-- Module      : Graphics.Rendering.TrueType.STB
-- Version     : 0.1.4
-- License     : Public Domain
-- Author      : Balazs Komuves
-- Maintainer  : bkomuves (plus) hackage (at) gmail (dot) com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable(?), requires FFI and CPP
-- Tested with : GHC 8.0.2, 8.2.1

-- | This is a wrapper around Sean Barrett's TrueType font rasterizer code.
-- The original can be found at <http://nothings.org/stb/stb_truetype.h>.
-- The version of @stb-truetype@ used here is @v1.19@.
-- This is a very low-level library; if you just want to render text 
-- using OpenGL, look at the the higher-level library @minitypeset-opengl@
-- Note: the glyph coordinate system uses te is the mathematical convention, 
-- that is, the Y coordinate increases upwards; unlike the screen and/or bitmap
-- coordinate system, where Y increases downwards.

{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# CFILES cbits/wrapper.c #-}  -- for Hugs (?)
module Graphics.Rendering.TrueType.STB
  ( TrueType(..)
  , Offset
  , Font(..)
  , CFontInfo
  , Glyph
  -- * Initialization
  , loadTTF
  , withTTF
  , enumerateFonts
  , initFont
  , findGlyph
  , notDefinedGlyphChar
  -- * Font metrics
  , Unscaled
  , Scaling
  , HorizontalMetrics(..)
  , VerticalMetrics(..)
  , BoundingBox(..)
  , lineAdvance
  , verticalSize
  , scaleForPixelHeight
  , getFontVerticalMetrics
  , getGlyphHorizontalMetrics
  , getGlyphKernAdvance
  , getGlyphBoundingBox
  -- * Bitmaps
  , Bitmap(..)
  , newBitmap
  , withBitmap
  , flipBitmap
  , BitmapOfs
  , bitmapArray
  , bitmapFloatArray
  -- * Vanilla (non-subpixel) rendering
  , getGlyphBitmapBox
  , newGlyphBitmap
  , renderGlyphIntoBitmap'
  , renderGlyphIntoBitmap
  -- * Subpixel rendering
  , SubpixelShift
  , getGlyphBitmapBoxSubpixel
  , newGlyphBitmapSubpixel
  , renderGlyphIntoBitmapSubpixel'
  , renderGlyphIntoBitmapSubpixel
  -- * Cached glyph storage
  , CachedBitmap(..)
  , BitmapCache(..)
  , bmcVerticalMetrics
  , bmcScaling
  , newBitmapCache
  , getCachedBitmap
  -- * Unicode tables
  , UnicodeCache
  , newUnicodeCache
  , lookupUnicodeCache


import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent.MVar

import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe

import Data.Array
import Data.Array.IO
import Data.Array.Unboxed
import Data.Array.Unsafe
import qualified Data.Array.Base as Arr

--import Data.Map (Map)
--import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap

import Foreign hiding (newArray)
import Foreign.C
import Foreign.Concurrent

import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BI

import System.IO.Unsafe as Unsafe


-- | A TrueType font file (containing maybe multiple font sets) loaded into memory.
newtype TrueType = TrueType ByteString

-- | A font offset inside a TrueType font file.
newtype Offset = Offset Int deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

-- | A glyph inside a font.
newtype Glyph = Glyph Int deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

-- | Glyph index 0 is normally reserved for showing missing glyphs.
notdefGlyph :: Glyph
notdefGlyph = Glyph 0

ccodepoint :: Char -> CCodepoint
ccodepoint = fromIntegral . ord

cglyphindex :: Glyph -> CGlyphIndex
cglyphindex (Glyph i) = fromIntegral i

withTrueType :: TrueType -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO a) -> IO a
withTrueType (TrueType bs) action = withByteString bs action

withByteString :: ByteString -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO a) -> IO a
withByteString bs action = withForeignPtr fptr h where
  (fptr,ofs,len) = BI.toForeignPtr bs
  h p = action (plusPtr p ofs)

-- we need to refer to the the original font data here, 
-- otherwise it could be garbage collected !!!  
data Font = Font
  { _fontData :: TrueType
  , _fontInfo :: ForeignPtr CFontInfo
  , _glyphMap :: UnicodeCache (Maybe Glyph)

withFontInfo :: Font -> (Ptr CFontInfo -> IO a) -> IO a
withFontInfo (Font _ fptr _) = withForeignPtr fptr

-- | A table indexed by unicode code points.
-- Organized into small continous blocks (say 128 characters)
-- so lookup should be pretty fast
newtype UnicodeCache a = UC (MVar (IntMap (IOArray Char (Maybe a))))

unicodeCacheGranularity :: Int
unicodeCacheGranularity = 128

newUnicodeCache :: IO (UnicodeCache a)
newUnicodeCache = UC <$> newMVar (IntMap.empty)

lookupUnicodeCache :: Char -> (Char -> IO a) -> UnicodeCache a -> IO a
lookupUnicodeCache char calculate (UC cache) = do
  themap <- takeMVar cache
  let k = ord char `div` unicodeCacheGranularity
  case IntMap.lookup k themap of
    Just arr -> do
      putMVar cache themap
      mvalue <- readArray arr char
      case mvalue of
        Just value -> do
          return value
        Nothing -> do
          new <- calculate char
          writeArray arr char (Just new)
          return new
    Nothing -> do
      let u = k*unicodeCacheGranularity
      let v = u + unicodeCacheGranularity - 1
      arr <- newArray (chr u, chr v) Nothing
      new <- calculate char
      writeArray arr char (Just new)
      putMVar cache (IntMap.insert k arr themap)
      return new


-- | Enumerates the fonts found in a TrueType file. Often there is only one,
-- but there may be more.
enumerateFonts :: TrueType -> IO [Offset]
enumerateFonts ttf = withTrueType ttf $ \ptr -> worker ptr 0 where
  worker ptr i = do
    o <- fromIntegral <$> stbtt_GetFontOffsetForIndex ptr i
    if o < 0
      then return []
      else do
        os <- worker ptr (i+1)
        return (Offset o : os)

initFont :: TrueType -> Offset -> IO Font
initFont ttf (Offset ofs) = withTrueType ttf $ \ptr -> do
  fq <- mallocForeignPtr :: IO (ForeignPtr CFontInfo)
  withForeignPtr fq $ \q -> stbtt_InitFont q ptr (fromIntegral ofs)
  mglyphmap <- newUnicodeCache -- newMVar Map.empty
  return (Font ttf fq mglyphmap)


loadTTF :: FilePath -> IO TrueType
loadTTF fname = do
  bs <- B.readFile fname
  return (TrueType bs)

withTTF :: FilePath -> (TrueType -> IO a) -> IO a
withTTF fname action = do
  bs <- B.readFile fname
  action (TrueType bs)


-- | The character @0xffff@ (which is not a valid unicode code point) which maps to the \"not defined glyph\"
notDefinedGlyphChar :: Char
notDefinedGlyphChar = '\xffff'

-- | Maps unicode characters to glyphs. As a hack, we map @0xffff@ (which is not a
-- valid unicode code point) to the \"not defined glyph\" (glyph #0), which has no 
-- character counterpart.
-- Note: this is cached, so you can call it many times if necessary.
findGlyph :: Font -> Char -> IO (Maybe Glyph)
findGlyph fontinfo@(Font _ _ glyphmap) char =
  case ord char of
    0xffff -> return (Just notdefGlyph)
    _      -> lookupUnicodeCache char (findGlyphNotCached fontinfo) glyphmap

-- this is not cached
findGlyphNotCached :: Font -> Char -> IO (Maybe Glyph)
findGlyphNotCached fontinfo char =
  withFontInfo fontinfo $ \ptr -> do
    let codepoint = ord char
    i <- stbtt_FindGlyphIndex ptr (fromIntegral codepoint)
    if i == 0
      then return Nothing
      else do
        let glyph = Glyph (fromIntegral i)
        return (Just glyph)


-- | Note: the metrics are scaled!
data CachedBitmap = CBM !Glyph !Bitmap !BitmapOfs !(HorizontalMetrics Float)

-- | A \"bitmap cache\".
data BitmapCache = BMCache
  { bmc_fontinfo :: !Font
  , bmc_scaling  :: !(Float,Float)
  , bmc_cache    :: !(UnicodeCache (Maybe CachedBitmap))
  , bmc_vmetrics :: !(VerticalMetrics Float)
  , bmc_flipped  :: !Bool

-- | Note: these metrics are scaled!
bmcVerticalMetrics :: BitmapCache -> VerticalMetrics Float
bmcVerticalMetrics = bmc_vmetrics

bmcScaling :: BitmapCache -> Scaling
bmcScaling = bmc_scaling

-- | Creates a new cache where glyph bitmaps with the given scaling
-- will be stored. The second argument is whether the resulting bitmaps
-- should be flipped vertically or not (this is useful with OpenGL).
newBitmapCache :: Font -> Bool -> (Float,Float) -> IO BitmapCache
newBitmapCache fontinfo flipped scaling@(xscale,yscale) = do
  cache <- newUnicodeCache
  vmetu <- getFontVerticalMetrics fontinfo
  let vmets = fmap (\y -> yscale * fromIntegral y) vmetu
  return $ BMCache fontinfo scaling cache vmets flipped

-- | Fetches a rendered glyph bitmap from the cache (rendering it first if
-- it was not present in the cache before).
getCachedBitmap :: BitmapCache -> Char -> IO (Maybe CachedBitmap)
getCachedBitmap (BMCache font scaling@(xscale,yscale) cache vmet flipped) char =
  lookupUnicodeCache char createBitmap cache
    createBitmap char = do
      mglyph <- findGlyph font char
      case mglyph of
        Just glyph -> do
          (bm',ofs) <- newGlyphBitmap font glyph scaling
          bm <- if flipped then flipBitmap bm' else return bm'
          hmetu <- getGlyphHorizontalMetrics font glyph
          let hmets = fmap (\x -> xscale * fromIntegral x) hmetu
          return $ Just (CBM glyph bm ofs hmets)
        Nothing -> do
          return Nothing


type Unscaled = Int

-- | 'ascent' is the coordinate above the baseline the font extends; 'descent'
-- is the coordinate below the baseline the font extends (i.e. it is typically negative)
-- 'lineGap' is the spacing between one row's descent and the next row's ascent...
-- so you should advance the vertical position by @ascent - descent + lineGap@      
data VerticalMetrics a = VMetrics
  { ascent  :: !a
  , descent :: !a
  , lineGap :: !a
  deriving Show

instance Functor VerticalMetrics where
  fmap f (VMetrics a d l) = VMetrics (f a) (f d) (f l)

-- | As calculated by @(ascent - descent + lineGap)@.
lineAdvance :: Num a => VerticalMetrics a -> a
lineAdvance vm = ascent vm - descent vm + lineGap vm

-- | As calculated by @(ascent - descent)@.
verticalSize :: Num a => VerticalMetrics a -> a
verticalSize vm = ascent vm - descent vm

scaleForPixelHeight :: VerticalMetrics Unscaled -> Float -> Float
scaleForPixelHeight vm pixels = pixels / fromIntegral (verticalSize vm)

-- 'leftSideBearing' is the offset from the current horizontal position to the left edge of the character;
-- 'advanceWidth' is the offset from the current horizontal position to the next horizontal position.
data HorizontalMetrics a = HMetrics
  { advanceWidth    :: !a
  , leftSideBearing :: !a
  deriving Show

instance Functor HorizontalMetrics where
  fmap f (HMetrics a l) = HMetrics (f a) (f l)

-- | The convention is @BBox (x0,y0) (x1,y1)@.
data BoundingBox a = BBox (a,a) (a,a) deriving Show


getFontVerticalMetrics :: Font -> IO (VerticalMetrics Unscaled)
getFontVerticalMetrics fontinfo =
  withFontInfo fontinfo $ \ptr -> do
    alloca $ \pasc -> alloca $ \pdesc -> alloca $ \pgap -> do
      stbtt_GetFontVMetrics ptr pasc pdesc pgap
      asc  <- peek pasc  :: IO CInt
      desc <- peek pdesc :: IO CInt
      gap  <- peek pgap  :: IO CInt
      return $ VMetrics
        { ascent  = fromIntegral asc
        , descent = fromIntegral desc
        , lineGap = fromIntegral gap


getGlyphHorizontalMetrics :: Font -> Glyph -> IO (HorizontalMetrics Unscaled)
getGlyphHorizontalMetrics fontinfo glyph =
  withFontInfo fontinfo $ \ptr -> do
    alloca $ \padv -> alloca $ \plsb  -> do
      stbtt_GetGlyphHMetrics ptr (cglyphindex glyph) padv plsb
      adv <- peek padv :: IO CInt
      lsb <- peek plsb :: IO CInt
      return $ HMetrics
        { advanceWidth = fromIntegral adv
        , leftSideBearing = fromIntegral lsb

-- | An additional amount to add to the \'advance\' value between two glyphs
getGlyphKernAdvance :: Font -> Glyph -> Glyph -> IO Unscaled
getGlyphKernAdvance fontinfo glyph1 glyph2 =
  withFontInfo fontinfo $ \ptr -> do
    kern <- stbtt_GetGlyphKernAdvance ptr (cglyphindex glyph1) (cglyphindex glyph1)
    return (fromIntegral kern)

getGlyphBoundingBox :: Font -> Glyph -> IO (Maybe (BoundingBox Unscaled))
getGlyphBoundingBox fontinfo glyph =
  withFontInfo fontinfo $ \ptr -> do
    alloca $ \px0 -> alloca $ \py0 -> alloca $ \px1 -> alloca $ \py1 -> do
      --poke px0 0
      --poke py0 0
      --poke px1 0
      --poke py1 0
      r <- stbtt_GetGlyphBox ptr (cglyphindex glyph) px0 py0 px1 py1
      if r == 0
        then return Nothing
        else do
          x0 <- peek px0 :: IO CInt
          y0 <- peek py0 :: IO CInt
          x1 <- peek px1 :: IO CInt
          y1 <- peek py1 :: IO CInt
          return $ Just $ BBox
            (fromIntegral x0, fromIntegral y0)
            (fromIntegral x1, fromIntegral y1)


type Scaling = (Float,Float)

-- | A 8-bit grayscale bitmap.
data Bitmap = Bitmap
  { bitmapSize :: !(Int,Int)
  , bitmapPtr  :: !(ForeignPtr Word8)

-- | An offset (for example the pivot of the glyph) 
type BitmapOfs = (Int,Int)

newBitmap :: (Int,Int) -> IO Bitmap
newBitmap siz@(xsiz,ysiz) = do
  let n = xsiz*ysiz
  fptr <- mallocForeignPtrBytes n
  withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> pokeArray ptr (replicate n 0)
  return (Bitmap siz fptr)

withBitmap :: Bitmap -> (Int -> Int -> Ptr Word8 -> IO a) -> IO a
withBitmap bm action = do
  let (xsiz,ysiz) = bitmapSize bm
  withForeignPtr (bitmapPtr bm) $ \ptr -> action xsiz ysiz ptr

-- | Flips the bitmap vertically (leaving the original unchanged)
flipBitmap :: Bitmap -> IO Bitmap
flipBitmap (Bitmap siz@(xsiz,ysiz) fptr1) = withForeignPtr fptr1 $ \ptr1 -> do
  let n = xsiz*ysiz
  fptr2 <- mallocForeignPtrBytes n
  withForeignPtr fptr2 $ \ptr2 -> do
    forM_ [0..ysiz-1] $ \y1 -> do
      let y2 = ysiz-1-y1
      copyBytes (ptr2 `plusPtr` (y2*xsiz)) (ptr1 `plusPtr` (y1*xsiz)) xsiz
  return (Bitmap siz fptr2)

-- | NOTE: because of the way Haskell indexes rectangular arrays,
-- the resulting array is indexed with @(y,x)@, as opposed to what
-- you would expect.
bitmapArray :: Bitmap -> IO (UArray (Int,Int) Word8)
bitmapArray bm =
  withBitmap bm $ \xsiz ysiz ptr -> do
    ar <- newArray_ ((0,0),(ysiz-1,xsiz-1)) :: IO (IOUArray (Int,Int) Word8)
    forM_ [0..ysiz-1] $ \y -> do
      let k = y*xsiz
      forM_ [0..xsiz-1] $ \x -> do
        a <- peekElemOff ptr (k+x)
        Arr.unsafeWrite ar (k+x) a
        writeArray ar (y,x) a
    Arr.unsafeFreeze ar

bitmapFloatArray :: Bitmap -> IO (UArray (Int,Int) Float)
bitmapFloatArray bm =
  withBitmap bm $ \xsiz ysiz ptr -> do
    let factor = 1.0 / 255 :: Float
    ar <- newArray_ ((0,0),(ysiz-1,xsiz-1)) :: IO (IOUArray (Int,Int) Float)
    forM_ [0..ysiz-1] $ \y -> do
      let k = y*xsiz
      forM_ [0..xsiz-1] $ \x -> do
        a <- peekElemOff ptr (k+x)
        let z = fromIntegral a * factor
        Arr.unsafeWrite ar (k+x) z
        writeArray ar (y,x) z
    Arr.unsafeFreeze ar

-- * vanilla (non-subpixel) rendering

-- | Returns the size of the bitmap (in pixels) needed to 
-- render the glyph with the given scaling.
-- The box is centered around the glyph origin; so the
-- bitmap width is @x1-x0@, height is @y1-y0@, and location to place
-- the bitmap top left is @(leftSideBearing*scale,y0)@.
-- Note that the bitmap uses /y-increases-down/, but the shape uses
-- /y-increases-up/, so the results of 'getGlyphBitmapBox' and 
-- 'getGlyphBoundingBox' are inverted.
getGlyphBitmapBox :: Font -> Glyph -> Scaling -> IO (BoundingBox Int)
getGlyphBitmapBox fontinfo glyph (xscale,yscale) =
  withFontInfo fontinfo $ \ptr -> do
    alloca $ \px0 -> alloca $ \py0 -> alloca $ \px1 -> alloca $ \py1 -> do
      stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapBox ptr (cglyphindex glyph) (realToFrac xscale) (realToFrac yscale) px0 py0 px1 py1
      x0 <- peek px0 :: IO CInt
      y0 <- peek py0 :: IO CInt
      x1 <- peek px1 :: IO CInt
      y1 <- peek py1 :: IO CInt
      return $ BBox
        (fromIntegral x0, fromIntegral y0)
        (fromIntegral x1, fromIntegral y1)

-- | Creates a new bitmap just enough to fit the glyph with the given scaling,
-- and renders the glyph into it. The offset returned is the offset 
-- in pixel space /from/ the glyph origin /to/ the top-left of the bitmap
-- (so it's almost always negative).
newGlyphBitmap :: Font -> Glyph -> Scaling -> IO (Bitmap,BitmapOfs)
newGlyphBitmap fontinfo glyph (xscale,yscale) = do
  withFontInfo fontinfo $ \ptr -> do
    alloca $ \pxsiz -> alloca $ \pysiz -> alloca $ \pxofs -> alloca $ \pyofs -> do
      pbm <- stbtt_GetGlyphBitmap ptr
        (realToFrac xscale) (realToFrac yscale)
        (cglyphindex glyph)
        pxsiz pysiz pxofs pyofs
      xsiz <- peek pxsiz :: IO CInt
      ysiz <- peek pysiz :: IO CInt
      xofs <- peek pxofs :: IO CInt
      yofs <- peek pyofs :: IO CInt
      -- fpbm <- newForeignPtr bitmapFinalizer pbm
      fpbm <- Foreign.Concurrent.newForeignPtr pbm (bitmapFinalizer1 pbm)
      let bm  = Bitmap (fromIntegral xsiz, fromIntegral ysiz) fpbm
          ofs = (fromIntegral xofs, fromIntegral yofs)
      return $ (bm,ofs)

-- | The offset is the /top-left corner/ of the bounding box of the glyph,
-- and must be nonnegative (otherwise nothing will happen).
renderGlyphIntoBitmap' :: Font -> Glyph -> Scaling -> Bitmap -> BitmapOfs -> IO ()
renderGlyphIntoBitmap' fontinfo glyph (xscale,yscale) bm (xofs,yofs) = do
  let (xsiz,ysiz) = bitmapSize bm
  when ( xofs < xsiz && yofs < ysiz && xofs >= 0 && yofs >= 0 ) $ do
    withFontInfo fontinfo $ \ptr -> do
      withBitmap bm $ \width height pbm -> do
        let pbm' = pbm `plusPtr` (width*yofs+xofs)
        stbtt_MakeGlyphBitmap ptr pbm'
          (fromIntegral $ width - xofs) (fromIntegral $ height - yofs)
          (fromIntegral width)  -- stride
          (realToFrac xscale) (realToFrac yscale)
          (cglyphindex glyph)

-- | The offset is the /origin/ of the glyph. If the glyph extends from the
-- bitmap in the positive direction, it is clipped; however, if it extends
-- in the negative direction, no drawing will happen!
renderGlyphIntoBitmap ::  Font -> Glyph -> Scaling -> Bitmap -> BitmapOfs -> IO ()
renderGlyphIntoBitmap fontinfo glyph scaling@(xscale,yscale) bm ofs@(xofs,yofs) = do
  BBox (x0,y0) _ <- getGlyphBitmapBox fontinfo glyph scaling
  renderGlyphIntoBitmap' fontinfo glyph scaling bm (xofs+x0,yofs+y0)

-- * Subpixel rendering

-- | The subpixel version of the rendering functions accept an additional fractional shift
type SubpixelShift = (Float,Float)

-- | Returns the size of the bitmap (in pixels) needed to 
-- render the glyph with the given scaling.
-- The box is centered around the glyph origin; so the
-- bitmap width is @x1-x0@, height is @y1-y0@, and location to place
-- the bitmap top left is @(leftSideBearing*scale,y0)@.
-- Note that the bitmap uses /y-increases-down/, but the shape uses
-- /y-increases-up/, so the results of 'getGlyphBitmapBox' and 
-- 'getGlyphBoundingBox' are inverted.
getGlyphBitmapBoxSubpixel :: Font -> Glyph -> Scaling -> SubpixelShift -> IO (BoundingBox Int)
getGlyphBitmapBoxSubpixel fontinfo glyph (xscale,yscale) (xshift,yshift) =
  withFontInfo fontinfo $ \ptr -> do
    alloca $ \px0 -> alloca $ \py0 -> alloca $ \px1 -> alloca $ \py1 -> do
      stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapBoxSubpixel ptr (cglyphindex glyph)
        (realToFrac xscale) (realToFrac yscale)
        (realToFrac xshift) (realToFrac yshift)
        px0 py0 px1 py1
      x0 <- peek px0 :: IO CInt
      y0 <- peek py0 :: IO CInt
      x1 <- peek px1 :: IO CInt
      y1 <- peek py1 :: IO CInt
      return $ BBox
        (fromIntegral x0, fromIntegral y0)
        (fromIntegral x1, fromIntegral y1)

-- | Creates a new bitmap just enough to fit the glyph with the given scaling,
-- and renders the glyph into it. The offset returned is the offset 
-- in pixel space /from/ the glyph origin /to/ the top-left of the bitmap
-- (so it's almost always negative).
newGlyphBitmapSubpixel :: Font -> Glyph -> Scaling -> SubpixelShift -> IO (Bitmap,BitmapOfs)
newGlyphBitmapSubpixel fontinfo glyph (xscale,yscale) (xshift,yshift) = do
  withFontInfo fontinfo $ \ptr -> do
    alloca $ \pxsiz -> alloca $ \pysiz -> alloca $ \pxofs -> alloca $ \pyofs -> do
      pbm <- stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapSubpixel ptr
        (realToFrac xscale) (realToFrac yscale)
        (realToFrac xshift) (realToFrac yshift)
        (cglyphindex glyph)
        pxsiz pysiz pxofs pyofs
      xsiz <- peek pxsiz :: IO CInt
      ysiz <- peek pysiz :: IO CInt
      xofs <- peek pxofs :: IO CInt
      yofs <- peek pyofs :: IO CInt
      -- fpbm <- newForeignPtr bitmapFinalizer pbm
      fpbm <- Foreign.Concurrent.newForeignPtr pbm (bitmapFinalizer1 pbm)
      let bm  = Bitmap (fromIntegral xsiz, fromIntegral ysiz) fpbm
          ofs = (fromIntegral xofs, fromIntegral yofs)
      return $ (bm,ofs)

-- | The offset is the /top-left corner/ of the bounding box of the glyph,
-- and must be nonnegative (otherwise nothing will happen).
renderGlyphIntoBitmapSubpixel' :: Font -> Glyph -> Scaling -> SubpixelShift -> Bitmap -> BitmapOfs -> IO ()
renderGlyphIntoBitmapSubpixel' fontinfo glyph (xscale,yscale) (xshift,yshift) bm (xofs,yofs) = do
  let (xsiz,ysiz) = bitmapSize bm
  when ( xofs < xsiz && yofs < ysiz && xofs >= 0 && yofs >= 0 ) $ do
    withFontInfo fontinfo $ \ptr -> do
      withBitmap bm $ \width height pbm -> do
        let pbm' = pbm `plusPtr` (width*yofs+xofs)
        stbtt_MakeGlyphBitmapSubpixel ptr pbm'
          (fromIntegral $ width - xofs) (fromIntegral $ height - yofs)
          (fromIntegral width)  -- stride
          (realToFrac xscale) (realToFrac yscale)
          (realToFrac xshift) (realToFrac yshift)
          (cglyphindex glyph)

-- | The offset is the /origin/ of the glyph. If the glyph extends from the
-- bitmap in the positive direction, it is clipped; however, if it extends
-- in the negative direction, no drawing will happen!
renderGlyphIntoBitmapSubpixel ::  Font -> Glyph -> Scaling -> SubpixelShift -> Bitmap -> BitmapOfs -> IO ()
renderGlyphIntoBitmapSubpixel fontinfo glyph scaling@(xscale,yscale) shift bm ofs@(xofs,yofs) = do
  BBox (x0,y0) _ <- getGlyphBitmapBoxSubpixel fontinfo glyph scaling shift
  renderGlyphIntoBitmapSubpixel' fontinfo glyph scaling shift bm (xofs+x0,yofs+y0)


foreign import ccall "sizeof_stbtt_fontinfo" sizeof_stbtt_fontinfo :: CInt

data CFontInfo = CFontInfo

struct stbtt_fontinfo
   void           * userdata;
   unsigned char  * data;              // pointer to .ttf file
   int              fontstart;         // offset of start of font

   int numGlyphs;                     // number of glyphs, needed for range checking

   int loca,head,glyf,hhea,hmtx,kern,gpos; // table locations as offset from start of .ttf
   int index_map;                     // a cmap mapping for our chosen character encoding
   int indexToLocFormat;              // format needed to map from glyph index to glyph

   stbtt__buf cff;                    // cff font data
   stbtt__buf charstrings;            // the charstring index
   stbtt__buf gsubrs;                 // global charstring subroutines index
   stbtt__buf subrs;                  // private charstring subroutines index
   stbtt__buf fontdicts;              // array of font dicts
   stbtt__buf fdselect;               // map from glyph to fontdict

instance Storable CFontInfo where
  alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CInt)
  sizeOf _    = fromIntegral sizeof_stbtt_fontinfo
  peek = error "CFontInfo/peek: not implemented"
  poke = error "CFontInfo/poke: not implemented"


type CCodepoint  = CInt
type CGlyphIndex = CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_GetFontOffsetForIndex"
  stbtt_GetFontOffsetForIndex :: Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_InitFont"
  stbtt_InitFont :: Ptr CFontInfo -> Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> IO CInt


foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_FindGlyphIndex"
  stbtt_FindGlyphIndex :: Ptr CFontInfo -> CCodepoint -> IO CGlyphIndex


-- foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight"
--   stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight :: Ptr CFontInfo -> CFloat -> IO CFloat

foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_GetFontVMetrics"
  stbtt_GetFontVMetrics :: Ptr CFontInfo -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_GetCodepointHMetrics"
  stbtt_GetCodepointHMetrics :: Ptr CFontInfo -> CCodepoint -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_GetCodepointKernAdvance"
  stbtt_GetCodepointKernAdvance :: Ptr CFontInfo -> CCodepoint -> CCodepoint -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_GetCodepointBox"
    :: Ptr CFontInfo -> CCodepoint -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_GetGlyphHMetrics"
  stbtt_GetGlyphHMetrics :: Ptr CFontInfo -> CGlyphIndex -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_GetGlyphKernAdvance"
  stbtt_GetGlyphKernAdvance :: Ptr CFontInfo -> CGlyphIndex -> CGlyphIndex -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_GetGlyphBox"
    :: Ptr CFontInfo -> CGlyphIndex -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt


-- since stb_truetype v0.3, with "userdata"
foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_FreeBitmap"
  stbtt_FreeBitmap :: Ptr Word8 -> Ptr a -> IO ()

foreign import ccall "wrapper" mkFinPtr
  :: (Ptr Word8 -> IO ()) -> IO (FinalizerPtr Word8)

bitmapFinalizer :: FunPtr (Ptr Word8 -> IO ())
bitmapFinalizer = Unsafe.unsafePerformIO $ mkFinPtr $ \p -> stbtt_FreeBitmap p nullPtr

bitmapFinalizer1 :: Ptr Word8 -> IO ()
bitmapFinalizer1 p = stbtt_FreeBitmap p nullPtr


foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_GetCodepointBitmap"
    :: Ptr CFontInfo -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CCodepoint 
    -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_MakeCodepointBitmap"
    :: Ptr CFontInfo -> Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt
    -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CCodepoint -> IO ()

-- (Note that the bitmap uses y-increases-down, but the shape uses
-- y-increases-up, so CodepointBitmapBox and CodepointBox are inverted.)
foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_GetCodepointBitmapBox"
    :: Ptr CFontInfo -> CCodepoint -> CFloat -> CFloat
    -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()


foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_GetGlyphBitmap"
    :: Ptr CFontInfo -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CGlyphIndex
    -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO (Ptr Word8)

foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_MakeGlyphBitmap"
    :: Ptr CFontInfo -> Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt
    -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CGlyphIndex -> IO ()

-- (Note that the bitmap uses y-increases-down, but the shape uses
-- y-increases-up, so GlyphBitmapBox and GlyphBox are inverted.)
foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapBox"
    :: Ptr CFontInfo -> CGlyphIndex -> CFloat -> CFloat
    -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

-- * subpixel versions

foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapSubpixel"
    :: Ptr CFontInfo -> CFloat -> CFloat
    -> CFloat -> CFloat
    -> CGlyphIndex
    -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO (Ptr Word8)

foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_MakeGlyphBitmap"
    :: Ptr CFontInfo -> Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt
    -> CFloat -> CFloat
    -> CFloat -> CFloat
    -> CGlyphIndex -> IO ()

-- (Note that the bitmap uses y-increases-down, but the shape uses
-- y-increases-up, so GlyphBitmapBox and GlyphBox are inverted.)
foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapBoxSubpixel"
    :: Ptr CFontInfo -> CGlyphIndex -> CFloat -> CFloat
    -> CFloat -> CFloat
    -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()
