{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{- |  This module implements parsing of additional arguments embedded in a
      comment when stack is invoked as a script interpreter

  ===Specifying arguments in script interpreter mode
  @/stack/@ can execute a Haskell source file using @/runghc/@ and if required
  it can also install and setup the compiler and any package dependencies

  For using a Haskell source file as an executable script on a Unix like OS,
  the first line of the file must specify @stack@ as the interpreter using a
  shebang directive e.g.

  > #!/usr/bin/env stack

  Additional arguments can be specified in a haskell comment following the
  @#!@ line. The contents inside the comment must be a single valid stack
  command line, starting with @stack@ as the command and followed by the
  options to use for executing this file.

  The comment must be on the line immediately following the @#!@ line. The
  comment must start in the first column of the line. When using a block style
  comment the command can be split on multiple lines.

  Here is an example of a single line comment:

  > #!/usr/bin/env stack
  > -- stack --resolver lts-3.14 --install-ghc runghc --package random

  Here is an example of a multi line block comment:

  #!\/usr\/bin\/env stack
  {\- stack
    --resolver lts-3.14
    --package random

  When the @#!@ line is not present, the file can still be executed
  using @stack \<file name\>@ command if the file starts with a valid stack
  interpreter comment. This can be used to execute the file on Windows for

  Nested block comments are not supported.

module Data.Attoparsec.Interpreter
    ( interpreterArgsParser -- for unit tests
    , getInterpreterArgs
    ) where

import           Data.Attoparsec.Args
import           Data.Attoparsec.Text ((<?>))
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as P
import           Data.Char (isSpace)
import           Conduit
import           Data.Conduit.Attoparsec
import           Data.List (intercalate)
import           Data.Text (pack)
import           Stack.Prelude
import           System.FilePath (takeExtension)
import           System.IO (hPutStrLn)

-- | Parser to extract the stack command line embedded inside a comment
-- after validating the placement and formatting rules for a valid
-- interpreter specification.
interpreterArgsParser :: Bool -> String -> P.Parser String
interpreterArgsParser isLiterate progName = P.option "" sheBangLine *> interpreterComment
    sheBangLine =   P.string "#!"
                 *> P.manyTill P.anyChar P.endOfLine

    commentStart psr =   (psr <?> (progName ++ " options comment"))
                      *> P.skipSpace
                      *> (P.string (pack progName) <?> show progName)

    -- Treat newlines as spaces inside the block comment
    anyCharNormalizeSpace = let normalizeSpace c = if isSpace c then ' ' else c
                            in P.satisfyWith normalizeSpace $ const True

    comment start end = commentStart start
      *> ((end >> return "")
          <|> (P.space *> (P.manyTill anyCharNormalizeSpace end <?> "-}")))

    horizontalSpace = P.satisfy P.isHorizontalSpace

    lineComment =  comment "--" (P.endOfLine <|> P.endOfInput)
    literateLineComment = comment
      (">" *> horizontalSpace *> "--")
      (P.endOfLine <|> P.endOfInput)
    blockComment = comment "{-" (P.string "-}")

    literateBlockComment =
      (">" *> horizontalSpace *> "{-")
      *> P.skipMany (("" <$ horizontalSpace) <|> (P.endOfLine *> ">"))
      *> (P.string (pack progName) <?> progName)
      *> P.manyTill' (P.satisfy (not . P.isEndOfLine)
                       <|> (' ' <$ (P.endOfLine *> ">" <?> ">"))) "-}"

    interpreterComment = if isLiterate
                            then literateLineComment <|> literateBlockComment
                            else lineComment <|> blockComment

-- | Extract stack arguments from a correctly placed and correctly formatted
-- comment when it is being used as an interpreter
getInterpreterArgs :: String -> IO [String]
getInterpreterArgs file = do
  eArgStr <- withSourceFile file parseFile
  case eArgStr of
    Left err -> handleFailure $ decodeError err
    Right str -> parseArgStr str
    parseFile src =
       $ src
      .| decodeUtf8C
      .| sinkParserEither (interpreterArgsParser isLiterate stackProgName)

    isLiterate = takeExtension file == ".lhs"

    -- FIXME We should print anything only when explicit verbose mode is
    -- specified by the user on command line. But currently the
    -- implementation does not accept or parse any command line flags in
    -- interpreter mode. We can only invoke the interpreter as
    -- "stack <file name>" strictly without any options.
    stackWarn s = hPutStrLn stderr $ stackProgName ++ ": WARNING! " ++ s

    handleFailure err = do
      mapM_ stackWarn (lines err)
      stackWarn "Missing or unusable stack options specification"
      stackWarn "Using runghc without any additional stack options"
      return ["runghc"]

    parseArgStr str =
      case P.parseOnly (argsParser Escaping) (pack str) of
        Left err -> handleFailure ("Error parsing command specified in the "
                        ++ "stack options comment: " ++ err)
        Right [] -> handleFailure "Empty argument list in stack options comment"
        Right args -> return args

    decodeError e =
      case e of
        ParseError ctxs _ (Position line col _) ->
          if null ctxs
          then "Parse error"
          else ("Expecting " ++ intercalate " or " ctxs)
          ++ " at line " ++ show line ++ ", column " ++ show col
        DivergentParser -> "Divergent parser"