statistics- A library of statistical types, data, and functions

Copyright2011 Aleksey Khudyakov, 2014 Bryan O'Sullivan
Safe HaskellNone



Basic matrix operations.

There isn't a widely used matrix package for Haskell yet, so we implement the necessary minimum here.



data Matrix Source

Two-dimensional matrix, stored in row-major order.




rows :: !Int

Rows of matrix.

cols :: !Int

Columns of matrix.

exponent :: !Int

In order to avoid overflows during matrix multiplication, a large exponent is stored separately.

_vector :: !Vector

Matrix data.


fromList Source


:: Int

Number of rows.

-> Int

Number of columns.

-> [Double]

Flat list of values, in row-major order.

-> Matrix 

Convert from a row-major list.

fromVector Source


:: Int

Number of rows.

-> Int

Number of columns.

-> Vector Double

Flat list of values, in row-major order.

-> Matrix 

Convert from a row-major vector.

toVector :: Matrix -> Vector Double Source

Convert to a row-major flat vector.

toList :: Matrix -> [Double] Source

Convert to a row-major flat list.

dimension :: Matrix -> (Int, Int) Source

Return the dimensions of this matrix, as a (row,column) pair.

center :: Matrix -> Double Source

Element in the center of matrix (not corrected for exponent).

multiply :: Matrix -> Matrix -> Matrix Source

Matrix-matrix multiplication. Matrices must be of compatible sizes (note: not checked).

multiplyV :: Matrix -> Vector -> Vector Source

Matrix-vector multiplication.

power :: Matrix -> Int -> Matrix Source

Raise matrix to nth power. Power must be positive (/note: not checked).

norm :: Vector -> Double Source

Calculate the Euclidean norm of a vector.

column :: Matrix -> Int -> Vector Source

Return the given column.

row :: Matrix -> Int -> Vector Source

Return the given row.

for :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> (Int -> m ()) -> m () Source

Simple for loop. Counts from start to end-1.

unsafeIndex Source


:: Matrix 
-> Int


-> Int


-> Double 

hasNaN :: Matrix -> Bool Source

Indicate whether any element of the matrix is NaN.

bounds :: (Vector -> Int -> r) -> Matrix -> Int -> Int -> r Source

Given row and column numbers, calculate the offset into the flat row-major vector.

unsafeBounds :: (Vector -> Int -> r) -> Matrix -> Int -> Int -> r Source

Given row and column numbers, calculate the offset into the flat row-major vector, without checking.