simple-templates-0.6.0: A basic template language for the Simple web framework

Safe HaskellNone




class HasTemplates hs whereSource


defaultLayout :: Controller hs (Maybe Template)Source

The layout to use by default. Layouts are just templates that embed views. They are rendered with the a global object containing the rendered view in the "yield" field, and the object the view was rendered with in the "page" field. By default, no template is used.

viewDirectory :: Controller hs FilePathSource

The directory to look for views passed to render. This defaults to "views", so

 render "index.html.tmpl" ...

will look for a view template in "views/index.html.tmpl".

functionMap :: Controller hs FunctionMapSource

A map of pure functions that can be called from within a template. See FunctionMap and Function for details.

getTemplate :: FilePath -> Controller hs TemplateSource

Function to use to get a template. By default, it looks in the viewDirectory for the given file name and compiles the file into a template. This can be overriden to, for example, cache compiled templates in memory.

render :: ToJSON a => FilePath -> a -> Controller hs ()Source

Renders a view template with the default layout and a global used to evaluate variables in the template.

renderPlain :: ToJSON a => FilePath -> a -> Controller hs ()Source

Same as render but without a template.

renderLayout :: ToJSON a => FilePath -> FilePath -> a -> Controller hs ()Source

Render a view using the layout named by the first argument.

renderLayout' :: ToJSON a => Template -> FilePath -> a -> Controller hs ()Source

Same as renderLayout but uses an already compiled layout.

fromList :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => [(k, v)] -> HashMap k v

O(n*log n) Construct a map with the supplied mappings. If the list contains duplicate mappings, the later mappings take precedence.

newtype Function Source

A funcation that's callable from inside a template




call :: [Value] -> Value

class ToFunction a whereSource


toFunction :: a -> FunctionSource


(FromJSON a1, FromJSON a2, FromJSON a3, FromJSON a4, FromJSON a5, FromJSON a6, FromJSON a7, FromJSON a8) => ToFunction (a1 -> a2 -> a3 -> a4 -> a5 -> a6 -> a7 -> a8 -> Value) 
(FromJSON a1, FromJSON a2, FromJSON a3, FromJSON a4, FromJSON a5, FromJSON a6, FromJSON a7) => ToFunction (a1 -> a2 -> a3 -> a4 -> a5 -> a6 -> a7 -> Value) 
(FromJSON a1, FromJSON a2, FromJSON a3, FromJSON a4, FromJSON a5, FromJSON a6) => ToFunction (a1 -> a2 -> a3 -> a4 -> a5 -> a6 -> Value) 
(FromJSON a1, FromJSON a2, FromJSON a3, FromJSON a4, FromJSON a5) => ToFunction (a1 -> a2 -> a3 -> a4 -> a5 -> Value) 
(FromJSON a1, FromJSON a2, FromJSON a3, FromJSON a4) => ToFunction (a1 -> a2 -> a3 -> a4 -> Value) 
(FromJSON a1, FromJSON a2, FromJSON a3) => ToFunction (a1 -> a2 -> a3 -> Value) 
(FromJSON a1, FromJSON a2) => ToFunction (a1 -> a2 -> Value) 
FromJSON a => ToFunction (a -> Value)