streamly-core-0.1.0: Streaming, parsers, arrays and more
Copyright(c) 2020 Composewell Technologies
Safe HaskellNone



A newtype wrapper over the Fold type providing distributing Applicative, Semigroup, Monoid, Num, Floating and Fractional instances.



newtype Tee m a b Source #

Tee is a newtype wrapper over the Fold type providing distributing Applicative, Semigroup, Monoid, Num, Floating and Fractional instances.

The input received by the composed Tee is replicated and distributed to the constituent folds of the Tee.

For example, to compute the average of numbers in a stream without going through the stream twice:

>>> avg = (/) <$> (Tee Fold.sum) <*> (Tee $ fmap fromIntegral Fold.length)
>>> Stream.fold (unTee avg) $ Stream.fromList [1.0..100.0]

Similarly, the Semigroup and Monoid instances of Tee distribute the input to both the folds and combine the outputs using Monoid or Semigroup instances of the output types:

>>> import Data.Monoid (Sum(..))
>>> t = Tee <> Tee Fold.latest
>>> Stream.fold (unTee t) (fmap Sum $ Stream.enumerateFromTo 1.0 100.0)
Just (Sum {getSum = 101.0})

The Num, Floating, and Fractional instances work in the same way.





Instances details
Functor m => Functor (Tee m a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold.Tee


fmap :: (a0 -> b) -> Tee m a a0 -> Tee m a b #

(<$) :: a0 -> Tee m a b -> Tee m a a0 #

Monad m => Applicative (Tee m a) Source #

<*> distributes the input to both the argument Tees and combines their outputs using function application.

Instance details

Defined in Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold.Tee


pure :: a0 -> Tee m a a0 #

(<*>) :: Tee m a (a0 -> b) -> Tee m a a0 -> Tee m a b #

liftA2 :: (a0 -> b -> c) -> Tee m a a0 -> Tee m a b -> Tee m a c #

(*>) :: Tee m a a0 -> Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

(<*) :: Tee m a a0 -> Tee m a b -> Tee m a a0 #

(Monad m, Floating b) => Floating (Tee m a b) Source #

Binary Floating operations distribute the input to both the argument Tees and combine their outputs using the Floating instance of the output type.

Instance details

Defined in Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold.Tee


pi :: Tee m a b #

exp :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

log :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

sqrt :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

(**) :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

logBase :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

sin :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

cos :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

tan :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

asin :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

acos :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

atan :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

sinh :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

cosh :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

tanh :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

asinh :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

acosh :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

atanh :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

log1p :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

expm1 :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

log1pexp :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

log1mexp :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

(Monad m, Fractional b) => Fractional (Tee m a b) Source #

Binary Fractional operations distribute the input to both the argument Tees and combine their outputs using the Fractional instance of the output type.

Instance details

Defined in Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold.Tee


(/) :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

recip :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

fromRational :: Rational -> Tee m a b #

(Monad m, Num b) => Num (Tee m a b) Source #

Binary Num operations distribute the input to both the argument Tees and combine their outputs using the Num instance of the output type.

Instance details

Defined in Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold.Tee


(+) :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

(-) :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

(*) :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

negate :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

abs :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

signum :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Tee m a b #

(Semigroup b, Monad m) => Semigroup (Tee m a b) Source #

<> distributes the input to both the argument Tees and combines their outputs using the Semigroup instance of the output type.

Instance details

Defined in Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold.Tee


(<>) :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Tee m a b) -> Tee m a b #

stimes :: Integral b0 => b0 -> Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

(Semigroup b, Monoid b, Monad m) => Monoid (Tee m a b) Source #

<> distributes the input to both the argument Tees and combines their outputs using the Monoid instance of the output type.

Instance details

Defined in Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold.Tee


mempty :: Tee m a b #

mappend :: Tee m a b -> Tee m a b -> Tee m a b #

mconcat :: [Tee m a b] -> Tee m a b #

toFold :: Tee m a b -> Fold m a b Source #

Deprecated: Please use unTee instead.