-- |
-- Module      : Streamly.FileSystem.Event
-- Copyright   : (c) 2020 Composewell Technologies
-- License     : BSD-3-Clause
-- Maintainer  : streamly@composewell.com
-- Stability   : pre-release
-- Portability : GHC
-- File system event notification API portable across Linux, macOS and Windows
-- platforms.
-- Note that recursive directory tree watch does not work reliably on Linux
-- (see notes in the Linux module), therefore, recursive watch API is not
-- provided in this module. However, you can use it from the platform specific
-- modules.
-- For platform specific APIs please see the following modules:
-- * "Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event.Darwin"
-- * "Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event.Linux"
-- * "Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event.Windows"

module Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event
    -- * Creating a Watch

    -- , watchRecursive

    -- * Handling Events
    , Event
    , getAbsPath

    -- ** Item CRUD events
    , isCreated
    , isDeleted
    , isMoved
    , isModified

    -- ** Exception Conditions
    , isEventsLost

    -- ** Debugging
    , showEvent

import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Streamly.Data.Array (Array)
import Streamly.Data.Stream (Stream)

#if defined(CABAL_OS_DARWIN)
import Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event.Darwin (Event)
import qualified Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event.Darwin as Event
#elif defined(CABAL_OS_LINUX)
import Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event.Linux (Event)
import qualified Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event.Linux as Event
#elif defined(CABAL_OS_WINDOWS)
import Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event.Windows (Event)
import qualified Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event.Windows as Event
#error "FS Events not supported on this platform"

-- XXX Ensure that defaultConfig is the same for all platforms.
-- XXX Ensure that equivalent events are generated on all platforms when same
-- operations are done. Document any differences in behavior on different
-- platforms. Any events that are not common to all platforms should be
-- filtered out.
-- XXX Only need to set common event types for macOS/Linux/Windows
-- XXX write a test, that generates all types of events that can possibly
-- occur on each platform. Then create a common test that only checks
-- for the common subset of those.

-- Creating a watch

-- macOS and Windows seem to do a path level watch i.e. they watch the path
-- rather than the underlying inode, possibly they can map the inode back to a
-- path?.  On Linux we cannot keep watching a watch root if the inode it is
-- pointing to has moved. However, the inode continues to be watched in this
-- case instead of the path, which is not the case for macOS.
-- To make the behavior same for all platforms, for the Linux case we will have
-- to stop watching the inode if it moves from under the path
-- (setUnwatchMoved).  And on macOS we can stop watching  a path if the inode
-- under it changes i.e. just filter out events for that path.
-- Also, to make the behavior of Linux same as macOS we need to set
-- setFollowSymLinks on Linux.

-- XXX Verify all the cases mentioned below using test cases.
-- XXX Make it fail if the watch root is a file. It works on macOS and Linux
-- but does not work on Windows.

-- | Start monitoring a list of directories or symbolic links to directories
-- for file system events.  Monitoring starts from the current time onwards.
-- The paths are specified as UTF-8 encoded 'Array' of 'Word8'.
-- If a watch root is a symbolic link then the target of the link is watched.
-- Fails if the watched path does not exist. If the user does not have
-- permissions (read and execute?) on the watch root then no events are
-- generated.  No events are generated if the watch root itself is renamed or
-- deleted.
-- This API watches for changes in the watch root directory only, any changes
-- in the subdirectories of the watch root are not watched. However, on macOS
-- the watch is always recursive, but do not rely on that behavior, it may
-- change without notice in future. If you want to use recursive watch please
-- use platform specific modules.
-- /Pre-release/
watch :: NonEmpty (Array Word8) -> Stream IO Event
#if defined(CABAL_OS_DARWIN)
watch = Event.watchRecursive
watch :: NonEmpty (Array Word8) -> Stream IO Event
watch = NonEmpty (Array Word8) -> Stream IO Event

-- | Like 'watch' except that if a watched path is a directory the whole
-- directory tree under it is watched recursively.
-- On Linux 'watchRecursive' may be more expensive than 'watch'.
-- /Pre-release/
_watchRecursive :: NonEmpty (Array Word8) -> Stream IO Event
_watchRecursive :: NonEmpty (Array Word8) -> Stream IO Event
_watchRecursive = NonEmpty (Array Word8) -> Stream IO Event

-- Handling Events

-- XXX Ensure that on all paltforms the path has same conventions. That is do
-- not have a trailing path separator on one platfrom and not on another.
-- XXX We should use getRelPath instead so that the behavior when the root is a
-- symlink becomes platform independent.
-- | Get the absolute path of the file system object for which the event is
-- generated. The path is a UTF-8 encoded array of bytes.
-- When the watch root is a symlink the behavior is different on different
-- platforms:
-- * On Linux and Windows, the absolute path returned is via the original
-- symlink.
-- * On macOS the absolute path returned is via the real path of the root after
-- resolving the symlink.
-- This API is subject to removal in future, to be replaced by a platform
-- independent @getRelPath@.
-- /Pre-release/
getAbsPath :: Event -> Array Word8
getAbsPath :: Event -> Array Word8
getAbsPath = Event -> Array Word8

-- | Determine whether the event indicates creation of an object within the
-- monitored path. This event is generated when any file system object is
-- created.
-- For hard links the behavior is different on different operating systems. On
-- macOS hard linking does not generate a create event, it generates an
-- 'isInodeAttrsChanged' event on the directory instead (see the Darwin
-- module). On Linux and Windows hard linking generates a create event.
-- /Pre-release/
isCreated :: Event -> Bool
isCreated :: Event -> Bool
isCreated = Event -> Bool

-- XXX To make the behavior consistent, can we block the event on watch root on
-- macOS?
-- | Determine whether the event indicates deletion of an object within the
-- monitored path. On Linux and Windows hard link deletion generates a delete
-- event.
-- On Linux and Windows, this event does not occur when the watch root itself
-- is deleted. On macOS it occurs on deleting the watch root when it is not a
-- symbolic link.
-- See also 'isRootDeleted' event for Linux.
-- /Pre-release/
isDeleted :: Event -> Bool
isDeleted :: Event -> Bool
isDeleted = Event -> Bool

-- | Determine whether the event indicates rename of an object within the
-- monitored path. This event is generated when an object is renamed within the
-- watched directory or if it is moved out of or in the watched directory.
-- Moving hard links is no different than other types of objects.
-- /Pre-release/
isMoved :: Event -> Bool
isMoved :: Event -> Bool
isMoved = Event -> Bool

-- XXX Make the Windows behavior consistent with other platforms by removing
-- the event from directories.
-- | Determine whether the event indicates modification of an object within the
-- monitored path. This event is generated on file modification on all
-- platforms.
-- On Linux and macOS this event is never generated for directories.  On
-- Windows (in recursive watch mode) this event is generated for directories as
-- well when an object is created in or deleted from the directory.
-- /Pre-release/
isModified :: Event -> Bool
isModified :: Event -> Bool
isModified = Event -> Bool

-- | An event that indicates that some events before this may have been lost,
-- therefore, we need to take some recovery action.
-- /Pre-release/
isEventsLost :: Event -> Bool
isEventsLost :: Event -> Bool
isEventsLost = Event -> Bool

-- Debugging

-- | Convert an 'Event' record to a String representation. Note that the output
-- of this function may be different on different platforms because it may
-- contain platform specific details.
-- /Internal/
showEvent :: Event -> String
showEvent :: Event -> String
showEvent = Event -> String