superrecord- Supercharged anonymous records

Safe HaskellNone





data label := value infix 6 Source #

Field named l labels value of type t adapted from the awesome labels package. Example: (#name := "Chris") :: ("name" := String)


KnownSymbol label => (FldProxy label) := !value infix 6 
(RecEq rts (RemoveAccessTo l lts), Has l rts v, Eq v) => RecEq rts ((l := t) ': lts) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


recEq :: Rec rts -> Rec rts -> Proxy ((l := t) ': lts) -> Bool Source #

(KnownSymbol l, RecApply rts (RemoveAccessTo l lts) c, Has l rts v, c v) => RecApply rts ((l := t) ': lts) c Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


recApply :: (forall a. Dict (c a) -> String -> a -> b -> b) -> Rec rts -> Proxy ((l := t) ': lts) -> b -> b Source #

KnownSymbol name => FromNative (S1 (MetaSel (Just name) p s l) (Rec0 t) :: k -> Type) ((name := t) ': ([] :: [Type])) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


fromNative' :: S1 (MetaSel (Just name) p s l) (Rec0 t) x -> Rec ((name := t) ': [])

(KnownSymbol lbl, ToJSON t, ToJSON (JsonTaggedVariant ts)) => ToJSON (JsonTaggedVariant ((lbl := t) ': ts)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord.Variant.Tagged


toJSON :: JsonTaggedVariant ((lbl := t) ': ts) -> Value #

toEncoding :: JsonTaggedVariant ((lbl := t) ': ts) -> Encoding #

toJSONList :: [JsonTaggedVariant ((lbl := t) ': ts)] -> Value #

toEncodingList :: [JsonTaggedVariant ((lbl := t) ': ts)] -> Encoding #

(FromJSON t, FromJSON (JsonTaggedVariant ts), KnownSymbol lbl) => FromJSON (JsonTaggedVariant ((lbl := t) ': ts)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord.Variant.Tagged


parseJSON :: Value -> Parser (JsonTaggedVariant ((lbl := t) ': ts)) #

parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [JsonTaggedVariant ((lbl := t) ': ts)] #

Eq value => Eq (label := value) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord.Field


(==) :: (label := value) -> (label := value) -> Bool #

(/=) :: (label := value) -> (label := value) -> Bool #

Ord value => Ord (label := value) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord.Field


compare :: (label := value) -> (label := value) -> Ordering #

(<) :: (label := value) -> (label := value) -> Bool #

(<=) :: (label := value) -> (label := value) -> Bool #

(>) :: (label := value) -> (label := value) -> Bool #

(>=) :: (label := value) -> (label := value) -> Bool #

max :: (label := value) -> (label := value) -> label := value #

min :: (label := value) -> (label := value) -> label := value #

Show t => Show (l := t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord.Field


showsPrec :: Int -> (l := t) -> ShowS #

show :: (l := t) -> String #

showList :: [l := t] -> ShowS #

(KnownSymbol l, FromJSON t, RecJsonParse lts, RecSize lts ~ s, KnownNat s, KeyDoesNotExist l lts) => RecJsonParse ((l := t) ': lts) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


recJsonParse :: Int -> Object -> Parser (Rec ((l := t) ': lts)) Source #

(KnownSymbol l, RecKeys lts) => RecKeys ((l := t) ': lts) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord

Associated Types

type RecKeysT ((l := t) ': lts) :: [Symbol] Source #


recFields :: t0 ((l := t) ': lts) -> RecFields (RecKeysT ((l := t) ': lts)) Source #

(Has l rts v, NFData v, RecNfData (RemoveAccessTo l lts) rts) => RecNfData ((l := t) ': lts) rts Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


recNfData :: Proxy ((l := t) ': lts) -> Rec rts -> () Source #

(Has l rts t, Has l lts t, RecCopy (RemoveAccessTo l ((l := t) ': pts)) lts rts) => RecCopy ((l := t) ': pts) lts rts Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


recCopyInto :: Proxy ((l := t) ': pts) -> Rec lts -> Proxy rts -> SmallMutableArray# s Any -> State# s -> State# s

type RecKeysT ((l := t) ': lts) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord

type RecKeysT ((l := t) ': lts) = l ': RecKeysT lts

type Record lts = Rec (Sort lts) Source #

The core record type. Prefer this type when manually writing type signatures

rnil :: Rec '[] Source #

An empty record

rcons :: forall l t lts s sortedLts. (RecSize lts ~ s, sortedLts ~ Sort ((l := t) ': lts), KnownNat s, KnownNat (RecVecIdxPos l sortedLts), KeyDoesNotExist l lts, RecCopy lts lts sortedLts) => (l := t) -> Rec lts -> Rec sortedLts Source #

Prepend a record entry to a record Rec

(&) :: forall l t lts s sortedLts. (RecSize lts ~ s, sortedLts ~ Sort ((l := t) ': lts), KnownNat s, KnownNat (RecVecIdxPos l sortedLts), KeyDoesNotExist l lts, RecCopy lts lts sortedLts) => (l := t) -> Rec lts -> Rec sortedLts infixr 5 Source #

Alias for rcons

fld :: FldProxy l -> FldProxy l Source #

Helper function to allow to clearing specify unknown IsLabel cases

type Has l lts v = (RecTy l lts ~ v, KnownNat (RecSize lts), KnownNat (RecVecIdxPos l lts)) Source #

Require a record to contain a label

type family HasOf (req :: [*]) (lts :: [*]) :: Constraint where ... Source #

Require a record to contain at least the listed labels


HasOf ((l := t) ': req) lts = (Has l lts t, HasOf req lts) 
HasOf '[] lts = True ~ True 

get :: forall l v lts. Has l lts v => FldProxy l -> Rec lts -> v Source #

Get an existing record field

(&.) :: forall l v lts. Has l lts v => Rec lts -> FldProxy l -> v infixl 3 Source #

Alias for get

set :: forall l v lts. Has l lts v => FldProxy l -> v -> Rec lts -> Rec lts Source #

Update an existing record field

modify :: forall l v lts. Has l lts v => FldProxy l -> (v -> v) -> Rec lts -> Rec lts Source #

Update an existing record field

getPath :: RecApplyPath k x => k -> Rec x -> RecDeepTy k x Source #

Perform a deep read. This is somewhat similar to using (&.), but is useful when you want to share a RecPath between getPath, modifyPath and/or setPath

setPath :: RecApplyPath k x => k -> RecDeepTy k x -> Rec x -> Rec x Source #

Perform a deep update, setting the key along the path to the desired value

modifyPath :: RecApplyPath k x => k -> (RecDeepTy k x -> RecDeepTy k x) -> Rec x -> Rec x Source #

Perform a deep update, transforming the value at the final key

class RecApplyPath p x Source #

Minimal complete definition

setPath', getPath'

(Has l lts t, t ~ RecDeepTy (FldProxy l) lts) => RecApplyPath (FldProxy l) lts Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


setPath' :: FldProxy l -> (RecDeepTy (FldProxy l) lts -> RecDeepTy (FldProxy l) lts) -> Rec lts -> Rec lts

getPath' :: FldProxy l -> Rec lts -> RecDeepTy (FldProxy l) lts

(RecDeepTy (l :& more) lts ~ RecDeepTy more rts, (RecTy l lts :: Type) ~ Rec rts, Has l lts v, v ~ Rec rts, RecApplyPath more rts) => RecApplyPath (l :& more) lts Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


setPath' :: (l :& more) -> (RecDeepTy (l :& more) lts -> RecDeepTy (l :& more) lts) -> Rec lts -> Rec lts

getPath' :: (l :& more) -> Rec lts -> RecDeepTy (l :& more) lts

data lbl :& more infixr 8 Source #

Constructor for field accessor paths

(RecDeepTy (l :& more) lts ~ RecDeepTy more rts, (RecTy l lts :: Type) ~ Rec rts, Has l lts v, v ~ Rec rts, RecApplyPath more rts) => RecApplyPath (l :& more) lts Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


setPath' :: (l :& more) -> (RecDeepTy (l :& more) lts -> RecDeepTy (l :& more) lts) -> Rec lts -> Rec lts

getPath' :: (l :& more) -> Rec lts -> RecDeepTy (l :& more) lts

(&:) :: FldProxy q -> more -> q :& more infixr 8 Source #

Constructor for field accessor paths

(&:-) :: FldProxy q -> FldProxy r -> q :& FldProxy r infixr 8 Source #

Specialized version of (&:) to help writing the last piece of the path w/o confusing the type checker

combine :: forall lhs rhs sortRes. (KnownNat (RecSize lhs), KnownNat (RecSize rhs), KnownNat (RecSize lhs + RecSize rhs), sortRes ~ Sort (RecAppend lhs rhs), RecCopy lhs lhs sortRes, RecCopy rhs rhs sortRes) => Rec lhs -> Rec rhs -> Rec sortRes Source #

Combine two records

(++:) :: forall lhs rhs sortRes. (KnownNat (RecSize lhs), KnownNat (RecSize rhs), KnownNat (RecSize lhs + RecSize rhs), sortRes ~ Sort (RecAppend lhs rhs), RecCopy lhs lhs sortRes, RecCopy rhs rhs sortRes) => Rec lhs -> Rec rhs -> Rec sortRes Source #

Alias for combine

type RecAppend lhs rhs = RecAppendH lhs rhs rhs '[] Source #


reflectRec :: forall c r lts. RecApply lts lts c => Proxy c -> (forall a. c a => String -> a -> r) -> Rec lts -> [r] Source #

Apply a function to each key element pair for a record

reflectRecFold :: forall c r lts. RecApply lts lts c => Proxy c -> (forall a. c a => String -> a -> r -> r) -> Rec lts -> r -> r Source #

Fold over all elements of a record

class RecApply (rts :: [*]) (lts :: [*]) c where Source #

Machinery needed to implement reflectRec


recApply :: (forall a. Dict (c a) -> String -> a -> b -> b) -> Rec rts -> Proxy lts -> b -> b Source #

RecApply rts ([] :: [Type]) c Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


recApply :: (forall a. Dict (c a) -> String -> a -> b -> b) -> Rec rts -> Proxy [] -> b -> b Source #

(KnownSymbol l, RecApply rts (RemoveAccessTo l lts) c, Has l rts v, c v) => RecApply rts ((l := t) ': lts) c Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


recApply :: (forall a. Dict (c a) -> String -> a -> b -> b) -> Rec rts -> Proxy ((l := t) ': lts) -> b -> b Source #

Native type interop

class FromNative a lts | a -> lts Source #

Conversion helper to bring a Haskell type to a record. Note that the native Haskell type must be an instance of Generic

Minimal complete definition


(FromNative l lhs, FromNative r rhs, lts ~ Sort (RecAppend lhs rhs), RecCopy lhs lhs lts, RecCopy rhs rhs lts, KnownNat (RecSize lhs), KnownNat (RecSize rhs), KnownNat (RecSize lhs + RecSize rhs)) => FromNative (l :*: r :: k -> Type) lts Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


fromNative' :: (l :*: r) x -> Rec lts

FromNative cs lts => FromNative (C1 m cs :: k -> Type) lts Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


fromNative' :: C1 m cs x -> Rec lts

FromNative cs lts => FromNative (D1 m cs :: k -> Type) lts Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


fromNative' :: D1 m cs x -> Rec lts

KnownSymbol name => FromNative (S1 (MetaSel (Just name) p s l) (Rec0 t) :: k -> Type) ((name := t) ': ([] :: [Type])) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


fromNative' :: S1 (MetaSel (Just name) p s l) (Rec0 t) x -> Rec ((name := t) ': [])

fromNative :: (Generic a, FromNative (Rep a) lts) => a -> Rec lts Source #

Convert a native Haskell type to a record

class ToNative a lts Source #

Conversion helper to bring a record back into a Haskell type. Note that the native Haskell type must be an instance of Generic

Minimal complete definition


(ToNative l lts, ToNative r lts) => ToNative (l :*: r :: k -> Type) lts Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


toNative' :: Rec lts -> (l :*: r) x

Has name lts t => ToNative (S1 (MetaSel (Just name) p s l) (Rec0 t) :: k -> Type) lts Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


toNative' :: Rec lts -> S1 (MetaSel (Just name) p s l) (Rec0 t) x

ToNative cs lts => ToNative (C1 m cs :: k -> Type) lts Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


toNative' :: Rec lts -> C1 m cs x

ToNative cs lts => ToNative (D1 m cs :: k -> Type) lts Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


toNative' :: Rec lts -> D1 m cs x

toNative :: (Generic a, ToNative (Rep a) lts) => Rec lts -> a Source #

Convert a record to a native Haskell type

MTL interop

asksR :: (Has lbl lts v, MonadReader (Rec lts) m) => FldProxy lbl -> m v Source #

Like asks for MonadReader, but you provide a record field you would like to read from your environment

asksRP :: (RecApplyPath k x, MonadReader (Rec x) m) => k -> m (RecDeepTy k x) Source #

Like asks for MonadReader, but you provide a record field you would like to read from your environment

getsR :: (Has lbl lts v, MonadState (Rec lts) m) => FldProxy lbl -> m v Source #

Like gets for MonadState, but you provide a record field you would like to read from your environment

setsR :: (Has lbl lts v, MonadState (Rec lts) m) => FldProxy lbl -> v -> m () Source #

Similar to put for MonadState, but you only set a single record field

modifiesR :: (Has lbl lts v, MonadState (Rec lts) m) => FldProxy lbl -> (v -> v) -> m () Source #

Similar to modify for MonadState, but you update a single record field

getsRP :: (RecApplyPath k x, MonadState (Rec x) m) => k -> m (RecDeepTy k x) Source #

Similar to gets for MonadState, but allows getting a value along a RecPath

setsRP :: (RecApplyPath k x, MonadState (Rec x) m) => k -> RecDeepTy k x -> m () Source #

Similar to put for MonadState, but you only set a single record field

modifiesRP :: (RecApplyPath k x, MonadState (Rec x) m) => k -> (RecDeepTy k x -> RecDeepTy k x) -> m () Source #

Similar to modify for MonadState, but you update a single record field

Lens interop

lens :: Has l lts v => FldProxy l -> Lens (Rec lts) (Rec lts) v v Source #

Convert a field label to a lens


data Rec (lts :: [*]) Source #

Internal record type. When manually writing an explicit type signature for a record, use Record instead. For abstract type signatures Rec will work well.

RecEq lts lts => Eq (Rec lts) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


(==) :: Rec lts -> Rec lts -> Bool #

(/=) :: Rec lts -> Rec lts -> Bool #

RecApply lts lts Show => Show (Rec lts) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


showsPrec :: Int -> Rec lts -> ShowS #

show :: Rec lts -> String #

showList :: [Rec lts] -> ShowS #

RecApply lts lts ToJSON => ToJSON (Rec lts) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


toJSON :: Rec lts -> Value #

toEncoding :: Rec lts -> Encoding #

toJSONList :: [Rec lts] -> Value #

toEncodingList :: [Rec lts] -> Encoding #

(RecSize lts ~ s, KnownNat s, RecJsonParse lts) => FromJSON (Rec lts) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


parseJSON :: Value -> Parser (Rec lts) #

parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [Rec lts] #

RecNfData lts lts => NFData (Rec lts) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


rnf :: Rec lts -> () #

class RecCopy (pts :: [*]) (lts :: [*]) (rts :: [*]) Source #

Minimal complete definition


RecCopy ([] :: [Type]) lts rts Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


recCopyInto :: Proxy [] -> Rec lts -> Proxy rts -> SmallMutableArray# s Any -> State# s -> State# s

(Has l rts t, Has l lts t, RecCopy (RemoveAccessTo l ((l := t) ': pts)) lts rts) => RecCopy ((l := t) ': pts) lts rts Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


recCopyInto :: Proxy ((l := t) ': pts) -> Rec lts -> Proxy rts -> SmallMutableArray# s Any -> State# s -> State# s

type family RecTyIdxH (i :: Nat) (l :: Symbol) (lts :: [*]) :: Nat where ... Source #


RecTyIdxH idx l ((l := t) ': lts) = idx 
RecTyIdxH idx m ((l := t) ': lts) = RecTyIdxH (1 + idx) m lts 
RecTyIdxH idx m '[] = TypeError (Text "Could not find label " :<>: Text m) 

showRec :: forall lts. RecApply lts lts Show => Rec lts -> [(String, String)] Source #

Convert all elements of a record to a String

class RecKeys (lts :: [*]) where Source #

Get keys of a record on value and type level

Associated Types

type RecKeysT lts :: [Symbol] Source #


recFields :: t lts -> RecFields (RecKeysT lts) Source #

RecKeys ([] :: [Type]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord

Associated Types

type RecKeysT [] :: [Symbol] Source #


recFields :: t [] -> RecFields (RecKeysT []) Source #

(KnownSymbol l, RecKeys lts) => RecKeys ((l := t) ': lts) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord

Associated Types

type RecKeysT ((l := t) ': lts) :: [Symbol] Source #


recFields :: t0 ((l := t) ': lts) -> RecFields (RecKeysT ((l := t) ': lts)) Source #

recKeys :: forall t (lts :: [*]). RecKeys lts => t lts -> [String] Source #

class RecEq (rts :: [*]) (lts :: [*]) where Source #

Machinery to implement equality


recEq :: Rec rts -> Rec rts -> Proxy lts -> Bool Source #

RecEq rts ([] :: [Type]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


recEq :: Rec rts -> Rec rts -> Proxy [] -> Bool Source #

(RecEq rts (RemoveAccessTo l lts), Has l rts v, Eq v) => RecEq rts ((l := t) ': lts) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


recEq :: Rec rts -> Rec rts -> Proxy ((l := t) ': lts) -> Bool Source #

recToValue :: forall lts. RecApply lts lts ToJSON => Rec lts -> Value Source #

recToEncoding :: forall lts. RecApply lts lts ToJSON => Rec lts -> Encoding Source #

recJsonParser :: forall lts s. (RecSize lts ~ s, KnownNat s, RecJsonParse lts) => Value -> Parser (Rec lts) Source #

class RecJsonParse (lts :: [*]) where Source #

Machinery to implement parseJSON


recJsonParse :: Int -> Object -> Parser (Rec lts) Source #

RecJsonParse ([] :: [Type]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


recJsonParse :: Int -> Object -> Parser (Rec []) Source #

(KnownSymbol l, FromJSON t, RecJsonParse lts, RecSize lts ~ s, KnownNat s, KeyDoesNotExist l lts) => RecJsonParse ((l := t) ': lts) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


recJsonParse :: Int -> Object -> Parser (Rec ((l := t) ': lts)) Source #

class RecNfData (lts :: [*]) (rts :: [*]) where Source #

Machinery for NFData


recNfData :: Proxy lts -> Rec rts -> () Source #

RecNfData ([] :: [Type]) rts Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


recNfData :: Proxy [] -> Rec rts -> () Source #

(Has l rts v, NFData v, RecNfData (RemoveAccessTo l lts) rts) => RecNfData ((l := t) ': lts) rts Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


recNfData :: Proxy ((l := t) ': lts) -> Rec rts -> () Source #

type RecVecIdxPos l lts = (RecSize lts - RecTyIdxH 0 l lts) - 1 Source #

type family RecSize (lts :: [*]) :: Nat where ... Source #


RecSize '[] = 0 
RecSize ((l := t) ': lts) = 1 + RecSize lts 

type family RemoveAccessTo (l :: Symbol) (lts :: [*]) :: [*] where ... Source #


RemoveAccessTo l ((l := t) ': lts) = RemoveAccessTo l lts 
RemoveAccessTo q ((l := t) ': lts) = (l := t) ': RemoveAccessTo l lts 
RemoveAccessTo q '[] = '[] 

data FldProxy (t :: Symbol) Source #

A proxy witness for a label. Very similar to Proxy, but needed to implement a non-orphan IsLabel instance


l ~ l' => IsLabel l (FldProxy l') Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord.Field


fromLabel :: FldProxy l' #

Eq (FldProxy t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord.Field


(==) :: FldProxy t -> FldProxy t -> Bool #

(/=) :: FldProxy t -> FldProxy t -> Bool #

Ord (FldProxy t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord.Field


compare :: FldProxy t -> FldProxy t -> Ordering #

(<) :: FldProxy t -> FldProxy t -> Bool #

(<=) :: FldProxy t -> FldProxy t -> Bool #

(>) :: FldProxy t -> FldProxy t -> Bool #

(>=) :: FldProxy t -> FldProxy t -> Bool #

max :: FldProxy t -> FldProxy t -> FldProxy t #

min :: FldProxy t -> FldProxy t -> FldProxy t #

Read (FldProxy t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord.Field

Show (FldProxy t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord.Field


showsPrec :: Int -> FldProxy t -> ShowS #

show :: FldProxy t -> String #

showList :: [FldProxy t] -> ShowS #

(Has l lts t, t ~ RecDeepTy (FldProxy l) lts) => RecApplyPath (FldProxy l) lts Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SuperRecord


setPath' :: FldProxy l -> (RecDeepTy (FldProxy l) lts -> RecDeepTy (FldProxy l) lts) -> Rec lts -> Rec lts

getPath' :: FldProxy l -> Rec lts -> RecDeepTy (FldProxy l) lts

type family RecDeepTy (ps :: r) (lts :: [*]) :: * where ... Source #


RecDeepTy (l :& more) ((l := Rec t) ': lts) = RecDeepTy more t 
RecDeepTy (l :& more) ((l := t) ': lts) = t 
RecDeepTy (l :& more) ((q := t) ': lts) = RecDeepTy (l :& more) lts 
RecDeepTy (FldProxy l) '[l := t] = t 
RecDeepTy l '[l := t] = t 

type family RecAll (c :: u -> Constraint) (rs :: [u]) :: Constraint where ... Source #


RecAll c '[] = () 
RecAll c (r ': rs) = (c r, RecAll c rs) 

type family KeyDoesNotExist (l :: Symbol) (lts :: [*]) :: Constraint where ... Source #


KeyDoesNotExist l '[] = True ~ True 
KeyDoesNotExist l ((l := t) ': lts) = TypeError (Text "Duplicate key " :<>: Text l) 
KeyDoesNotExist q ((l := t) ': lts) = KeyDoesNotExist q lts 

type Sort xs = FieldListSort xs Source #

Sort a list of fields using merge sort, alias to FieldListSort

Unsafe operations

unsafeRNil :: Int -> Rec '[] Source #

An empty record with an initial size for the record

unsafeRCons :: forall l t lts s. (RecSize lts ~ s, KnownNat s, KeyDoesNotExist l lts) => (l := t) -> Rec lts -> Rec ((l := t) ': lts) Source #

Prepend a record entry to a record Rec. Assumes that the record was created with unsafeRNil and still has enough free slots, mutates the original Rec which should not be reused after