simple-server-0.0.1: Simple Server interface

Safe HaskellNone




type CmdHandler = [String] -> Server -> ClientConn -> IO ()Source

A CmdHandler is used to handle a command in the form of a list of strings

type ConnectionHandler = Server -> ClientConn -> IO ()Source

A ConnectionHandler is called each time a client connects to the server.

type DisconnectHandler = Server -> ClientConn -> IO ()Source

A DisconnectHandler is called each time a client is disconnected from the server.

data ClientConn Source

Describes a Clients connection and provides an interface for storing data associated with the client. Each client will be given a unique cid and are Eq if their cid's are Eq.

A ClientConn comes packaged with two functions for storing additional information in Strings. lookup and modify. The lookup function takes a key and returns the current value of the key or the empty string if it has never been set. The modify function takes a key and value and updates it such that the next call to lookup with that key will return the value provided.


data Server Source

A Generic Server

new :: ConnectionHandler -> DisconnectHandler -> Int -> IO ServerSource

Creates a new server that is not connected to anything. If a client does not talk to a server for more than 60 seconds it will be disconnected.

addCommand :: Server -> String -> CmdHandler -> IO ()Source

Given a server, a command, and a command handler, adds the command to the server. If the command already exists, it will be overwritten

start :: Server -> IO ()Source

Starts a server if it is currently not started. Otherwise, does nothing.

stop :: Server -> IO ()Source

Stops a server if it is running sending a disconnect message to all clients. Otherwise, does nothing. Any shutdown operations should be run before this is called.

respond :: ClientConn -> String -> IO ()Source

Adds a response message to the queue.

broadcast :: Server -> String -> IO ()Source

Broadcasts a message to all clients on the server

disconnectClient :: Server -> ClientConn -> IO ()Source

Disconnects the client if they are on this server. If they are not on this server, the results are unspecified.

clientList :: Server -> IO [ClientConn]Source

Returns a list of all clients that are currently connected to the server