streamly-0.8.3: Dataflow programming and declarative concurrency
Copyright(c) 2019 Composewell Technologies
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



An Unfold is a source or a producer of a stream of values. It takes a seed value as an input and unfolds it into a sequence of values.

>>> import qualified Streamly.Data.Fold as Fold
>>> import qualified Streamly.Data.Unfold as Unfold
>>> import qualified Streamly.Prelude as Stream

For example, the fromList Unfold generates a stream of values from a supplied list. Unfolds can be converted to SerialT stream using the Stream.unfold operation.

>>> stream = Stream.unfold Unfold.fromList [1..100]
>>> Stream.sum stream

All the serial stream generation operations in Streamly.Prelude can be expressed using unfolds:

Stream.fromList = Stream.unfold Unfold.fromList [1..100]

Conceptually, an Unfold is just like "Data.List.unfoldr". Let us write a step function to unfold a list using "Data.List.unfoldr":

>>> :{
 f [] = Nothing
 f (x:xs) = Just (x, xs)
>>> Data.List.unfoldr f [1,2,3]

Unfold.unfoldr is just the same, it uses the same step function:

>>> Stream.toList $ Stream.unfold (Unfold.unfoldr f) [1,2,3]

The input of an unfold can be transformed using lmap:

>>> u = Unfold.lmap (fmap (+1)) Unfold.fromList
>>> Stream.toList $ Stream.unfold u [1..5]

Unfold streams can be transformed using transformation combinators. For example, to retain only the first two elements of an unfold:

>>> u = Unfold.take 2 Unfold.fromList
>>> Stream.toList $ Stream.unfold u [1..100]

Multiple unfolds can be combined in several interesting ways. For example, to generate nested looping as in imperative languages (also known as cross product of the two streams):

>>> u1 = Unfold.lmap fst Unfold.fromList
>>> u2 = Unfold.lmap snd Unfold.fromList
>>> u = Unfold.crossWith (,) u1 u2
>>> Stream.toList $ Stream.unfold u ([1,2,3], [4,5,6])

Nested loops using unfolds provide C like performance due to complete stream fusion.

Please see Streamly.Internal.Data.Unfold for additional Pre-release functions.

Unfolds vs. Streams

Unfolds' raison d'etre is their efficiency in nested stream operations due to complete stream fusion. concatMap or the Monad instance of streams use stream generation operations of the shape a -> t m b and then flatten the resulting stream. This implementation is more powerful but does not allow for complete stream fusion. Unfolds provide less powerful but more efficient unfoldMany, many and crossWith operations as an alternative to a subset of use cases of concatMap and Applicative stream operations.

Streamly.Prelude exports polymorphic stream generation operations that provide the same functionality as unfolds in this module. Since unfolds can be easily converted to streams, several modules in streamly provide only unfolds for serial stream generation. We cannot use unfolds exclusively for stream generation as they do not support concurrency.


Unfold Type

data Unfold m a b Source #

An Unfold m a b is a generator of a stream of values of type b from a seed of type a in Monad m.

Since: 0.7.0


Instances details
Functor m => Functor (Unfold m a) Source #

Maps a function on the output of the unfold (the type b).

Instance details

Defined in Streamly.Internal.Data.Unfold.Type


fmap :: (a0 -> b) -> Unfold m a a0 -> Unfold m a b #

(<$) :: a0 -> Unfold m a b -> Unfold m a a0 #


Basic Constructors

unfoldrM :: Applicative m => (a -> m (Maybe (b, a))) -> Unfold m a b Source #

Build a stream by unfolding a monadic step function starting from a seed. The step function returns the next element in the stream and the next seed value. When it is done it returns Nothing and the stream ends.

Since: 0.8.0

unfoldr :: Applicative m => (a -> Maybe (b, a)) -> Unfold m a b Source #

Like unfoldrM but uses a pure step function.

>>> :{
 f [] = Nothing
 f (x:xs) = Just (x, xs)
>>> Unfold.fold Fold.toList (Unfold.unfoldr f) [1,2,3]

Since: 0.8.0

function :: Applicative m => (a -> b) -> Unfold m a b Source #

Lift a pure function into an unfold. The unfold generates a singleton stream.

function f = functionM $ return . f

Since: 0.8.0

functionM :: Applicative m => (a -> m b) -> Unfold m a b Source #

Lift a monadic function into an unfold. The unfold generates a singleton stream.

Since: 0.8.0


Generate a monadic stream from a seed.

repeatM :: Monad m => Unfold m (m a) a Source #

Generates an infinite stream repeating the seed.

Since: 0.8.0

replicateM :: Monad m => Int -> Unfold m (m a) a Source #

Generates a stream replicating the seed n times.

Since: 0.8.0

iterateM :: Monad m => (a -> m a) -> Unfold m (m a) a Source #

Generates an infinite stream starting with the given seed and applying the given function repeatedly.

Since: 0.8.0

From Containers

fromList :: Monad m => Unfold m [a] a Source #

Convert a list of pure values to a Stream

Since: 0.8.0

fromListM :: Monad m => Unfold m [m a] a Source #

Convert a list of monadic values to a Stream

Since: 0.8.0

fromStream :: (IsStream t, Monad m) => Unfold m (t m a) a Source #

Convert a stream into an Unfold. Note that a stream converted to an Unfold may not be as efficient as an Unfold in some situations.

Since: 0.8.0


Mapping on Input

lmap :: (a -> c) -> Unfold m c b -> Unfold m a b Source #

Map a function on the input argument of the Unfold.

>>> u = Unfold.lmap (fmap (+1)) Unfold.fromList
>>> Unfold.fold Fold.toList u [1..5]
lmap f = Unfold.many (Unfold.function f)

Since: 0.8.0

lmapM :: Monad m => (a -> m c) -> Unfold m c b -> Unfold m a b Source #

Map an action on the input argument of the Unfold.

lmapM f = Unfold.many (Unfold.functionM f)

Since: 0.8.0

Mapping on Output

mapM :: Monad m => (b -> m c) -> Unfold m a b -> Unfold m a c Source #

Apply a monadic function to each element of the stream and replace it with the output of the resulting action.

Since: 0.8.0


takeWhileM :: Monad m => (b -> m Bool) -> Unfold m a b -> Unfold m a b Source #

Same as takeWhile but with a monadic predicate.

Since: 0.8.0

takeWhile :: Monad m => (b -> Bool) -> Unfold m a b -> Unfold m a b Source #

End the stream generated by the Unfold as soon as the predicate fails on an element.

Since: 0.8.0

take :: Monad m => Int -> Unfold m a b -> Unfold m a b Source #

>>> u = Unfold.take 2 Unfold.fromList
>>> Unfold.fold Fold.toList u [1..100]

Since: 0.8.0

filter :: Monad m => (b -> Bool) -> Unfold m a b -> Unfold m a b Source #

Include only those elements that pass a predicate.

Since: 0.8.0

filterM :: Monad m => (b -> m Bool) -> Unfold m a b -> Unfold m a b Source #

Same as filter but with a monadic predicate.

Since: 0.8.0

drop :: Monad m => Int -> Unfold m a b -> Unfold m a b Source #

drop n unf drops n elements from the stream generated by unf.

Since: 0.8.0

dropWhile :: Monad m => (b -> Bool) -> Unfold m a b -> Unfold m a b Source #

Similar to dropWhileM but with a pure condition function.

Since: 0.8.0

dropWhileM :: Monad m => (b -> m Bool) -> Unfold m a b -> Unfold m a b Source #

dropWhileM f unf drops elements from the stream generated by unf while the condition holds true. The condition function f is monadic in nature.

Since: 0.8.0


zipWith :: Monad m => (b -> c -> d) -> Unfold m a b -> Unfold m a c -> Unfold m a d Source #

Like zipWithM but with a pure zip function.

>>> square = fmap (\x -> x * x) Unfold.fromList
>>> cube = fmap (\x -> x * x * x) Unfold.fromList
>>> u = Unfold.zipWith (,) square cube
>>> Unfold.fold Fold.toList u [1..5]
zipWith f = zipWithM (\a b -> return $ f a b)

Since: 0.8.0

Cross Product

crossWith :: Monad m => (b -> c -> d) -> Unfold m a b -> Unfold m a c -> Unfold m a d Source #

Like crossWithM but uses a pure combining function.

crossWith f = crossWithM (\b c -> return $ f b c)
>>> u1 = Unfold.lmap fst Unfold.fromList
>>> u2 = Unfold.lmap snd Unfold.fromList
>>> u = Unfold.crossWith (,) u1 u2
>>> Unfold.fold Fold.toList u ([1,2,3], [4,5,6])

Since: 0.8.0


many :: Monad m => Unfold m a b -> Unfold m b c -> Unfold m a c Source #

Apply the second unfold to each output element of the first unfold and flatten the output in a single stream.

Since: 0.8.0