sgd- Stochastic gradient descent library

Safe HaskellNone




Main module of the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) library.

SGD is a method for optimizing a global objective function defined as a sum of smaller, differentiable functions. The individual component functions share the same set of parameters, represented by the ParamSet class. This allows for heterogeneous parameter representation (vectors, maps, custom records, etc.).

The library adopts a Pipe-based interface in which SGD takes the form of a process consuming dataset subsets (the so-called mini-batches) and producing a stream of output parameter values. The library implements different variants of SGD (momentum, adam, adaDelta) which can be executed in either the pure context (run) or in IO (runIO). The use of lower-level pipe-processing combinators (pipeRan, batch, result, etc.) is also possible.

To perform SGD, the gradients of the individual functions need to be determined. This can be done manually or automatically, using an automatic differentiation library (ad, backprop).



Let's say we have a list of functions defined as:

funs = [\x -> 0.3*x^2, \x -> -2*x, const 3, sin]

The global objective (which we want to minimize) is then defined as:

objective x = sum $ map ($x) funs

To perform SGD, we can either manually determine the individual derivatives:

derivs = [\x -> 0.6*x, const (-2), const 0, cos]

or use an automatic differentiation library, for instance:

import qualified Numeric.AD as AD
derivs =
  [ AD.diff $ \x -> 0.3*x^2
  , AD.diff $ \x -> -2*x
  , AD.diff $ const 3
  , AD.diff $ sin

Finally, run allows to approach a (potentially local) minimum of the global objective function:

>>> run (momentum def id) (take 10000 $ cycle derivs) 0.0


  • (take 10000 $ cycle derivs) is the stream of training examples
  • (momentum def id) is the selected SGD variant (momentum), supplied with the default configuration (def) and the function (id) for calculating the gradient from a training example
  • 0.0 is the initial parameter value

SGD variants

momentum Source #


:: (Monad m, ParamSet p) 
=> Config

Momentum configuration

-> (e -> p -> p)

Gradient on a training element

-> SGD m e p 

Stochastic gradient descent with momentum. See Numeric.SGD.Momentum for more information.

adaDelta Source #


:: (Monad m, ParamSet p) 
=> Config

AdaDelta configuration

-> (e -> p -> p)

Gradient on a training element

-> SGD m e p 

Perform gradient descent using the AdaDelta algorithm. See Numeric.SGD.AdaDelta for more information.

adam Source #


:: (Monad m, ParamSet p) 
=> Config

Adam configuration

-> (e -> p -> p)

Gradient on a training element

-> SGD m e p 

Perform gradient descent using the Adam algorithm. See Numeric.SGD.Adam for more information.

Pure SGD

run Source #


:: ParamSet p 
=> SGD Identity e p

Selected SGD method

-> [e]

Training data stream

-> p

Initial parameters

-> p 

Traverse all the elements in the training data stream in one pass, calculate the subsequent gradients, and apply them progressively starting from the initial parameter values.

Consider using runIO if your training dataset is large.

IO-based SGD

data Config Source #

High-level IO-based SGD configuration




  • iterNum :: Natural

    Number of iteration over the entire training dataset

  • batchSize :: Natural

    Mini-batch size

  • batchOverlap :: Natural

    The number of overlapping elements in subsequent mini-batches

  • batchRandom :: Bool

    Should the mini-batch be selected at random? If not, the subsequent training elements will be picked sequentially. Random selection gives no guarantee of seeing each training sample in every epoch.

  • reportEvery :: Double

    How often the value of the objective function should be reported (with 1 meaning once per pass over the training data)

Eq Config Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.SGD


(==) :: Config -> Config -> Bool #

(/=) :: Config -> Config -> Bool #

Ord Config Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.SGD

Show Config Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.SGD

Generic Config Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.SGD

Associated Types

type Rep Config :: Type -> Type #


from :: Config -> Rep Config x #

to :: Rep Config x -> Config #

Default Config Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.SGD


def :: Config #

type Rep Config Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.SGD

iterNumPerEpoch Source #


:: Integral a 
=> Config 
-> a

Dataset size

-> Double 

Calculate the effective number of SGD iterations (and gradient calculations) performed per epoch.

reportObjective Source #


:: ParamSet p 
=> (e -> p -> Double)

Value of the objective function on a dataset element

-> DataSet e

Training dataset

-> p 
-> IO Double 

Report the total objective value on stdout.

objectiveWith Source #


:: (e -> p -> Double)

Value of the objective function on a dataset element

-> DataSet e

Training dataset

-> p 
-> IO Double 

Value of the objective function over the entire dataset (i.e. the sum of the objectives on all dataset elements).

runIO Source #


:: ParamSet p 
=> Config

SGD configuration

-> SGD IO [e] p

SGD pipe consuming mini-batches of dataset elements

-> (p -> IO Double)

Quality reporting function (the reporting frequency is specified via reportEvery)

-> DataSet e

Training dataset

-> p

Initial parameter values

-> IO p 

Perform SGD in the IO monad, regularly reporting the value of the objective function on the entire dataset. A higher-level wrapper which should be convenient to use when the training dataset is large.

An alternative is to use the simpler function run, or to build a custom SGD pipeline based on lower-level combinators (pipeSeq, batch, adam, keepEvery, result, etc.).



pipeSeq :: DataSet e -> Producer e IO () Source #

Pipe all the elements in the dataset sequentially.

pipeRan :: DataSet e -> Producer e IO () Source #

Pipe all the elements in the dataset in a random order.


batch :: Monad m => Int -> Pipe e [e] m () Source #

Group dataset elements into (mini-)batches of the given size.

batchGradSeq :: ParamSet p => (e -> p -> p) -> [e] -> p -> p Source #

Adapt the gradient function to handle (mini-)batches. The function calculates the individual sub-gradients sequentially.

batchGradPar :: (ParamSet p, NFData p) => (e -> p -> p) -> [e] -> p -> p Source #

Adapt the gradient function to handle (mini-)batches. Relies on the p's NFData instance to efficiently calculate gradients in parallel.

batchGradPar' :: ParamSet p => (e -> p -> p) -> [e] -> p -> p Source #

A version of batchGradPar with no NFData constraint. Evaluates the sub-gradients calculated in parallel to weak head normal form.


result Source #


:: Monad m 
=> p

Default value (in case the stream is empty)

-> Producer p m ()

Stream of parameter sets

-> m p 

Extract the result of the SGD calculation (the last parameter set flowing downstream).


keepEvery :: Monad m => Int -> Pipe a a m x Source #

Keep every k-th element flowing downstream and discard all the others.

decreasingBy :: (Monad m, Ord a) => (p -> m a) -> Pipe p p m x Source #

Make the stream decreasing in the given (monadic) function by discarding elements with values higher than those already seen.


def :: Default a => a #

The default value for this type.