{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BinaryLiterals #-}
module Regex.KDE.Match
 ( matchRegex
 ) where

import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as U
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set (Set)
import Regex.KDE.Regex
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as M
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))

-- Note that all matches are from the beginning of the string.
-- The ^ anchor is implicit at the beginning of the regex.

data Match =
   Match { matchBytes    :: !ByteString
         , matchOffset   :: !Int
         , matchCaptures :: !(M.IntMap (Int, Int))
                                  -- starting offset, length in bytes
         } deriving (Show, Eq)

-- preferred matches are <=
instance Ord Match where
  m1 <= m2
    | matchOffset m1 > matchOffset m2 = True
    | matchOffset m1 < matchOffset m2 = False
    | otherwise = matchCaptures m1 >= matchCaptures m2

mapMatching :: (Match -> Match) -> Set Match -> Set Match
mapMatching f = Set.filter ((>= 0) . matchOffset) . Set.map f

-- we take the n best matches to avoid pathological slowdown
sizeLimit :: Int
sizeLimit = 2000

-- prune matches if it gets out of hand
prune :: Set Match -> Set Match
prune ms = if Set.size ms > sizeLimit
              then Set.take sizeLimit ms
              else ms

-- first argument is the "top-level" regex, needed for Recurse.
exec :: Regex -> Direction -> Regex -> Set Match -> Set Match
exec _ _ MatchNull = id
exec top dir (Lazy re) = -- note: the action is below under Concat
  exec top dir (MatchConcat (Lazy re) MatchNull)
exec top dir (Possessive re) =
    (\elt s -> case Set.lookupMin (exec top dir re (Set.singleton elt)) of
                 Nothing -> s
                 Just m  -> Set.insert m s)
exec top dir (MatchDynamic n) = -- if this hasn't been replaced, match literal
  exec top dir (MatchChar (== '%') <>
            mconcat (map (\c -> MatchChar (== c)) (show n)))
exec _ _ AssertEnd = Set.filter (\m -> matchOffset m == B.length (matchBytes m))
exec _ _ AssertBeginning = Set.filter (\m -> matchOffset m == 0)
exec top _ (AssertPositive dir regex) =
  Set.filter (\m -> not (null (exec top dir regex (Set.singleton m))))
exec top _ (AssertNegative dir regex) =
  Set.filter (\m -> null (exec top dir regex (Set.singleton m)))
exec _ _ AssertWordBoundary = Set.filter atWordBoundary
exec _ Forward MatchAnyChar = mapMatching $ \m ->
  case U.decode (B.drop (matchOffset m) (matchBytes m)) of
    Nothing -> m{ matchOffset = - 1}
    Just (_,n) -> m{ matchOffset = matchOffset m + n }
exec _ Backward MatchAnyChar = mapMatching $ \m ->
  case lastCharOffset (matchBytes m) (matchOffset m) of
    Nothing  -> m{ matchOffset = -1 }
    Just off -> m{ matchOffset = off }
exec _ Forward (MatchChar f) = mapMatching $ \m ->
  case U.decode (B.drop (matchOffset m) (matchBytes m)) of
    Just (c,n) | f c -> m{ matchOffset = matchOffset m + n }
    _ -> m{ matchOffset = -1 }
exec _ Backward (MatchChar f) = mapMatching $ \m ->
  case lastCharOffset (matchBytes m) (matchOffset m) of
    Nothing  -> m{ matchOffset = -1 }
    Just off ->
      case U.decode (B.drop off (matchBytes m)) of
        Just (c,_) | f c -> m{ matchOffset = off }
        _                -> m{ matchOffset = -1 }
exec top dir (MatchConcat (MatchConcat r1 r2) r3) =
  exec top dir (MatchConcat r1 (MatchConcat r2 r3))
exec top Forward (MatchConcat (Lazy r1) r2) =
  Set.foldl Set.union mempty . Set.map
    (\m ->
      let ms1 = exec top Forward r1 (Set.singleton m)
       in if Set.null ms1
             then ms1
             else go ms1)
  go ms = case Set.lookupMax ms of   -- find shortest match
            Nothing -> Set.empty
            Just m' ->
              let s' = exec top Forward r2 (Set.singleton m')
               in if Set.null s'
                     then go (Set.delete m' ms)
                     else s'
exec top Forward (MatchConcat r1 r2) = -- TODO longest match first
  \ms ->
    let ms1 = exec top Forward r1 ms
     in if Set.null ms1
           then ms1
           else exec top Forward r2 (prune ms1)
exec top Backward (MatchConcat r1 r2) =
  exec top Backward r1 . exec top Backward r2
exec top dir (MatchAlt r1 r2) = \ms -> exec top dir r1 ms <> exec top dir r2 ms
exec top dir (MatchSome re) = go
  go ms = case exec top dir re ms of
            ms' | Set.null ms' -> Set.empty
                | ms' == ms    -> ms
                | otherwise    -> let ms'' = prune ms'
                                   in ms'' <> go ms''
exec top dir (MatchCapture i re) =
  Set.foldr Set.union Set.empty .
   Set.map (\m ->
     Set.map (captureDifference m) (exec top dir re (Set.singleton m)))
    captureDifference m m' =
      let len = matchOffset m' - matchOffset m
      in  m'{ matchCaptures = M.insert i (matchOffset m, len)
                                  (matchCaptures m') }
exec _ dir (MatchCaptured n) = mapMatching matchCaptured
   matchCaptured m =
     case M.lookup n (matchCaptures m) of
       Just (offset, len) ->
              let capture = B.take len $ B.drop offset $ matchBytes m
              in  case dir of
                     Forward | B.isPrefixOf capture
                                 (B.drop (matchOffset m) (matchBytes m))
                        -> m{ matchOffset = matchOffset m + B.length capture }
                     Backward | B.isSuffixOf capture
                                 (B.take (matchOffset m) (matchBytes m))
                        -> m{ matchOffset = matchOffset m - B.length capture }
                     _  -> m{ matchOffset = -1 }
       Nothing -> m{ matchOffset = -1 }
exec top dir Recurse = \ms -> if Set.null ms
                                 then ms
                                 else exec top dir top ms

atWordBoundary :: Match -> Bool
atWordBoundary m =
  case matchOffset m of
    0 -> True
    n | n == B.length (matchBytes m) -> True
      | otherwise ->
           case lastCharOffset (matchBytes m) (matchOffset m) of
             Nothing  -> True
             Just off ->
               case U.toString (B.drop (off - 1) (matchBytes m)) of
                 (prev:cur:next:_) ->
                   (isWordChar cur /= isWordChar next) ||
                   (isWordChar cur /= isWordChar prev)
                 _ -> True

lastCharOffset :: ByteString -> Int -> Maybe Int
lastCharOffset _ 0 = Nothing
lastCharOffset _ 1 = Nothing
lastCharOffset bs n =
  case B.index bs (n - 2) of
    w | w <  0b10000000 -> Just (n - 1)
      | w >= 0b11000000 -> Just (n - 1)
      | otherwise -> lastCharOffset bs (n - 1)

-- | Match a Regex against a (presumed UTF-8 encoded) ByteString,
-- returning the matched text and a map of (offset, size)
-- pairs for captures.  Note that all matches are from the
-- beginning of the string (a @^@ anchor is implicit).  Note
-- also that to avoid pathological performance in certain cases,
-- the matcher is limited to considering 2000 possible matches
-- at a time; when that threshold is reached, it discards
-- smaller matches.  Hence certain regexes may incorrectly fail to
-- match: e.g. @a*a{3000}$@ on a string of 3000 @a@s.
matchRegex :: Regex
           -> ByteString
           -> Maybe (ByteString, M.IntMap (Int, Int))
matchRegex re bs =
  toResult <$> Set.lookupMin
               (exec re Forward re (Set.singleton (Match bs 0 M.empty)))
   toResult m = (B.take (matchOffset m) (matchBytes m), (matchCaptures m))