{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
Module      : Network.Gopher
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX

= Overview

This is the main module of the spacecookie library. It allows to write gopher applications by taking care of handling gopher requests while leaving the application logic to a user-supplied function.

For a small tutorial an example of a trivial pure gopher application:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Network.Gopher
import Network.Gopher.Util

main = do
  'runGopherPure' ('GopherConfig' "localhost" 7000 Nothing) (\\req -> 'FileResponse' ('uEncode' req))

This server just returns the request string as a file.

There are three possibilities for a 'GopherResponse':

* 'FileResponse': file type agnostic file response, takes a 'ByteString' to support both text and binary files
* 'MenuResponse': a gopher menu (“directory listning”) consisting of a list of 'GopherMenuItem's
* 'ErrorResponse': gopher way to show an error (e. g. if a file is not found). A 'ErrorResponse' results in a menu response with a single entry.

If you use 'runGopher', it is the same story like in the example above, but you can do 'IO' effects. To see a more elaborate example, have a look at the server code in this package.

Note: In practice it is probably best to use record update syntax on 'defaultConfig' which won't break your application every time the config record fields are changed.

{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Network.Gopher (
  -- * Main API
  , runGopherPure
  , runGopherManual
  , GopherConfig (..)
  , defaultConfig
  -- * Helper Functions
  , gophermapToDirectoryResponse
  , setupGopherSocket
  -- * Representations
  -- ** Responses
  , GopherResponse (..)
  , GopherMenuItem (..)
  , GopherFileType (..)
  -- ** Gophermaps
  , GophermapEntry (..)
  , Gophermap (..)
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (log)

import Network.Gopher.Types
import Network.Gopher.Util
import Network.Gopher.Util.Gophermap

import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), Applicative (..))
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, ThreadId ())
import Control.Exception (bracket, catch, IOException (..))
import Control.Monad (forever, when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO, MonadIO (..))
import Control.Monad.Reader (ask, runReaderT, MonadReader (..), ReaderT (..))
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (MonadError (..))
import Data.ByteString (ByteString ())
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified Data.String.UTF8 as U
import System.IO
import System.Log.FastLogger
import System.Log.FastLogger.Date
import System.Socket hiding (Error (..))
import System.Socket.Family.Inet6
import System.Socket.Type.Stream
import System.Socket.Protocol.TCP
import System.Posix.User

-- | necessary information to handle gopher requests
data GopherConfig
  = GopherConfig { cServerName    :: ByteString   -- ^ “name” of the server (either ip address or dns name)
                 , cServerPort    :: Integer      -- ^ port to listen on
                 , cRunUserName   :: Maybe String -- ^ user to run the process as

-- | Default 'GopherConfig' describing a server on @localhost:70@.
defaultConfig :: GopherConfig
defaultConfig = GopherConfig "localhost" 70 Nothing

data Env
  = Env { serverSocket :: Socket Inet6 Stream TCP
        , serverName   :: ByteString
        , serverPort   :: Integer
        , serverFun    :: (String -> IO GopherResponse)
        , logger       :: (TimedFastLogger, IO ()) -- ^ TimedFastLogger and clean up action

initEnv :: Socket Inet6 Stream TCP -> ByteString -> Integer -> (String -> IO GopherResponse) -> IO Env
initEnv sock name port fun = do
  timeCache <- newTimeCache simpleTimeFormat
  logger <- newTimedFastLogger timeCache (LogStderr 128)
  pure $ Env sock name port fun logger

newtype GopherM a = GopherM { runGopherM :: ReaderT Env IO a }
  deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad
           , MonadIO, MonadReader Env, MonadError IOException)

gopherM env action = (runReaderT . runGopherM) action env

data LogMessage = LogError String | LogInfo String

instance ToLogStr LogMessage where
  toLogStr (LogError s) = "[Error] " <> toLogStr s
  toLogStr (LogInfo s)  = "[Info] " <> toLogStr s

log :: LogMessage -> GopherM ()
log logMsg = do
  (logger, _) <- logger <$> ask
  liftIO $ logger (\t -> "[" <> toLogStr t <> "]" <> (toLogStr logMsg) <> "\n")

prettyAddr :: SocketAddress Inet6 -> String
prettyAddr (SocketAddressInet6 addr port _ _) = drop 13 (show addr) <> ":" <> show (fromIntegral port)

receiveRequest :: Socket Inet6 Stream TCP -> IO ByteString
receiveRequest sock = receiveRequest' sock mempty
  where lengthLimit = 1024
        receiveRequest' sock acc = do
          bs <- liftIO $ receive sock lengthLimit mempty
          case (B.elemIndex (asciiOrd '\n') bs) of
            Just i -> return (acc `B.append` (B.take (i + 1) bs))
            Nothing -> if B.length bs < lengthLimit
                         then return (acc `B.append` bs)
                         else receiveRequest' sock (acc `B.append` bs)

dropPrivileges :: String -> IO Bool
dropPrivileges username = do
  uid <- getRealUserID
  if (uid /= 0)
     then return False
     else do
       user <- getUserEntryForName username
       setGroupID $ userGroupID user
       setUserID $ userID user
       return True

-- | Auxiliary function that sets up the listening socket for
--   'runGopherManual' correctly and starts to listen.
setupGopherSocket :: GopherConfig -> IO (Socket Inet6 Stream TCP)
setupGopherSocket cfg = do
  sock <- (socket :: IO (Socket Inet6 Stream TCP))
  setSocketOption sock (ReuseAddress True)
  setSocketOption sock (V6Only False)
  bind sock (SocketAddressInet6 inet6Any (fromInteger (cServerPort cfg)) 0 0)
  listen sock 5
  pure sock

-- | Run a gopher application that may cause effects in 'IO'.
--   The application function is given the gopher request (path)
--   and required to produce a GopherResponse.
runGopher :: GopherConfig -> (String -> IO GopherResponse) -> IO ()
runGopher cfg f = runGopherManual (setupGopherSocket cfg) (pure ()) close cfg f

-- | Same as 'runGopher', but allows you to setup the 'Socket' manually
--   and calls an action of type @IO ()@ as soon as the server is ready
--   to accept requests. When the server terminates, it calls the action
--   of type @Socket Inet6 Stream TCP -> IO ()@ to clean up the socket.
--   Spacecookie assumes the 'Socket' is properly set up to listen on the
--   port and host specified in the 'GopherConfig' (i. e. 'bind' and
--   'listen' have been called). This can be achieved using 'setupGopherSocket'.
--   This is intended for supporting systemd socket activation and storage.
--   Only use, if you know what you are doing.
runGopherManual :: IO (Socket Inet6 Stream TCP) -> IO () -> (Socket Inet6 Stream TCP -> IO ())
                -> GopherConfig -> (String -> IO GopherResponse) -> IO ()
runGopherManual sock ready term cfg f = bracket
  (\sock -> do
    env <- initEnv sock (cServerName cfg) (fromInteger (cServerPort cfg)) f
    gopherM env $ do
      addr <- liftIO $ getAddress sock
      log . LogInfo $ "Now listening on " ++ prettyAddr addr

      -- Change UID and GID if necessary
      when (isJust (cRunUserName cfg)) $ do
        success <- liftIO (dropPrivileges (fromJust (cRunUserName cfg)))
        if success
           then log . LogInfo  $ "Changed to user " ++ fromJust (cRunUserName cfg)
           else log . LogError $ "Could not change UID: not started as root!"

      liftIO $ ready

      (forever (acceptAndHandle sock) `catchError`
        (\e -> do
          log . LogError $ show e
          snd . logger <$> ask >>= liftIO)))

forkGopherM :: GopherM () -> GopherM ThreadId
forkGopherM action = ask >>= liftIO . forkIO . (flip gopherM) action

handleIncoming :: Socket Inet6 Stream TCP -> SocketAddress Inet6 -> GopherM ()
handleIncoming clientSock addr = do
  req <- liftIO $ uDecode . stripNewline <$> receiveRequest clientSock
  log . LogInfo $ "Got request '" ++ req ++ "' from " ++ prettyAddr addr

  fun <- serverFun <$> ask
  res <- liftIO (fun req) >>= response

  liftIO $ sendAll clientSock res msgNoSignal
  liftIO $ close clientSock
  log . LogInfo $ "Closed connection succesfully to " ++ prettyAddr addr

acceptAndHandle :: Socket Inet6 Stream TCP -> GopherM ()
acceptAndHandle sock = do
  (clientSock, addr) <- liftIO $ accept sock
  log . LogInfo $ "Accepted Connection from " ++ prettyAddr addr
  forkGopherM $ handleIncoming clientSock addr `catchError` (\e -> do
    liftIO (close clientSock)
    log . LogError $ "Closed connection to " ++ prettyAddr addr ++ " after error: " ++ show e)
  return ()

-- | Run a gopher application that may not cause effects in 'IO'.
runGopherPure :: GopherConfig -> (String -> GopherResponse) -> IO ()
runGopherPure cfg f = runGopher cfg (fmap pure f)

response :: GopherResponse -> GopherM ByteString
response (MenuResponse items) = do
  env <- ask
  pure $ foldl (\acc (Item fileType title path host port) ->
                 B.append acc $
                   fileTypeToChar fileType `B.cons`
                     B.concat [ title, uEncode "\t", uEncode path, uEncode "\t", fromMaybe (serverName env) host,
                                uEncode "\t", uEncode . show $ fromMaybe (serverPort env) port, uEncode "\r\n" ])
              B.empty items

response (FileResponse str) = pure str
response (ErrorResponse reason) = do
  env <- ask
  pure $ fileTypeToChar Error `B.cons`
    B.concat [uEncode reason, uEncode $  "\tErr\t", serverName env, uEncode "\t", uEncode . show $ serverPort env, uEncode "\r\n"]