squeal-postgresql- Squeal PostgreSQL Library

Copyright(c) Eitan Chatav 2017
Safe HaskellNone




Squeal data manipulation language.



newtype Manipulation (schema :: TablesType) (params :: [ColumnType]) (columns :: ColumnsType) Source #

A Manipulation is a statement which may modify data in the database, but does not alter the schema. Examples are insertInto, update and deleteFrom. A Query is also considered a Manipulation even though it does not modify data.


Eq (Manipulation schema params columns) Source # 


(==) :: Manipulation schema params columns -> Manipulation schema params columns -> Bool #

(/=) :: Manipulation schema params columns -> Manipulation schema params columns -> Bool #

Ord (Manipulation schema params columns) Source # 


compare :: Manipulation schema params columns -> Manipulation schema params columns -> Ordering #

(<) :: Manipulation schema params columns -> Manipulation schema params columns -> Bool #

(<=) :: Manipulation schema params columns -> Manipulation schema params columns -> Bool #

(>) :: Manipulation schema params columns -> Manipulation schema params columns -> Bool #

(>=) :: Manipulation schema params columns -> Manipulation schema params columns -> Bool #

max :: Manipulation schema params columns -> Manipulation schema params columns -> Manipulation schema params columns #

min :: Manipulation schema params columns -> Manipulation schema params columns -> Manipulation schema params columns #

Show (Manipulation schema params columns) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Manipulation schema params columns -> ShowS #

show :: Manipulation schema params columns -> String #

showList :: [Manipulation schema params columns] -> ShowS #

Generic (Manipulation schema params columns) Source # 

Associated Types

type Rep (Manipulation schema params columns) :: * -> * #


from :: Manipulation schema params columns -> Rep (Manipulation schema params columns) x #

to :: Rep (Manipulation schema params columns) x -> Manipulation schema params columns #

NFData (Manipulation schema params columns) Source # 


rnf :: Manipulation schema params columns -> () #

type Rep (Manipulation schema params columns) Source # 
type Rep (Manipulation schema params columns) = D1 * (MetaData "Manipulation" "Squeal.PostgreSQL.Manipulation" "squeal-postgresql-" True) (C1 * (MetaCons "UnsafeManipulation" PrefixI True) (S1 * (MetaSel (Just Symbol "renderManipulation") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 * ByteString)))

queryStatement :: Query schema params columns -> Manipulation schema params columns Source #

Convert a Query into a Manipulation.


insertInto Source #


:: (SListI columns, SListI results, HasTable table schema columns) 
=> Alias table

table to insert into

-> ValuesClause schema params columns

values to insert

-> ConflictClause columns params

what to do in case of constraint conflict

-> ReturningClause columns params results

results to return

-> Manipulation schema params results 

When a table is created, it contains no data. The first thing to do before a database can be of much use is to insert data. Data is conceptually inserted one row at a time. Of course you can also insert more than one row, but there is no way to insert less than one row. Even if you know only some column values, a complete row must be created.

simple insert:

>>> :{
  manipulation :: Manipulation
    '[ "tab" :::
      '[ "col1" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4)
       , "col2" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4) ]] '[] '[]
  manipulation =
    insertInto #tab (Values (2 `As` #col1 :* 4 `As` #col2 :* Nil) [])
      OnConflictDoRaise (Returning Nil)
in renderManipulation manipulation
"INSERT INTO tab (col1, col2) VALUES (2, 4);"

parameterized insert:

>>> :{
  manipulation :: Manipulation
    '[ "tab" :::
      '[ "col1" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4)
       , "col2" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4) ]]
    '[ 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4)
     , 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4) ] '[]
  manipulation =
    insertInto #tab
      (Values (param @1 `As` #col1 :* param @2 `As` #col2 :* Nil) [])
      OnConflictDoRaise (Returning Nil)
in renderManipulation manipulation
"INSERT INTO tab (col1, col2) VALUES (($1 :: int4), ($2 :: int4));"

returning insert:

>>> :{
  manipulation :: Manipulation
    '[ "tab" :::
      '[ "col1" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4)
       , "col2" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4) ]] '[]
    '["fromOnly" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4)]
  manipulation =
    insertInto #tab (Values (2 `As` #col1 :* 4 `As` #col2 :* Nil) [])
      OnConflictDoRaise (Returning (#col1 `As` #fromOnly :* Nil))
in renderManipulation manipulation
"INSERT INTO tab (col1, col2) VALUES (2, 4) RETURNING col1 AS fromOnly;"

query insert:

>>> :{
  manipulation :: Manipulation
    '[ "tab" :::
      '[ "col1" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4)
       , "col2" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4)
     , "other_tab" :::
      '[ "col1" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4)
       , "col2" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4)
     ] '[] '[]
  manipulation = 
    insertInto #tab
      ( ValuesQuery $
        selectStar (from (Table (#other_tab `As` #t))) )
      OnConflictDoRaise (Returning Nil)
in renderManipulation manipulation
"INSERT INTO tab SELECT * FROM other_tab AS t;"


>>> :{
  manipulation :: Manipulation
    '[ "tab" :::
      '[ "col1" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4)
       , "col2" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4) ]]
    '[] '[ "sum" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4)]
  manipulation =
    insertInto #tab
        (2 `As` #col1 :* 4 `As` #col2 :* Nil)
        [6 `As` #col1 :* 8 `As` #col2 :* Nil])
        (Set 2 `As` #col1 :* Same `As` #col2 :* Nil)
        (Just (#col1 .== #col2)))
      (Returning $ (#col1 + #col2) `As` #sum :* Nil)
in renderManipulation manipulation
"INSERT INTO tab (col1, col2) VALUES (2, 4), (6, 8) ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE SET col1 = 2 WHERE (col1 = col2) RETURNING (col1 + col2) AS sum;"

data ValuesClause (schema :: TablesType) (params :: [ColumnType]) (columns :: ColumnsType) Source #

A ValuesClause lets you insert either values, free Expressions, or the result of a Query.


Values (NP (Aliased (Expression '[] Ungrouped params)) columns) [NP (Aliased (Expression '[] Ungrouped params)) columns]

at least one row of values

ValuesQuery (Query schema params columns) 

renderValuesClause :: SListI columns => ValuesClause schema params columns -> ByteString Source #

Render a ValuesClause.

data ReturningClause (columns :: ColumnsType) (params :: [ColumnType]) (results :: ColumnsType) where Source #

A ReturningClause computes and return value(s) based on each row actually inserted, updated or deleted. This is primarily useful for obtaining values that were supplied by defaults, such as a serial sequence number. However, any expression using the table's columns is allowed. Only rows that were successfully inserted or updated or deleted will be returned. For example, if a row was locked but not updated because an OnConflictDoUpdate condition was not satisfied, the row will not be returned. ReturningStar will return all columns in the row. Use `Returning Nil` in the common case where no return values are desired.


ReturningStar :: ReturningClause columns params columns 
Returning :: NP (Aliased (Expression '[table ::: columns] Ungrouped params)) results -> ReturningClause columns params results 

renderReturningClause :: SListI results => ReturningClause params columns results -> ByteString Source #

Render a ReturningClause.

data ConflictClause columns params where Source #

A ConflictClause specifies an action to perform upon a constraint violation. OnConflictDoRaise will raise an error. OnConflictDoNothing simply avoids inserting a row. OnConflictDoUpdate updates the existing row that conflicts with the row proposed for insertion.


OnConflictDoRaise :: ConflictClause columns params 
OnConflictDoNothing :: ConflictClause columns params 
OnConflictDoUpdate :: NP (Aliased (UpdateExpression columns params)) columns -> Maybe (Condition '[table ::: columns] Ungrouped params) -> ConflictClause columns params 


update Source #


:: (HasTable table schema columns, SListI columns, SListI results) 
=> Alias table

table to update

-> NP (Aliased (UpdateExpression columns params)) columns

modified values to replace old values

-> Condition '[tab ::: columns] Ungrouped params

condition under which to perform update on a row

-> ReturningClause columns params results

results to return

-> Manipulation schema params results 

An update command changes the values of the specified columns in all rows that satisfy the condition.

>>> :{
  manipulation :: Manipulation
    '[ "tab" :::
      '[ "col1" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4)
       , "col2" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4) ]] '[] '[]
  manipulation =
    update #tab (Set 2 `As` #col1 :* Same `As` #col2 :* Nil)
      (#col1 ./= #col2) (Returning Nil)
in renderManipulation manipulation
"UPDATE tab SET col1 = 2 WHERE (col1 <> col2);"

data UpdateExpression columns params ty Source #

Columns to be updated are mentioned with Set; columns which are to remain the same are mentioned with Same.



column to remain the same upon update

Set (forall table. Expression '[table ::: columns] Ungrouped params ty)

column to be updated


Eq (UpdateExpression columns params ty) Source # 


(==) :: UpdateExpression columns params ty -> UpdateExpression columns params ty -> Bool #

(/=) :: UpdateExpression columns params ty -> UpdateExpression columns params ty -> Bool #

Ord (UpdateExpression columns params ty) Source # 


compare :: UpdateExpression columns params ty -> UpdateExpression columns params ty -> Ordering #

(<) :: UpdateExpression columns params ty -> UpdateExpression columns params ty -> Bool #

(<=) :: UpdateExpression columns params ty -> UpdateExpression columns params ty -> Bool #

(>) :: UpdateExpression columns params ty -> UpdateExpression columns params ty -> Bool #

(>=) :: UpdateExpression columns params ty -> UpdateExpression columns params ty -> Bool #

max :: UpdateExpression columns params ty -> UpdateExpression columns params ty -> UpdateExpression columns params ty #

min :: UpdateExpression columns params ty -> UpdateExpression columns params ty -> UpdateExpression columns params ty #

Show (UpdateExpression columns params ty) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> UpdateExpression columns params ty -> ShowS #

show :: UpdateExpression columns params ty -> String #

showList :: [UpdateExpression columns params ty] -> ShowS #

deleteFrom Source #


:: (SListI results, HasTable table schema columns) 
=> Alias table

table to delete from

-> Condition '[table ::: columns] Ungrouped params

condition under which to delete a row

-> ReturningClause columns params results

results to return

-> Manipulation schema params results 

Delete rows of a table.

>>> :{
  manipulation :: Manipulation
    '[ "tab" :::
      '[ "col1" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4)
       , "col2" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4) ]] '[]
    '[ "col1" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4)
     , "col2" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4) ]
  manipulation = deleteFrom #tab (#col1 .== #col2) ReturningStar
in renderManipulation manipulation
"DELETE FROM tab WHERE (col1 = col2) RETURNING *;"