simple-vec3- Three-dimensional vectors of doubles with basic operations

Safe HaskellNone




Vec3 class and implementations.

The package provides two different implementations for Vec3 type class, which differ in storage scheme. Benchmarks are included for both. You most likely want to use CVec3 which is based on contiguous storage scheme and offers the best performance.



>>> let v1 = (-1, 0.0,  0.2) :: TVec3
>>> let v2 = ( 1, 2.3,  5.0) :: TVec3
>>> let v3 = ( 1,   1, -0.2) :: TVec3

Add two vectors:

>>> v1 <+> v2

Dot product:

>>> v1 .* v2

Multiply by a scalar:

>>> v1 .^ 5

Cross product:

>>> v1 >< v3

Matrix-vector product:

>>> diag 2 `mxv` v2

class Vec3 v where Source #

Three-dimensional vector, with an associated matrix type.

Minimal complete definition

fromXYZ, toXYZ, fromRows, toRows

Associated Types

data Matrix v Source #

Associated type for 3×3 matrix.


origin :: v Source #

Origin point (0, 0, 0).

fromXYZ :: (Double, Double, Double) -> v Source #

Construct a new vector from components.

toXYZ :: v -> (Double, Double, Double) Source #

Deconstruct a vector into components.

zipWith :: (Double -> Double -> Double) -> v -> v -> v Source #

Zip two vectors elementwise.

(<+>) :: v -> v -> v Source #

Add two vectors.

(<->) :: v -> v -> v Source #

Subtract two vectors.

(><) :: v -> v -> v Source #

Cross product.

(.^) :: v -> Double -> v Source #

Scale a vector.

(.*) :: v -> v -> Double Source #

Dot product.

norm :: v -> Double Source #

Euclidean norm of a vector.

normalize :: v -> v Source #

Produce unit vector with the same direction as the original one.

distance :: v -> v -> Double Source #

Distance between two points.

invert :: v -> v Source #

Invert the direction of a vector.

fromRows :: (v, v, v) -> Matrix v Source #

Construct a new matrix from rows.

toRows :: Matrix v -> (v, v, v) Source #

Deconstruct a matrix into rows.

dotM :: v -> v -> Matrix v -> Double Source #

Generic vector dot product.

Multiply the transpose of the first vector by the given matrix, then multiply the result by the second vector.

                    [ a11  a12  a13 ]   [ v2x ]
                    [               ]   [     ]
[ v1x  v1y  v1z ] . [ a21  a22  a23 ] . [ v2y ] = s
                    [               ]   [     ]
                    [ a31  a32  a33 ]   [ v2z ]

mxv :: Matrix v -> v -> v Source #

Multiply a matrix and a vector.

[ a11  a12  a13 ]   [ v2x ]   [ rx ]
[               ]   [     ]   [    ]
[ a21  a22  a23 ] . [ v2y ] = [ ry ]
[               ]   [     ]   [    ]
[ a31  a32  a33 ]   [ v2z ]   [ rz ]

diag :: Double -> Matrix v Source #

Build a diagonal matrix from a number d.

[ d  0  0 ]
[         ]
[ 0  d  0 ]
[         ]
[ 0  0  d ]

vxv :: v -> v -> Matrix v Source #

Transpose a vector and multiply it by another vector, producing a matrix.

[ v1x ]                       [ r11  r12  r13 ]
[     ]                       [               ]
[ v1y ] . [ v2x  v2y  v2z ] = [ r21  r22  r23 ]
[     ]                       [               ]
[ v1z ]                       [ r31  r32  r33 ]

addM :: Matrix v -> Matrix v -> Matrix v Source #

Add two matrices.

Vec3 TVec3 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vec3.Class

Associated Types

data Matrix TVec3 :: * Source #

Vec3 CVec3 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vec3

Associated Types

data Matrix CVec3 :: * Source #


data CVec3 Source #

Vec3 implementation with Unbox and Storable instances based on a single contiguous array storage scheme, suitable for use with Data.Vector.Unboxed and Data.Vector.Storable.

interface: [v1 x   y   z  ; v2 x   y   z  ...], length = N = M / 3
               |   |   |       |   |   |
storage:   [  v1x v2y v2z ;   v2x v2y v2z ...], length = M

This implementation has the best performance.


CVec3 !Double !Double !Double 
Eq CVec3 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vec3


(==) :: CVec3 -> CVec3 -> Bool #

(/=) :: CVec3 -> CVec3 -> Bool #

Show CVec3 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vec3


showsPrec :: Int -> CVec3 -> ShowS #

show :: CVec3 -> String #

showList :: [CVec3] -> ShowS #

Arbitrary CVec3 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vec3


arbitrary :: Gen CVec3 #

shrink :: CVec3 -> [CVec3] #

Storable CVec3 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vec3


sizeOf :: CVec3 -> Int #

alignment :: CVec3 -> Int #

peekElemOff :: Ptr CVec3 -> Int -> IO CVec3 #

pokeElemOff :: Ptr CVec3 -> Int -> CVec3 -> IO () #

peekByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> IO CVec3 #

pokeByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> CVec3 -> IO () #

peek :: Ptr CVec3 -> IO CVec3 #

poke :: Ptr CVec3 -> CVec3 -> IO () #

Unbox CVec3 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vec3

Vec3 CVec3 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vec3

Associated Types

data Matrix CVec3 :: * Source #

Vector Vector CVec3 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vec3

MVector MVector CVec3 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vec3

Eq (Matrix CVec3) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vec3

Show (Matrix CVec3) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vec3

Arbitrary (Matrix CVec3) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vec3

data Vector CVec3 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vec3

data Matrix CVec3 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vec3

data MVector s CVec3 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vec3

type TVec3 = (Double, Double, Double) Source #

Vec3 implementation with Unbox instance based on default Unbox instance for tuples of arrays, which wraps a vector of tuples as a tuple of vectors.

interface:  [v1 (x, y, z); v2 (x, y, z) ...], length = N
                 |  |  |       |  |  |
storage(x): [v1x-+  |  | ; v2x-+  |  |  ...], length = N
storage(y): [v1y----+  | ; v2y----+  |  ...], length = N
storage(z): [v1z-------+ ; v2z-------+  ...], length = N

You almost definitely want to use CVec3 instead as it has better performance.