shapely-data-0.1: Generics using @(,)@ and @Either@, with algebraic operations and typed conversions

Safe HaskellNone





Operations on Normal form types which make use of type equality. The type level boolean type we use is the lifted Bool type, requiring DataKinds.

Most of the functions here require all terms to be unambiguous, so you might find some type annotations are necessary.

This module will be getting more functionality going forward.

class HasAny a l b | a l -> bSource

A type equality predicate class.


HasAny a () False 
~ Bool false False => HasAny p (Only x) false 
HasAny p (Only p) True 
HasAny a (Tail (Either x l)) b => HasAny a (Either x l) b 
HasAny p (Either p ps) True 
HasAny a l b => HasAny a (x, l) b 
HasAny a (a, l) True 

viewType :: (HasAny a (Tail (NormalConstr l a l')) False, HavingType a l l') => l -> NormalConstr l a l'Source

Shift the only occurrence of type a to the Head of l.

 viewType = viewFirstType

viewTypeOf :: (HasAny a (Tail (NormalConstr l a l')) False, HavingType a l l') => l -> a -> NormalConstr l a l'Source

class HavingType a l l' | a l -> l' whereSource

The non-empty, Product or Sum l, out of which we can pull the first occurrence of type a, leaving as the Tail l'.


viewFirstType :: l -> NormalConstr l a l'Source

Shift the first occurrence of type a to the Head of l.

viewFirstTypeOf :: l -> a -> NormalConstr l a l'Source

viewFirstType of the same type as its second argument.

 viewFirstTypeOf = const . viewFirstType


Sum (Either () ()) => HavingType () (Either () ()) () 
Sum (Either () ps) => HavingType () (Either () ps) ps 
(HavingType a y l', ~ * (Either x l') xl', Sum y) => HavingType a (Either x y) xl' 
(~ * x' x, Product p) => HavingType p (Either x p) x' 
(Product l, HavingType a l l', ~ * (x, l') xl') => HavingType a (x, l) xl' 
Product l => HavingType a (a, l) l 
Sum (Either (x, y) ps) => HavingType (x, y) (Either (x, y) ps) ps 
Sum (Either (x, y) (x, y)) => HavingType (x, y) (Either (x, y) (x, y)) (x, y) 

On Products

class DeleteAllType a l l' | a l -> l' whereSource


deleteAllTypeOf :: l -> a -> l'Source

Drop any occurrences of type a from the list l, leaving l'.


~ * u () => DeleteAllType a () u 
(DeleteAllType a l l', ~ * (x, l') x_l') => DeleteAllType a (x, l) x_l' 
DeleteAllType a l l' => DeleteAllType a (a, l) l' 

class NubType l l' | l -> l' whereSource


nubType :: l -> l'Source

Remove all but the first occurrence of each type.


~ * () l' => NubType () l' 
(DeleteAllType x xys ys, NubType ys ys', ~ * x_ys' (x, ys')) => NubType (x, xys) x_ys'