{-| Types and path helpers.

module Shikensu.Types where

import Data.Aeson (ToJSON, Object, (.=), object, toJSON)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import System.FilePath (joinPath)

{-| A file definition, along with some additional properties.
data Definition =
    { basename :: String
    , dirname :: FilePath
    , extname :: String
    , pattern :: Pattern
    , rootDirname :: FilePath
    , workingDirname :: FilePath

    -- Additional properties
    , content :: Maybe ByteString
    , metadata :: Metadata
    , parentPath :: Maybe FilePath
    , pathToRoot :: FilePath
    } deriving (Eq, Show)

instance ToJSON Definition where
  toJSON def =
      [ "basename"        .= basename def
      , "dirname"         .= dirname def
      , "extname"         .= extname def
      , "pattern"         .= pattern def
      , "workingDirname"  .= workingDirname def
      , "parentPath"      .= parentPath def
      , "pathToRoot"      .= pathToRoot def

-- Type aliases

type Dictionary = [Definition]
type Metadata = Object
type Pattern = String

-- Path functions

absolutePath :: Definition -> String
absolutePath def =
  joinPath [rootDirname def, workspacePath def]

localPath :: Definition -> String
localPath def =
  joinPath [dirname def, (basename def) ++ (extname def)]

workspacePath :: Definition -> String
workspacePath def =
  joinPath [workingDirname def, localPath def]