module StmContainers.Bimap

import StmContainers.Prelude hiding (insert, delete, lookup, alter, foldM, toList, empty, null)
import qualified StmContainers.Map as A
import qualified Focus as B

-- |
-- Bidirectional map.
-- Essentially, a bijection between subsets of its two argument types.
-- For one value of the left-hand type this map contains one value 
-- of the right-hand type and vice versa.
data Bimap leftKey rightKey =
  Bimap !(A.Map leftKey rightKey) !(A.Map rightKey leftKey)
  deriving (Typeable)

-- |
-- Construct a new bimap.
{-# INLINE new #-}
new :: STM (Bimap leftKey rightKey)
new =
  Bimap <$> <*>

-- |
-- Construct a new bimap in IO.
-- This is useful for creating it on a top-level using 'unsafePerformIO', 
-- because using 'atomically' inside 'unsafePerformIO' isn't possible.
{-# INLINE newIO #-}
newIO :: IO (Bimap leftKey rightKey)
newIO =
  Bimap <$> A.newIO <*> A.newIO

-- |
-- Check on being empty.
{-# INLINE null #-}
null :: Bimap leftKey rightKey -> STM Bool
null (Bimap leftMap _) =
  A.null leftMap

-- |
-- Get the number of elements.
{-# INLINE size #-}
size :: Bimap leftKey rightKey -> STM Int
size (Bimap leftMap _) =
  A.size leftMap

-- |
-- Focus on a right value by the left value.
-- This function allows to perform composite operations in a single access
-- to a map item.
-- E.g., you can look up an item and delete it at the same time,
-- or update it and return the new value.
{-# INLINE focusLeft #-}
focusLeft :: (Eq leftKey, Hashable leftKey, Eq rightKey, Hashable rightKey) => B.Focus rightKey STM result -> leftKey -> Bimap leftKey rightKey -> STM result
focusLeft valueFocus1 leftKey (Bimap leftMap rightMap) =
    ((output, change), maybeRightKey) <- A.focus (B.extractingInput (B.extractingChange valueFocus1)) leftKey leftMap
    case change of
      B.Leave ->
        return ()
      B.Remove ->
        forM_ maybeRightKey $ \ rightKey -> A.delete rightKey rightMap
      B.Set newKey2 ->
          forM_ maybeRightKey $ \ rightKey -> A.delete rightKey rightMap
          A.insert leftKey newKey2 rightMap
    return output

-- |
-- Focus on a left value by the right value.
-- This function allows to perform composite operations in a single access
-- to a map item.
-- E.g., you can look up an item and delete it at the same time,
-- or update it and return the new value.
{-# INLINE focusRight #-}
focusRight :: (Eq leftKey, Hashable leftKey, Eq rightKey, Hashable rightKey) => B.Focus leftKey STM result -> rightKey -> Bimap leftKey rightKey -> STM result
focusRight valueFocus2 rightKey (Bimap leftMap rightMap) =
  focusLeft valueFocus2 rightKey (Bimap rightMap leftMap)

-- |
-- Look up a right value by the left value.
{-# INLINE lookupLeft #-}
lookupLeft :: (Eq leftKey, Hashable leftKey, Eq rightKey, Hashable rightKey) => leftKey -> Bimap leftKey rightKey -> STM (Maybe rightKey)
lookupLeft leftKey (Bimap leftMap _) =
  A.lookup leftKey leftMap

-- |
-- Look up a left value by the right value.
{-# INLINE lookupRight #-}
lookupRight :: (Eq leftKey, Hashable leftKey, Eq rightKey, Hashable rightKey) => rightKey -> Bimap leftKey rightKey -> STM (Maybe leftKey)
lookupRight rightKey (Bimap _ rightMap) =
  A.lookup rightKey rightMap

-- |
-- Insert the association by the left value.
{-# INLINE insertLeft #-}
insertLeft :: (Eq leftKey, Hashable leftKey, Eq rightKey, Hashable rightKey) => rightKey -> leftKey -> Bimap leftKey rightKey -> STM ()
insertLeft rightKey leftKey (Bimap leftMap rightMap) =
    A.insert rightKey leftKey leftMap
    A.insert leftKey rightKey rightMap

-- |
-- Insert the association by the right value.
{-# INLINE insertRight #-}
insertRight :: (Eq leftKey, Hashable leftKey, Eq rightKey, Hashable rightKey) => leftKey -> rightKey -> Bimap leftKey rightKey -> STM ()
insertRight leftKey rightKey (Bimap leftMap rightMap) =
    A.insert leftKey rightKey rightMap
    A.insert rightKey leftKey leftMap

-- |
-- Delete the association by the left value.
{-# INLINE deleteLeft #-}
deleteLeft :: (Eq leftKey, Hashable leftKey, Eq rightKey, Hashable rightKey) => leftKey -> Bimap leftKey rightKey -> STM ()
deleteLeft leftKey (Bimap leftMap rightMap) =
  A.focus B.lookupAndDelete leftKey leftMap >>=
  mapM_ (\ rightKey -> A.delete rightKey rightMap)

-- |
-- Delete the association by the right value.
{-# INLINE deleteRight #-}
deleteRight :: (Eq leftKey, Hashable leftKey, Eq rightKey, Hashable rightKey) => rightKey -> Bimap leftKey rightKey -> STM ()
deleteRight rightKey (Bimap leftMap rightMap) =
  deleteLeft rightKey (Bimap rightMap leftMap)

-- |
-- Delete all the associations.
{-# INLINE reset #-}
reset :: Bimap leftKey rightKey -> STM ()
reset (Bimap leftMap rightMap) =
    A.reset leftMap
    A.reset rightMap

-- |
-- Stream associations actively.
-- Amongst other features this function provides an interface to folding.
{-# INLINE unfoldM #-}
unfoldM :: Bimap leftKey rightKey -> UnfoldM STM (leftKey, rightKey)
unfoldM (Bimap leftMap rightMap) =
  A.unfoldM leftMap

-- |
-- Stream the associations passively.
{-# INLINE listT #-}
listT :: Bimap key value -> ListT STM (key, value)
listT (Bimap leftMap _) =
  A.listT leftMap