{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

module Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rendezvous(
    Waiting, newWaiting, afterWaiting,
    Answer(..), Compute(..),
    ) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.IORef.Extra
import Data.Primitive.Array
import Development.Shake.Internal.Errors

-- | Given a sequence of 'Answer' values the sequence stops
--   when there is a single 'Abort' or all values end up as 'Continue'.
data Answer a c
    = Abort a
    | Continue c

-- | A compuation that either has a result available immediate,
--   or has a result that can be collected later.
data Compute a
    = Now a
    | Later (Waiting a)

partitionAnswer :: [Answer a c] -> ([a], [c])
partitionAnswer = foldr f ([],[])
    where f (Abort    a) ~(as,cs) = (a:as,cs)
          f (Continue c) ~(as,cs) = (as,c:cs)

partitionCompute :: [Compute a] -> ([a], [Waiting a])
partitionCompute = foldr f ([],[])
    where f (Now   x) ~(xs,ws) = (x:xs,ws)
          f (Later w) ~(xs,ws) = (xs,w:ws)

-- | A type representing someone waiting for a result.
data Waiting a = forall b . Waiting (b -> a) (IORef (b -> IO ()))
    -- Contains a functor value to apply, along with somewhere to register callbacks

instance Functor Waiting where
    fmap f (Waiting op ref) = Waiting (f . op) ref

instance Show (Waiting a) where
    show _ = "Waiting"

newWaiting :: IO (Waiting a, a -> IO ())
newWaiting = do
    ref <- newIORef $ \_ -> return ()
    let run x = ($ x) =<< readIORef ref
    return (Waiting id ref, run)

afterWaiting :: Waiting a -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
afterWaiting (Waiting op ref) act = modifyIORef' ref (\a s -> a s >> act (op s))

rendezvous :: [Compute (Answer a c)] -> IO (Compute (Either a [c]))
rendezvous xs = do
    let (now, later) = partitionCompute xs
    let (abort, continue) = partitionAnswer now
    if not $ null abort then
        return $ Now $ Left $ head abort
     else if null later then
        return $ Now $ Right continue
     else do
        (waiting, run) <- newWaiting
        let n = length xs
        result <- newArray n $ errorInternal "rendezvous"
        todo <- newIORef $ length later
        forM_ (zip [0..] xs) $ \(i,x) -> case x of
            Now (Continue c) -> writeArray result i c
            Later w -> afterWaiting w $ \v -> do
                t <- readIORef todo
                case v of
                    _ | t == 0 -> return () -- must have already aborted
                    Abort a -> do
                        writeIORef todo 0
                        run $ Left a
                    Continue c -> do
                        writeArray result i c
                        writeIORef' todo $ t-1
                        when (t == 1) $ do
                            rs <- unsafeFreezeArray result
                            run $ Right $ map (indexArray rs) [0..n-1]
        return $ Later waiting