sparse-lin-alg-0.4.2: Effective linear algebra on sparse matrices

Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




Sparse matrix datatype

type SMx α = SVec (SVec α)Source

Internal storage of matrix

data SparseMatrix α Source

Sparse matrix is indexed map of non-zero rows,




dims :: (Int, Int)

real height and width of filled matrix

mx :: SMx α

IntMap (IntMap α) representing non-zero values


Functor SparseMatrix

fmap applies given function on all non-zero values

Eq α => Eq (SparseMatrix α) 
(Eq α, Num α) => Num (SparseMatrix α)

All Num work on sparse matrices the same way as on SparseVector (see documentation there)

(Show α, Eq α, Num α) => Show (SparseMatrix α)

Shows size and filled matrix (but without zeroes)

Monoid (SparseMatrix α)

mempty is just emptyMx

mappend is horisontal concatenation

Basic functions

height :: SparseMatrix α -> IntSource

Matrix real height and width

width :: SparseMatrix α -> IntSource

Matrix real height and width

setSize :: Num α => (Int, Int) -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix αSource

Sets height and width of matrix

emptyMx :: SparseMatrix αSource

Matrix of zero size with no values

zeroMx :: Num α => (Int, Int) -> SparseMatrix αSource

Zero matrix of given size

isZeroMx :: SparseMatrix α -> BoolSource

Checks if matrix has no non-zero values (i.e. is empty)

isNotZeroMx :: SparseMatrix α -> BoolSource

Checks if matrix has no non-zero values (i.e. is empty)

idMx :: (Num α, Eq α) => Int -> SparseMatrix αSource

Identity matrix of given size

Combining matrices

(//) :: SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix αSource

Vertical concatenation

hconcat :: [SparseMatrix α] -> SparseMatrix αSource

Batch horisontal/vertical concatenation

vconcat :: [SparseMatrix α] -> SparseMatrix αSource

Batch horisontal/vertical concatenation

sizedBlockMx :: Num α => (Int, Int) -> [[SparseMatrix α]] -> SparseMatrix αSource

Takes size of each block and matrix of sparse matrices and constructs sparse matrix from this blocks

sizedBlockSMx :: (Eq α, Num α) => (Int, Int) -> SparseMatrix (SparseMatrix α) -> SparseMatrix αSource

Fills sparse matrix of blocks and then applies sizedBlockMx

Adding/deleting row/columns

addRow :: Num α => SparseVector α -> Index -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix αSource

Adds row at given index, increasing matrix height by 1 and shifting indexes after it

addCol :: Num α => SparseVector α -> Index -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix αSource

Adds column at given index, increasing matrix width by 1 and shifting indexes after it

addZeroRow :: Num α => Index -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix αSource

Just adds zero row at given index

addZeroCol :: Num α => Index -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix αSource

Just adds zero column at given index

delRow :: Num α => Index -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix αSource

Deletes row at given index, decreasing matrix height by 1 and shifting indexes after it

delCol :: Num α => Index -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix αSource

Deletes column at given index, decreasing matrix width by 1 and shifting indexes after it

delRowCol :: Num α => Index -> Index -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix αSource

Deletes row and column at given indexes

separateMx :: Num α => (SparseVector α -> Bool) -> SparseMatrix α -> (SparseMatrix α, SparseMatrix α)Source

Separates matrix, using pedicate on rows and returns two matrices of the same size, one only with rows satisfying predicate, and another with the rest rows


(#) :: Num α => SparseMatrix α -> (Index, Index) -> αSource

Looks up an element in the matrix (if not found, zero is returned)

row :: Num α => SparseMatrix α -> Index -> SparseVector αSource

Returns row of matrix at given index

col :: (Num α, Eq α) => SparseMatrix α -> Index -> SparseVector αSource

Returns column of matrix at given index

updRow :: Num α => (SparseVector α -> SparseVector α) -> Index -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix αSource

Updates values in row using given function

eraseRow :: Num α => Index -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix αSource

Fills row with zeroes (i.e. deletes it, but size of matrix doesn't change)

erase :: Num α => SparseMatrix α -> (Index, Index) -> SparseMatrix αSource

Erases matrix element at given index

ins :: (Num α, Eq α) => SparseMatrix α -> ((Index, Index), α) -> SparseMatrix αSource

Inserts new element to the sparse matrix (replaces old value)

findRowIndices :: (SparseVector α -> Bool) -> SparseMatrix α -> [Int]Source

Finds indices of rows, that satisfy given predicate. Searches from left to right (in ascending order of indices)

findRowIndicesR :: (SparseVector α -> Bool) -> SparseMatrix α -> [Int]Source

Finds indices of rows, that satisfy given predicate. Searches from right to left (in descending order of indices)

popRow :: Num α => Index -> SparseMatrix α -> (SparseVector α, SparseMatrix α)Source

Returns a row at given index and matrix without it

(|>) :: Num α => SparseVector α -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix αSource

Adds row to matrix at the top

(<|) :: Num α => SparseMatrix α -> SparseVector α -> SparseMatrix αSource

Adds row to matrix at the bottom

replaceRow :: Num α => SparseVector α -> Index -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix αSource

Replaces row at given index with given vector

exchangeRows :: Num α => Index -> Index -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix αSource

Exchanges positions of two rows

mapOnRows :: (SparseVector α -> SparseVector β) -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix βSource

Applies vector-function on matrix rows

rows :: SparseMatrix α -> SparseVector (SparseVector α)Source

Returns vector with matrix rows

columns :: (Eq α, Num α) => SparseMatrix α -> SparseVector (SparseVector α)Source

Returns vector with matrix columns (rows . trans)

To/from list

diagonalMx :: (Num α, Eq α) => [α] -> SparseMatrix αSource

Constructs square matrix with given elements on diagonal

mainDiag :: (Eq α, Num α) => SparseMatrix α -> SparseVector αSource

Collects main diagonal of matrix

fromRows :: (Num α, Foldable φ) => φ (SparseVector α) -> SparseMatrix αSource

Constructs matrix from a set (listvectoretc.) of rows

toAssocList :: (Num α, Eq α) => SparseMatrix α -> [((Index, Index), α)]Source

Converts sparse matrix to associative list, adding fake zero element, to save real size for inverse conversion

fromAssocListWithSize :: (Num α, Eq α) => (Int, Int) -> [((Index, Index), α)] -> SparseMatrix αSource

Converts associative list to sparse matrix, of given size

fromAssocList :: (Num α, Eq α) => [((Index, Index), α)] -> SparseMatrix αSource

Converts associative list to sparse matrix, using maximal index as matrix size

fillMx :: Num α => SparseMatrix α -> [[α]]Source

Converts sparse matrix to plain list-matrix with all zeroes restored

sparseMx :: (Num α, Eq α) => [[α]] -> SparseMatrix αSource

Converts plain list-matrix to sparse matrix, throwing out all zeroes


trans :: (Num α, Eq α) => SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix αSource

Transposes matrix (rows become columns)


mulMV :: (Num α, Eq α) => SparseMatrix α -> SparseVector α -> SparseVector αSource

Matrix-by-vector multiplication

(×·) :: (Num α, Eq α) => SparseMatrix α -> SparseVector α -> SparseVector αSource

Unicode alias for mulMV

mulVM :: (Num α, Eq α) => SparseVector α -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseVector αSource

Vector-by-matrix multiplication

·× :: (Num α, Eq α) => SparseVector α -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseVector αSource

Unicode alias for mulVM

mul :: (Num α, Eq α) => SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix αSource

Sparse matrices multiplication

(×) :: (Num α, Eq α) => SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix α -> SparseMatrix αSource

Unicode alias for mul