spreadsheet- Read and write spreadsheets from and to CSV files in a lazy way

Safe HaskellNone





type T = [[String]] Source #

A spreadsheet is a list of lines, each line consists of cells, and each cell is a string. Ideally, spreadsheets read from a CSV file have lines with the same number of cells per line. However, we cannot assert this, and thus we parse the lines as they come in.


fromString :: Char -> Char -> String -> Exceptional UserMessage T Source #

fromString qm sep text parses text into a spreadsheet, using the quotation character qm and the separator character sep.

fromStringWithRemainder :: Char -> Char -> String -> Exceptional UserMessage (T, String) Source #

fromString qm sep text parses text into a spreadsheet and additionally returns text that follows after CSV formatted data.

fromStringSimple :: Char -> Char -> String -> T Source #

This is a quick hack. It does neither handle field nor line separators within quoted fields. You must provide well-formed CSV content without field and line separators within quotations. Everything else yields an error.
