Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Here we provide some wrapper functions for epistemic planning via model checking. Our main inspiration for this are the following references.
- [LPW 2011] Benedikt Löwe, Eric Pacuit, and Andreas Witzel (2011): DEL Planning and Some Tractable Cases. LORI 2011.
- [EBMN 2017] Thorsten Engesser, Thomas Bolander, Robert Mattmüller, and Bernhard Nebel (2017): Cooperative Epistemic Multi-Agent Planning for Implicit Coordination. Ninth Workshop on Methods for Modalities.
NOTE: This module is still experimental and under development.
- class IsPlan a where
- type OfflinePlan = [Form]
- offlineSearch :: (Eq a, Semantics a, Update a Form) => Int -> a -> [Form] -> [Form] -> Form -> [OfflinePlan]
- data Plan a
- execute :: Update state a => Plan a -> state -> Maybe state
- dix :: DynamicOp -> Form -> Form
- data Task state action = Task state [(String, action)] Form
- findPlan :: (Eq state, Update state action) => Int -> Task state action -> [Plan action]
- class Eq o => HasPerspective o where
- asSeenBy :: o -> Agent -> o
- isLocalFor :: o -> Agent -> Bool
- flipRelBdd :: [Prp] -> RelBDD -> RelBDD
- data CoopTask state action = CoopTask state [Owned action] Form
- type Labelled a = (String, a)
- type Owned action = (Agent, Labelled action)
- type ICPlan action = [Owned action]
- ppICPlan :: ICPlan action -> String
- icSolves :: (Typeable action, Semantics state) => ICPlan action -> CoopTask state action -> Bool
- findSequentialIcPlan :: (Typeable action, Eq state, Update state action) => Int -> CoopTask state action -> [ICPlan action]
- findSequentialIcPlanBFS :: (Typeable action, Eq state, Update state action) => Int -> CoopTask state action -> Maybe (ICPlan action)
Generic Planning functions and type classes
Sequential Plans with Public Announcements
We first consider sequential plans which are list of formulas to be publicly and truthfully announced, one after each other. These are also called offline plans. We write \(\sigma\) for any sqeuential plan and \(\epsilon\) for the empty plan which does nothing. The following then defines a formula which says that the given plan reaches a given goal \(\gamma\):
\[ \begin{array}{ll} \mathsf{reaches}(\epsilon)(\gamma) & := & \gamma \\ \mathsf{reaches}(\phi;\sigma)(\gamma) & := & \langle \phi \rangle (\mathsf{reaches}(\sigma)(\gamma)) \end{array} \]
type OfflinePlan = [Form] Source #
A list of announcements to be made.
:: (Eq a, Semantics a, Update a Form) | |
=> Int | maximum number of actions |
-> a | starting model or structure |
-> [Form] | available actions (as public announcements) |
-> [Form] | intermediate goals / safety formulas |
-> Form | goal |
-> [OfflinePlan] |
Depth-first search for sequential public announcement plans.
Policy Plans with General Actions
A policy, also called online plan can include tests and choices, to decide which action to do depending on the results of previous announcements. To represent such plans we use a tree where non-terminal nodes are actions to be done or formulas to be checked. Each action node has one outgoing edge and each checking node has two outgoing edges, leading to the follow-up plans. Terminal-nodes are stop signals.
In contrast to the previous section we now also allow more general actions, namely any type in the Update
class, for example action models and transformers.
A plan with choice, i.e. a policy.
Stop | Stop. |
Do String a (Plan a) | Do a given action. |
Check Form (Plan a) | Check that a formula holds. (If not, fail.) |
IfThenElse Form (Plan a) (Plan a) | If ... then ... else ... . |
execute :: Update state a => Plan a -> state -> Maybe state Source #
Try to execute a policy plan on a given state.
dix :: DynamicOp -> Form -> Form Source #
The \(((\alpha))\phi := \langle \alpha \rangle \land [\alpha] \phi\) abbreviation from [EBMN 2017].
We call it dix
because it is a combination of diamond and box.
Planning Tasks
A planning task (also called a planning problem) is given by a start, a list of actions and a goal. Note that texttt{state} and texttt{action} here are type variables, because we use polymorphic functions for explicit and symbolic planning in K and S5.
data Task state action Source #
(Show state, Show action) => Show (Task state action) Source # | |
(Eq state, Eq action) => Eq (Task state action) Source # | |
(Ord state, Ord action) => Ord (Task state action) Source # | |
Defined in SMCDEL.Other.Planning compare :: Task state action -> Task state action -> Ordering # (<) :: Task state action -> Task state action -> Bool # (<=) :: Task state action -> Task state action -> Bool # (>) :: Task state action -> Task state action -> Bool # (>=) :: Task state action -> Task state action -> Bool # max :: Task state action -> Task state action -> Task state action # min :: Task state action -> Task state action -> Task state action # |
Perspective Shifts
class Eq o => HasPerspective o where Source #
HasPerspective MultipointedModel Source # | Here we also implement perspective shifts in K. The authors of [EBMN 2017] only consider S5. Given a multipointed Kripke model $(M,s)$, let the local state of $i$ be: \[ s^i := \{ w \in W \mid \exists v \in s : v R_i w \} \] Intuitively, these are all worlds the agent considers possible if the current state is $s$. |
Defined in SMCDEL.Other.Planning asSeenBy :: MultipointedModel -> Agent -> MultipointedModel Source # isLocalFor :: MultipointedModel -> Agent -> Bool Source # | |
HasPerspective MultipointedModelS5 Source # | See ... |
Defined in SMCDEL.Other.Planning asSeenBy :: MultipointedModelS5 -> Agent -> MultipointedModelS5 Source # isLocalFor :: MultipointedModelS5 -> Agent -> Bool Source # | |
HasPerspective MultipointedBelScene Source # | See ... |
Defined in SMCDEL.Other.Planning asSeenBy :: MultipointedBelScene -> Agent -> MultipointedBelScene Source # isLocalFor :: MultipointedBelScene -> Agent -> Bool Source # | |
HasPerspective MultipointedKnowScene Source # | We can also make perspective shifts symbolically. In the S5 setting we can exploit symmetry as follows. Suppose we have a multipointed scene $(F,sigma)$ where $sigma in Lng_B(V)$ encodes the set of actual states. As usual, we assume that agent $i$ has the observational variables $O_i$. Then the perspective of $i$ is given by: \[ \sigma^i := \exists (V \setminus O_i) \sigma \] On purpose we do not use $theta$ in order to avoid redundancy in the resulting multipointed scene. |
Defined in SMCDEL.Other.Planning asSeenBy :: MultipointedKnowScene -> Agent -> MultipointedKnowScene Source # isLocalFor :: MultipointedKnowScene -> Agent -> Bool Source # | |
(HasPerspective state, Eq action) => HasPerspective (CoopTask state action) Source # | |
Perspective Shits in S5
Given a multipointed S5 model \((\M,s)\), the local state of an agent \(i\) is given by
\[ s^i := \{ w \in W \mid \exists v \in s : v \sim_i w \} \]
This is the definition given in [EBMN 2017] and implemented by asSeenBy
Perspective Shits in K
Note that in S5 we always have \(s \subseteq s^i\), but this is not the case in general for K. Also note that \((\cdot)^i\) is no longer idempotent if \(R_i\) is not transitive.
For the K setting we first need a way to flip the direction of the encoded relation \(\Omega_i\).
This is done by fliRelBdd
Suppose we have a set of actual states encoded by \(\sigma \in \mathcal{L}_B(V)\). Then the perspective of agent \(i\) is given by:
\[ \sigma^i := \exists V' (\Omega_i^\smile \land \sigma') \]
The following chain of equivalences shows that this definition does indeed what we want. A state \(s\) satisifes the encoding of the local state \(\sigma^i\) iff it can be reached from a state \(t\) which satisfies the encoding of the global state \(\sigma\).
\[ \begin{array}{rl} & s \vDash \sigma^i \\ \iff & s \vDash \exists V' (\Omega_i^\smile \land \sigma') \\ \iff & \exists t \subseteq V : s \cup t' \vDash (\Omega_i^\smile \land \sigma') \\ \iff & \exists t \subseteq V : t \cup s' \vDash (\Omega_i \land \sigma ) \\ \iff & \exists t \subseteq V : t \vDash \sigma \text{ and } t \cup s' \vDash \Omega_i \end{array} \]
Again we do not include \(\theta\) here to avoid redundancy in the multipointed structure.
flipRelBdd :: [Prp] -> RelBDD -> RelBDD Source #
Simultaneously prime and unprime all its variables. (TODO: subst) Formally, the resulting BDD is \( \Omega_i^\smile := \subst{V \cup V'}{V' \cup V} \Omega_i \).
Implicit Cooperation
We now introduce owner functions as discussed in [EBMN 2017] and based on [LPW 2011]
data CoopTask state action Source #
(Show state, Show action) => Show (CoopTask state action) Source # | |
(Eq state, Eq action) => Eq (CoopTask state action) Source # | |
(Ord state, Ord action) => Ord (CoopTask state action) Source # | |
Defined in SMCDEL.Other.Planning compare :: CoopTask state action -> CoopTask state action -> Ordering # (<) :: CoopTask state action -> CoopTask state action -> Bool # (<=) :: CoopTask state action -> CoopTask state action -> Bool # (>) :: CoopTask state action -> CoopTask state action -> Bool # (>=) :: CoopTask state action -> CoopTask state action -> Bool # max :: CoopTask state action -> CoopTask state action -> CoopTask state action # min :: CoopTask state action -> CoopTask state action -> CoopTask state action # | |
(HasPerspective state, Eq action) => HasPerspective (CoopTask state action) Source # | |
Implicitly coordinated sequential plans
As done in section 3.2 of [EBMN 2017].
type Owned action = (Agent, Labelled action) Source #
An owned action is a pair of an agent and a labelled action.
type ICPlan action = [Owned action] Source #
An implicitly coordinated plan is a sequence of owned actions. Note: there is no check that the action is actually local for the agent!
icSolves :: (Typeable action, Semantics state) => ICPlan action -> CoopTask state action -> Bool Source #
Check that the given IC plan solves the given Coop task.