{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}


-- |

-- Module      :  Data.Maybe.Singletons

-- Copyright   :  (C) 2013-2014 Richard Eisenberg, Jan Stolarek

-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)

-- Maintainer  :  Ryan Scott

-- Stability   :  experimental

-- Portability :  non-portable


-- Defines functions and datatypes relating to the singleton for 'Maybe',

-- including singled versions of all the definitions in @Data.Maybe@.


-- Because many of these definitions are produced by Template Haskell,

-- it is not possible to create proper Haddock documentation. Please look

-- up the corresponding operation in @Data.Maybe@. Also, please excuse

-- the apparent repeated variable names. This is due to an interaction

-- between Template Haskell and Haddock.



module Data.Maybe.Singletons (
  -- The 'Maybe' singleton

  Sing, SMaybe(..),

  -- * Singletons from @Data.Maybe@

  maybe_, Maybe_, sMaybe_,
  -- | The preceding two definitions are derived from the function 'maybe' in

  -- @Data.Maybe@. The extra underscore is to avoid name clashes with the type

  -- 'Maybe'.

  IsJust, sIsJust, IsNothing, sIsNothing,
  FromJust, sFromJust, FromMaybe, sFromMaybe, ListToMaybe, sListToMaybe,
  MaybeToList, sMaybeToList, CatMaybes, sCatMaybes, MapMaybe, sMapMaybe,

  -- * Defunctionalization symbols

  NothingSym0, JustSym0, JustSym1,

  Maybe_Sym0, Maybe_Sym1, Maybe_Sym2, Maybe_Sym3,
  IsJustSym0, IsJustSym1, IsNothingSym0, IsNothingSym1,
  FromJustSym0, FromJustSym1, FromMaybeSym0, FromMaybeSym1, FromMaybeSym2,
  ListToMaybeSym0, ListToMaybeSym1, MaybeToListSym0, MaybeToListSym1,
  CatMaybesSym0, CatMaybesSym1, MapMaybeSym0, MapMaybeSym1, MapMaybeSym2
  ) where

import Data.Singletons.Base.Instances
import Data.Singletons.TH
import GHC.TypeLits.Singletons

$(singletons [d|
  -- Renamed to avoid name clash

  -- -| The 'maybe' function takes a default value, a function, and a 'Maybe'

  -- value.  If the 'Maybe' value is 'Nothing', the function returns the

  -- default value.  Otherwise, it applies the function to the value inside

  -- the 'Just' and returns the result.

  maybe_ :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
  maybe_ n _ Nothing  = n
  maybe_ _ f (Just x) = f x

$(singletonsOnly [d|
  -- -| The 'isJust' function returns 'True' iff its argument is of the

  -- form @Just _@.

  isJust         :: Maybe a -> Bool
  isJust Nothing  = False
  isJust (Just _) = True

  -- -| The 'isNothing' function returns 'True' iff its argument is 'Nothing'.

  isNothing         :: Maybe a -> Bool
  isNothing Nothing  = True
  isNothing (Just _) = False

  -- -| The 'fromJust' function extracts the element out of a 'Just' and

  -- throws an error if its argument is 'Nothing'.

  fromJust          :: Maybe a -> a
  fromJust Nothing  = error "Maybe.fromJust: Nothing" -- yuck

  fromJust (Just x) = x

  -- -| The 'fromMaybe' function takes a default value and and 'Maybe'

  -- value.  If the 'Maybe' is 'Nothing', it returns the default values;

  -- otherwise, it returns the value contained in the 'Maybe'.

  fromMaybe     :: a -> Maybe a -> a
  fromMaybe d x = case x of {Nothing -> d;Just v  -> v}

  -- -| The 'maybeToList' function returns an empty list when given

  -- 'Nothing' or a singleton list when not given 'Nothing'.

  maybeToList            :: Maybe a -> [a]
  maybeToList  Nothing   = []
  maybeToList  (Just x)  = [x]

  -- -| The 'listToMaybe' function returns 'Nothing' on an empty list

  -- or @'Just' a@ where @a@ is the first element of the list.

  listToMaybe           :: [a] -> Maybe a
  listToMaybe []        =  Nothing
  listToMaybe (a:_)     =  Just a

  -- Modified to avoid list comprehensions

  -- -| The 'catMaybes' function takes a list of 'Maybe's and returns

  -- a list of all the 'Just' values.

  catMaybes              :: [Maybe a] -> [a]
  catMaybes []             = []
  catMaybes (Just x  : xs) = x : catMaybes xs
  catMaybes (Nothing : xs) = catMaybes xs

  -- -| The 'mapMaybe' function is a version of 'map' which can throw

  -- out elements.  In particular, the functional argument returns

  -- something of type @'Maybe' b@.  If this is 'Nothing', no element

  -- is added on to the result list.  If it just @'Just' b@, then @b@ is

  -- included in the result list.

  mapMaybe          :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> [b]
  mapMaybe _ []     = []
  mapMaybe f (x:xs) =
   let rs = mapMaybe f xs in
   case f x of
    Nothing -> rs
    Just r  -> r:rs