lst set | lst -> set where
tyListToSet :: lst -> set
class TyListSortNums lstA lstB | lstA -> lstB where
tyListSortNums :: lstA -> lstB
class TyListMap a b | a -> b where
tyListMap :: a -> b
class TyListMapFunc x y | x -> y where
tyListMapFunc :: x -> y
data Nil Source
show/hide Instances
data Cons Source
show/hide Instances
TyList lstA => Insert' True num val lstA (Cons ((,) num val) lstA)
Insert num val Nil (Cons ((,) num val) Nil)
TyList set => TyListConsSet' False e set (Cons e set)
(Insert num val nxt lstB, TyList lstB) => Insert' False num val (Cons ((,) num' val') nxt) (Cons ((,) num' val') lstB)
(SmallerThanBool num num' isSmaller, Insert' isSmaller num val (Cons ((,) num' val') nxt) lstB) => Insert num val (Cons ((,) num' val') nxt) lstB
(TyListDrop cnt' nxt lst, Pred cnt cnt') => TyListDrop cnt (Cons val nxt) lst
ExpandPids p (Cons (Select loj) Nil) (Cons (Select loj) Nil)
ExpandPids p (Cons (Offer loj) Nil) (Cons (Offer loj) Nil)
ExpandPids p (Cons (Jump l) Nil) (Cons (Jump l) Nil)
(ExpandPids p nxt nxt', TyList nxt, TyList nxt') => ExpandPids p (Cons (Send t) nxt) (Cons (Send t) nxt')
(ExpandPids p nxt nxt', TyList nxt, TyList nxt') => ExpandPids p (Cons (Recv t) nxt) (Cons (Recv t) nxt')
ExpandPids p (Cons End Nil) (Cons End Nil)
(ExpandPids prog nxt nxt', TyList nxt, TyList nxt', BuildPidTyMap progO t (TyMap sessionsToIdx idxsToPairStructs), If invert prog' prog progO, Dual prog prog', Dual progO progO') => ExpandPids prog (Cons (SendPid invert t) nxt) (Cons (Send (Pid progO progO' sessionsToIdx idxsToPairStructs)) nxt')
(ExpandPids prog nxt nxt', TyList nxt, TyList nxt', BuildPidTyMap progO t (TyMap sessionsToIdx idxsToPairStructs), If invert prog' prog progO, Dual prog prog', Dual progO progO') => ExpandPids prog (Cons (RecvPid invert t) nxt) (Cons (Recv (Pid progO progO' sessionsToIdx idxsToPairStructs)) nxt')
(ProgramToMVarsOutgoing ref nxt nxt', TyList nxt, TyList nxt') => ProgramToMVarsOutgoing ref (Cons val nxt) (Cons (MVar (ProgramCell (Cell val'))) nxt')
(BuildPidTyMap' prog nxt (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) (TyMap keyToIdx' idxToValue'), TyList nxt) => BuildPidTyMap' prog (Cons ((,) init True) nxt) (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) (TyMap keyToIdx' idxToValue')
(BuildPidTyMap' prog nxt (TyMap keyToIdx' idxToValue') (TyMap keyToIdx'' idxToValue''), MapInsert (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) init (MVar (Map ((,) RawPid RawPid) (MVar (PairStruct init prog prog' ((,,) (Cons (Jump init) Nil) (Cons (Jump init) Nil) (Cons (Jump init) Nil)))))) (TyMap keyToIdx' idxToValue'), TyList nxt) => BuildPidTyMap' prog (Cons ((,) init False) nxt) (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) (TyMap keyToIdx'' idxToValue'')
TyListTake (D0 E) (Cons val nxt) Nil
(TyListTake cnt' nxt nxt', Pred (D9 r) cnt') => TyListTake (D9 r) (Cons val nxt) (Cons val nxt')
(TyListTake cnt' nxt nxt', Pred (D8 r) cnt') => TyListTake (D8 r) (Cons val nxt) (Cons val nxt')
(TyListTake cnt' nxt nxt', Pred (D7 r) cnt') => TyListTake (D7 r) (Cons val nxt) (Cons val nxt')
(TyListTake cnt' nxt nxt', Pred (D6 r) cnt') => TyListTake (D6 r) (Cons val nxt) (Cons val nxt')
(TyListTake cnt' nxt nxt', Pred (D5 r) cnt') => TyListTake (D5 r) (Cons val nxt) (Cons val nxt')
(TyListTake cnt' nxt nxt', Pred (D4 r) cnt') => TyListTake (D4 r) (Cons val nxt) (Cons val nxt')
(TyListTake cnt' nxt nxt', Pred (D3 r) cnt') => TyListTake (D3 r) (Cons val nxt) (Cons val nxt')
(TyListTake cnt' nxt nxt', Pred (D2 r) cnt') => TyListTake (D2 r) (Cons val nxt) (Cons val nxt')
(TyListTake cnt' nxt nxt', Pred (D1 r) cnt') => TyListTake (D1 r) (Cons val nxt) (Cons val nxt')
TyListDrop (D0 E) (Cons val nxt) (Cons val nxt)
(TyListLength n l, Succ l l', Show n, Show t) => Show (Cons t n)
TyList nxt => TyList (Cons val nxt)
(SValidSessionType nxt, SNonTerminal val) => SValidSessionType (Cons val nxt)
STerminal a => SValidSessionType (Cons a Nil)
(SValidSessionType val, SListOfSessionTypes nxt) => SListOfSessionTypes (Cons val nxt)
(SListOfJumps nxt, TyNum val) => SListOfJumps (Cons (Cons (Jump val) Nil) nxt)
(TyNum num, TyListSortNums nxt lst', Insert num val lst' lst'') => TyListSortNums (Cons ((,) num val) nxt) lst''
(TyListToSet nxt set, TyListConsSet v set set') => TyListToSet (Cons v nxt) set'
(TyListLength n len, Succ len len') => TyListLength (Cons t n) len'
(SNoJumpsBeyond val idx, SNoJumpsBeyond nxt idx) => SNoJumpsBeyond (Cons val nxt) idx
TyListMember nxt val res => TyListMember (Cons val' nxt) val res
TyListMember (Cons val nxt) val True
(TyListReverse' nxt (Cons v acc) n, TyList acc) => TyListReverse' (Cons v nxt) acc n
(TyListIndex nxt idx' res, Pred idx idx', SmallerThanBool idx' len True, TyListLength nxt len) => TyListIndex (Cons val nxt) idx res
(Succ acc acc', TyListElem' nxt acc' val idx) => TyListElem' (Cons val' nxt) acc val idx
TyListElem' (Cons val nxt) idx val idx
TyListAppend nxt b nxt' => TyListAppend (Cons val nxt) b (Cons val nxt')
TyListIndex (Cons res nxt) (D0 E) res
(TyListMapFunc x x', TyListMap nxt nxt', TyList nxt, TyList nxt') => TyListMap (Cons x nxt) (Cons x' nxt')
(TyNum num, MakeListOfJumps nxt nxt', TyList nxt, TyList nxt') => MakeListOfJumps (Cons ((,) num invert) nxt) (Cons (Cons (Jump num) Nil) nxt')
(TyList nxt, TyList nxt', Dual val val', Dual nxt nxt') => Dual (Cons val nxt) (Cons val' nxt')
(FindNonEmptyIncoming (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) nxt, MapLookup (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) idx (SessionState prog prog' ((,,) current fromO fromI)), TypeNumberToInt idx) => FindNonEmptyIncoming (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) (Cons idx nxt)
(MapLookup (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) idx (SessionState prog prog' ((,,) current fromO fromI)), SetIncomingNotify (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) nxt, TypeNumberToInt idx) => SetIncomingNotify (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) (Cons idx nxt)
class TyListLength list length | list -> length whereSource
Find the length of a list.
tyListLength :: list -> lengthSource
show/hide Instances
nil :: NilSource
cons :: TyList n => t -> n -> Cons t nSource
modifyCons :: (TyList n1, TyList n2) => (t1 -> t2) -> (n1 -> n2) -> Cons t1 n1 -> Cons t2 n2Source
tyHead :: Cons t n -> tSource
tyTail :: Cons t n -> nSource
class TyList l Source
show/hide Instances
TyList Nil
TyList nxt => TyList (Cons val nxt)
class TyListIndex lst idx res | lst idx -> res whereSource
Index or update a list. When updating, the type of the new value must be the same as the type of the old value.
tyListIndex :: lst -> idx -> resSource
tyListUpdate :: lst -> idx -> res -> lstSource
show/hide Instances
(TyListIndex nxt idx' res, Pred idx idx', SmallerThanBool idx' len True, TyListLength nxt len) => TyListIndex (Cons val nxt) idx res
TyListIndex (Cons res nxt) (D0 E) res
TyListIndex (Cons res nxt) (D0 E) res
class TyListUpdateVar lst1 idx val lst2 | lst1 idx val -> lst2 whereSource
Update a list but allow the type of the new value to be different from the type of the old value.
tyListUpdateVar :: lst1 -> idx -> val -> lst2Source
class TyListTake cnt lst res | cnt lst -> res whereSource
Take from the head of a list. Mirrors the Prelude function take.
tyListTake :: cnt -> lst -> resSource
show/hide Instances
TyListTake (D0 E) Nil Nil
TyListTake (D0 E) Nil Nil
TyListTake (D0 E) (Cons val nxt) Nil
TyListTake (D0 E) (Cons val nxt) Nil
TyListTake (D0 E) (Cons val nxt) Nil
(TyListTake cnt' nxt nxt', Pred (D9 r) cnt') => TyListTake (D9 r) (Cons val nxt) (Cons val nxt')
(TyListTake cnt' nxt nxt', Pred (D9 r) cnt') => TyListTake (D9 r) (Cons val nxt) (Cons val nxt')
(TyListTake cnt' nxt nxt', Pred (D8 r) cnt') => TyListTake (D8 r) (Cons val nxt) (Cons val nxt')
(TyListTake cnt' nxt nxt', Pred (D8 r) cnt') => TyListTake (D8 r) (Cons val nxt) (Cons val nxt')
(TyListTake cnt' nxt nxt', Pred (D7 r) cnt') => TyListTake (D7 r) (Cons val nxt) (Cons val nxt')
(TyListTake cnt' nxt nxt', Pred (D7 r) cnt') => TyListTake (D7 r) (Cons val nxt) (Cons val nxt')
(TyListTake cnt' nxt nxt', Pred (D6 r) cnt') => TyListTake (D6 r) (Cons val nxt) (Cons val nxt')
(TyListTake cnt' nxt nxt', Pred (D6 r) cnt') => TyListTake (D6 r) (Cons val nxt) (Cons val nxt')
(TyListTake cnt' nxt nxt', Pred (D5 r) cnt') => TyListTake (D5 r) (Cons val nxt) (Cons val nxt')
(TyListTake cnt' nxt nxt', Pred (D5 r) cnt') => TyListTake (D5 r) (Cons val nxt) (Cons val nxt')
(TyListTake cnt' nxt nxt', Pred (D4 r) cnt') => TyListTake (D4 r) (Cons val nxt) (Cons val nxt')
(TyListTake cnt' nxt nxt', Pred (D4 r) cnt') => TyListTake (D4 r) (Cons val nxt) (Cons val nxt')
(TyListTake cnt' nxt nxt', Pred (D3 r) cnt') => TyListTake (D3 r) (Cons val nxt) (Cons val nxt')
(TyListTake cnt' nxt nxt', Pred (D3 r) cnt') => TyListTake (D3 r) (Cons val nxt) (Cons val nxt')
(TyListTake cnt' nxt nxt', Pred (D2 r) cnt') => TyListTake (D2 r) (Cons val nxt) (Cons val nxt')
(TyListTake cnt' nxt nxt', Pred (D2 r) cnt') => TyListTake (D2 r) (Cons val nxt) (Cons val nxt')
(TyListTake cnt' nxt nxt', Pred (D1 r) cnt') => TyListTake (D1 r) (Cons val nxt) (Cons val nxt')
(TyListTake cnt' nxt nxt', Pred (D1 r) cnt') => TyListTake (D1 r) (Cons val nxt) (Cons val nxt')
class TyListDrop cnt lst res | cnt lst -> res whereSource
Drop from the head of a list. Mirrors the Prelude function drop.
tyListDrop :: cnt -> lst -> resSource
show/hide Instances
TyListDrop cnt Nil Nil
(TyListDrop cnt' nxt lst, Pred cnt cnt') => TyListDrop cnt (Cons val nxt) lst
TyListDrop (D0 E) (Cons val nxt) (Cons val nxt)
TyListDrop (D0 E) (Cons val nxt) (Cons val nxt)
class TyListAppend a b c | a b -> c whereSource
Append two lists together. Mirrors the Prelude function '(++)'.
tyListAppend :: a -> b -> cSource
show/hide Instances
TyListAppend Nil b b
TyListAppend nxt b nxt' => TyListAppend (Cons val nxt) b (Cons val nxt')
class TyListReverse m n | m -> n, n -> m whereSource
Reverse a list.
tyListReverse :: m -> nSource
class TyListElem lst val idx | lst val -> idx whereSource
tyListElem :: lst -> val -> idxSource
class TyListMember lst val res | lst val -> res whereSource
isTyListMember :: val -> lst -> resSource
show/hide Instances
TyListMember Nil val False
TyListMember Nil val False
TyListMember nxt val res => TyListMember (Cons val' nxt) val res
TyListMember (Cons val nxt) val True
TyListMember (Cons val nxt) val True
class TyListConsSet e set set' | e set -> set' whereSource
tyListConsSet :: e -> set -> set'Source
class TyListToSet lst set | lst -> set whereSource
tyListToSet :: lst -> setSource
show/hide Instances
TyListToSet Nil Nil
(TyListToSet nxt set, TyListConsSet v set set') => TyListToSet (Cons v nxt) set'
class TyListSortNums lstA lstB | lstA -> lstB whereSource
tyListSortNums :: lstA -> lstBSource
show/hide Instances
TyListSortNums Nil Nil
(TyNum num, TyListSortNums nxt lst', Insert num val lst' lst'') => TyListSortNums (Cons ((,) num val) nxt) lst''
class TyListMap a b | a -> b whereSource
tyListMap :: a -> bSource
show/hide Instances
TyListMap Nil Nil
(TyListMapFunc x x', TyListMap nxt nxt', TyList nxt, TyList nxt') => TyListMap (Cons x nxt) (Cons x' nxt')
class TyListMapFunc x y | x -> y whereSource
tyListMapFunc :: x -> ySource
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