- module Control.Concurrent.SimpleSession.SessionTypes
- module Control.Monad.Indexed
- data Session s s' a
- data Cap t e r
- data Channel t
- io :: IO a -> Session s s a
- send :: Channel t -> a -> Session (Cap t e (a :!: r), x) (Cap t e r, x) ()
- recv :: Channel t -> Session (Cap t e (a :?: r), x) (Cap t e r, x) a
- close :: Channel t -> Session (Cap t e Eps, x) x ()
- sel1 :: Channel t -> Session (Cap t e (r :+: s), x) (Cap t e r, x) ()
- sel2 :: Channel t -> Session (Cap t e (r :+: s), x) (Cap t e s, x) ()
- offer :: Channel t -> Session (Cap t e r, x) u a -> Session (Cap t e s, x) u a -> Session (Cap t e (r :&: s), x) u a
- enter :: Channel t -> Session (Cap t e (Rec r), x) (Cap t (r, e) r, x) ()
- zero :: Channel t -> Session (Cap t (r, e) (Var Z), x) (Cap t (r, e) r, x) ()
- suc :: Session (Cap t (r, e) (Var (S v)), x) (Cap t e (Var v), x) ()
- dig :: Session x x' a -> Session (r, x) (r, x') a
- swap :: Session (r, (s, x)) (s, (r, x)) ()
- forkSession :: Session x () () -> Session x () ()
- data Rendezvous r
- newRendezvous :: IO (Rendezvous r)
- accept :: Rendezvous r -> (forall t. Channel t -> Session (Cap t () r, x) y a) -> Session x y a
- request :: Dual r r' => Rendezvous r -> (forall t. Channel t -> Session (Cap t () r', x) y a) -> Session x y a
- runSession :: Session () () a -> IO a
module Control.Monad.Indexed
offer :: Channel t -> Session (Cap t e r, x) u a -> Session (Cap t e s, x) u a -> Session (Cap t e (r :&: s), x) u aSource
swap :: Session (r, (s, x)) (s, (r, x)) ()Source
swap| may be combined to exchange any two adjacent capabilities.
data Rendezvous r Source
newRendezvous :: IO (Rendezvous r)Source
accept :: Rendezvous r -> (forall t. Channel t -> Session (Cap t () r, x) y a) -> Session x y aSource