{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

-- | Versions for packages.

module Stack.Types.Version
  ,Cabal.VersionRange -- TODO in the future should have a newtype wrapper

import           Stack.Prelude hiding (Vector)
import           Data.Aeson.Extended
import           Data.Attoparsec.Text
import           Data.Hashable (Hashable (..))
import           Data.List
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import           Data.Vector.Unboxed (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
import           Distribution.Text (disp)
import qualified Distribution.Version as Cabal
import           Language.Haskell.TH
import           Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import qualified Paths_stack as Meta
import           Text.PrettyPrint (render)

-- | A parse fail.
newtype VersionParseFail =
  VersionParseFail Text
  deriving (Typeable)
instance Exception VersionParseFail
instance Show VersionParseFail where
    show (VersionParseFail bs) = "Invalid version: " ++ show bs

-- | A Package upgrade; Latest or a specific version.
data UpgradeTo = Specific Version | Latest deriving (Show)

-- | A package version.
newtype Version =
  Version {unVersion :: Vector Word}
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Typeable,Data,Generic,Store,NFData)

instance Hashable Version where
  hashWithSalt i = hashWithSalt i . V.toList . unVersion

instance Lift Version where
  lift (Version n) =
    appE (conE 'Version)
         (appE (varE 'V.fromList)
               (listE (map (litE . IntegerL . fromIntegral)
                           (V.toList n))))

instance Show Version where
  show (Version v) =
    intercalate "."
                (map show (V.toList v))
instance Display Version where
  display = display . versionText

instance ToJSON Version where
  toJSON = toJSON . versionText
instance FromJSON Version where
  parseJSON j =
    do s <- parseJSON j
       case parseVersionFromString s of
         Nothing ->
           fail ("Couldn't parse package version: " ++ s)
         Just ver -> return ver
instance FromJSONKey Version where
  fromJSONKey = FromJSONKeyTextParser $ \k ->
    either (fail . show) return $ parseVersion k

newtype IntersectingVersionRange =
    IntersectingVersionRange { getIntersectingVersionRange :: Cabal.VersionRange }
    deriving Show

instance Semigroup IntersectingVersionRange where
    IntersectingVersionRange l <> IntersectingVersionRange r =
        IntersectingVersionRange (l `Cabal.intersectVersionRanges` r)

instance Monoid IntersectingVersionRange where
    mempty = IntersectingVersionRange Cabal.anyVersion
    mappend = (<>)

-- | Attoparsec parser for a package version.
versionParser :: Parser Version
versionParser =
  do ls <- (:) <$> num <*> many num'
     let !v = V.fromList ls
     return (Version v)
  where num = decimal
        num' = point *> num
        point = satisfy (== '.')

-- | Convenient way to parse a package version from a 'Text'.
parseVersion :: MonadThrow m => Text -> m Version
parseVersion x = go x
  where go =
          either (const (throwM (VersionParseFail x))) return .
          parseOnly (versionParser <* endOfInput)

-- | Migration function.
parseVersionFromString :: MonadThrow m => String -> m Version
parseVersionFromString =
  parseVersion . T.pack

-- | Get a string representation of a package version.
versionString :: Version -> String
versionString (Version v) =
  intercalate "."
              (map show (V.toList v))

-- | Get a string representation of a package version.
versionText :: Version -> Text
versionText (Version v) =
    (map (T.pack . show)
         (V.toList v))

-- | Convert to a Cabal version.
toCabalVersion :: Version -> Cabal.Version
toCabalVersion (Version v) =
  Cabal.mkVersion (map fromIntegral (V.toList v))

-- | Convert from a Cabal version.
fromCabalVersion :: Cabal.Version -> Version
fromCabalVersion vs =
  let !v = V.fromList (map fromIntegral (Cabal.versionNumbers vs))
  in Version v

-- | Make a package version.
mkVersion :: String -> Q Exp
mkVersion s =
  case parseVersionFromString s of
    Nothing -> qRunIO $ throwString ("Invalid package version: " ++ show s)
    Just pn -> [|pn|]

-- | Display a version range
versionRangeText :: Cabal.VersionRange -> Text
versionRangeText = T.pack . render . disp

-- | Check if a version is within a version range.
withinRange :: Version -> Cabal.VersionRange -> Bool
withinRange v r = toCabalVersion v `Cabal.withinRange` r

-- | A modified intersection which also simplifies, for better display.
intersectVersionRanges :: Cabal.VersionRange -> Cabal.VersionRange -> Cabal.VersionRange
intersectVersionRanges x y = Cabal.simplifyVersionRange $ Cabal.intersectVersionRanges x y

-- | Returns the first two components, defaulting to 0 if not present
toMajorVersion :: Version -> Version
toMajorVersion  (Version v) =
    case V.length v of
        0 -> Version (V.fromList [0,        0])
        1 -> Version (V.fromList [V.head v, 0])
        _ -> Version (V.fromList [V.head v, v V.! 1])

-- | Given a version range and a set of versions, find the latest version from
-- the set that is within the range.
latestApplicableVersion :: Cabal.VersionRange -> Set Version -> Maybe Version
latestApplicableVersion r = listToMaybe . filter (`withinRange` r) . Set.toDescList

-- | Get the next major version number for the given version
nextMajorVersion :: Version -> Version
nextMajorVersion (Version v) =
  case  V.length v of
    0 -> Version (V.fromList [0,        1])
    1 -> Version (V.fromList [V.head v, 1])
    _ -> Version (V.fromList [V.head v, (v V.! 1) + 1])

data VersionCheck
    = MatchMinor
    | MatchExact
    | NewerMinor
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance ToJSON VersionCheck where
    toJSON MatchMinor = String "match-minor"
    toJSON MatchExact = String "match-exact"
    toJSON NewerMinor = String "newer-minor"
instance FromJSON VersionCheck where
    parseJSON = withText expected $ \t ->
        case t of
            "match-minor" -> return MatchMinor
            "match-exact" -> return MatchExact
            "newer-minor" -> return NewerMinor
            _ -> fail ("Expected " ++ expected ++ ", but got " ++ show t)
        expected = "VersionCheck value (match-minor, match-exact, or newer-minor)"

checkVersion :: VersionCheck -> Version -> Version -> Bool
checkVersion check (Version wanted) (Version actual) =
    case check of
        MatchMinor -> V.and (V.take 3 matching)
        MatchExact -> V.length wanted == V.length actual && V.and matching
        NewerMinor -> V.and (V.take 2 matching) && newerMinor
    matching = V.zipWith (==) wanted actual
    newerMinor =
        case (wanted V.!? 2, actual V.!? 2) of
            (Nothing, _) -> True
            (Just _, Nothing) -> False
            (Just w, Just a) -> a >= w

-- | Get minor version (excludes any patchlevel)
minorVersion :: Version -> Version
minorVersion (Version v) = Version (V.take 3 v)

-- | Current Stack version
stackVersion :: Version
stackVersion = fromCabalVersion (Cabal.mkVersion' Meta.version)

-- | Current Stack minor version (excludes patchlevel)
stackMinorVersion :: Version
stackMinorVersion = minorVersion stackVersion