-- | These functions are identical to the ones in the main module, but instead
-- of falling back to the un-prettyprinted input, they will report an error on
-- failure.
-- >>> putStrLn (prettifyShowErr "Imbalanced (Parenthesis)) here")
-- ERROR (interactive):1:25: error: expected: char literal,
--     end of input, identifier, list,
--     number, record, string literal,
--     tuple, unit
-- Imbalanced (Parenthesis)) here<EOF>
--                         ^
module Text.Show.Prettyprint.Diagnostic (
) where

import           Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as OldAnsiPpr
import           Text.Trifecta                as Tri

import Text.Show.Prettyprint.Internal

-- | Attempt to prettify a string produced by 'show'. Report error information
-- on failure.
prettifyShowErr :: String -> String
prettifyShowErr s = case parseString shownP mempty s of
    Success x -> show x
    Failure ErrInfo{ _errDoc = e } -> "ERROR " <> show (OldAnsiPpr.plain e)

-- | 'prettifyShowErr' with the 'show' baked in.
prettyShowErr :: Show a => a -> String
prettyShowErr = prettifyShowErr . show

-- | 'prettifyShowErr' with the 'show' and the 'putStrLn' baked in.
prettyPrintErr :: Show a => a -> IO ()
prettyPrintErr = putStrLn . prettyShowErr