{- |
The Exit mechanism is not compositional
and thus should not be used in larger long-running programs.
However, in small command-line utilities
and especially for signaling errors in command-line arguments
it is acceptable.

The 'IO' instance is useful for 'GetOpt' and immediate exit.
The 'Either' instance is useful for 'Optparse.Applicative.eitherReader'.
module Shell.Utility.Exit where

import qualified System.Exit as Exit
import qualified System.IO as IO

import Control.Applicative (Applicative)

import Data.String (IsString, fromString)

class Applicative f => Exit f where
   {- |
   Also known as 'System.Exit.die' in newer versions of 'base'.
   exitFailureMsg :: String -> f a

instance Exit IO where
   exitFailureMsg msg = do
      IO.hPutStrLn IO.stderr msg

instance (IsString str) => Exit (Either str) where
   exitFailureMsg = Left . fromString

{- ToDo:
Optparse.Applicative.ReadM could also be an instance
but this would add a new dependency.