stan- Haskell STatic ANalyser
Copyright(c) 2020 Kowainik
MaintainerKowainik <>
Safe HaskellNone



stan runtime configuration that allows customizing the set of inspections to check the code against.


Data types

data ConfigP (p :: Phase Text) Source #

Main configuration type for the following purposes:

  • Filtering inspections (including or ignoring) per scope (file, directory, all)





Instances details
Semigroup PartialConfig Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Stan.Config

(Eq (p ::- [Check]), Eq (p ::- [Scope]), Eq (p ::- [Id Observation])) => Eq (ConfigP p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Stan.Config


(==) :: ConfigP p -> ConfigP p -> Bool #

(/=) :: ConfigP p -> ConfigP p -> Bool #

(Show (p ::- [Check]), Show (p ::- [Scope]), Show (p ::- [Id Observation])) => Show (ConfigP p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Stan.Config


showsPrec :: Int -> ConfigP p -> ShowS #

show :: ConfigP p -> String #

showList :: [ConfigP p] -> ShowS #

data Check Source #

Rule to control the set of inspections per scope.




Instances details
Eq Check Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Stan.Config


(==) :: Check -> Check -> Bool #

(/=) :: Check -> Check -> Bool #

Show Check Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Stan.Config


showsPrec :: Int -> Check -> ShowS #

show :: Check -> String #

showList :: [Check] -> ShowS #

data CheckType Source #




Instances details
Bounded CheckType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Stan.Config

Enum CheckType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Stan.Config

Eq CheckType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Stan.Config

Show CheckType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Stan.Config

data CheckFilter Source #

Criterion for inspections filtering.


Instances details
Eq CheckFilter Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Stan.Config

Show CheckFilter Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Stan.Config

data Scope Source #

Where to apply the rule for controlling inspection set.


Instances details
Eq Scope Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Stan.Config


(==) :: Scope -> Scope -> Bool #

(/=) :: Scope -> Scope -> Bool #

Show Scope Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Stan.Config


showsPrec :: Int -> Scope -> ShowS #

show :: Scope -> String #

showList :: [Scope] -> ShowS #


Final stage


configToCliCommand :: Config -> Text Source #

Convert TOML configuration to the equivalent CLI command that can be copy-pasted to get the same results as using the TOML config.

  ⓘ Reading Configurations from /home/vrom911/Kowainik/stan/.stan.toml ...
stan check --exclude --directory=test/ \
     check --include \
     check --exclude --inspectionId=STAN-0002 \
     check --exclude --inspectionId=STAN-0001 --file=src/MyFile.hs
     remove --file=src/Secret.hs
     ignore --id="STAN0001-asdfgh42:42"

Apply config

The applyConfig function transforms the list of rules defined in the Config (either via TOML or CLI) to get the list of Inspections for each module.

By default, stan runs all Inspections for all modules in the Haskell project and outputs all Observations it finds. Using Config, you can adjust the default setting using your preferences.


The algorithm for figuring out the resulting set of Inspections per module applies each Check one-by-one in order of their appearance.

When introducing a new Check in the config, you must always specify three key-value pairs:

  1. CheckType — control inclusion and exclusion criteria

  2. CheckFilter — how to filter inspections

  3. Scope — where to apply check

    • ScopeFile: only to the specific file

      file = "src/MyModule.hs"
    • ScopeDirectory: to all files in the specified directory

      directory = "text/"
    • ScopeAll: to all files

      scope = "all"

The algorithm doesn't remove any files or inspections from the consideration completely. So, for example, if you exclude all inspections in a specific file, new inspections can be added for this file later by the follow up rules.

However, if you want to completely remove some files or directory from analysis, you can use the remove key:

file = "src/Autogenerated.hs"

Common examples

This section contains examples of custom configuration (in TOML) for common cases.

  1. Exclude all Inspections.

    type   = "Exclude"
    filter = "all"
    scope  = "all"
  2. Exclude all Inspections only for specific file.

    type = "Exclude"
    filter = "all"
    file = "src/MyModule.hs"
  3. Exclude a specific Inspection in all files:

    type = "Exclude"
    id = "STAN-0001"
    scope = "all"
  4. Exclude all Inspections for specific file except Inspections that have a category Partial.

    # exclude all inspections for a file
    type = "Exclude"
    filter = "all"
    file = "src/MyModule.hs"
    # return back only required inspections
    type = "Include"
    category = "Partial"
    file = "src/MyModule.hs"
  5. Keep Inspections only with the category Partial for all files except a single one.

    # exclude all inspections
    type   = "Exclude"
    filter = "all"
    scope  = "all"
    # return back inspections with the category Partial
    type = "Include"
    category = "Partial"
    scope = "all"
    # finally, disable all inspections for a specific file
    type = "Exclude"
    filter = "all"
    file = "src/MyModule.hs"

applyConfig Source #


:: [FilePath]

Paths to project files

-> Config

Stan runtime configuration

-> HashMap FilePath (HashSet (Id Inspection))

Resulting set of inspections for each file

Apply configuration to the given list of files to get the set of inspections for each file.

The algorithm:

  1. Remove all files specified by the remove option.
  2. Run applyChecks on the remaining files.

applyChecks Source #


:: [FilePath]

Paths to project files

-> [Check]

List of rules

-> HashMap FilePath (HashSet (Id Inspection))

Resulting set of inspections for each file

Convert the list of Checks from Config to data structure that allows filtering of Inspections for given files.

applyChecksFor Source #


:: HashMap FilePath (HashSet (Id Inspection))

Initial set of inspections for each file

-> [Check]

List of rules

-> HashMap FilePath (HashSet (Id Inspection))

Resulting set of inspections for each file

Modify existing Checks for each file using the given list of Checks.