{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
module Symantic.XML.Write where

import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), liftA2)
import Control.Monad (Monad(..))
import Data.Bool
import Data.Default.Class (Default(..))
import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..), all)
import Data.Function (($), (.), const)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
import Data.String (String, IsString(..))
import Data.Traversable (Traversable(..))
import System.IO (IO, FilePath)
import Text.Show (Show(..))
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Reader as R
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.Char as Char
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TLB
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TL

import Symantic.XML.Document as XML

writeXML :: NoSource src => XMLs src -> TL.Text
writeXML xs = TLB.toLazyText $ write xs `R.runReader` def

writeXMLIndented :: NoSource src => TL.Text -> XMLs src -> TL.Text
writeXMLIndented ind xs =
        TLB.toLazyText $
        write xs `R.runReader` def
         { reader_indent       = if TL.null ind then mempty else "\n"
         , reader_indent_delta = ind

writeFile :: FilePath -> TL.Text -> IO ()
writeFile fp t = BSL.writeFile fp $ TL.encodeUtf8 t

-- * Type 'Write'
type Write = R.Reader Reader TLB.Builder
instance Semigroup Write where
        (<>) = liftA2 (<>)
instance Monoid Write where
        mempty = return ""
        mappend = (<>)
instance IsString Write where
        fromString = return . fromString

-- ** Type 'Reader'
data Reader = Reader
 { reader_ns_scope     :: Namespaces NCName
 , reader_indent       :: TLB.Builder
 , reader_indent_delta :: TL.Text
 , reader_no_text      :: Bool
instance Default Reader where
        def = Reader
         { reader_ns_scope     = def
         , reader_indent       = ""
         , reader_indent_delta = ""
         , reader_no_text      = False

-- * Class 'Buildable'
class Buildable a where
        build :: a -> TLB.Builder
instance Buildable Char.Char where
        build = TLB.singleton
instance Buildable String where
        build = TLB.fromString
instance Buildable TL.Text where
        build = TLB.fromLazyText
instance Buildable NCName where
        build = build . unNCName
instance Buildable Name where
        build = build . unName
instance Buildable PName where
        build PName{..} =
                case pNameSpace of
                 Nothing -> build pNameLocal
                 Just p -> build p<>":"<> build pNameLocal
instance Buildable Namespace where
        build = build . unNamespace
instance Buildable EntityRef where
        build EntityRef{..} = "&"<>build entityRef_name<>";"
instance Buildable CharRef where
        build (CharRef c) = "&#"<>build (show (Char.ord c))<>";"
instance Buildable EscapedText where
        build (EscapedText et) = (`foldMap` et) $ \case
         EscapedPlain     t -> build t
         EscapedEntityRef r -> build r
         EscapedCharRef   r -> build r

-- * Class 'Writable'
class Writeable a where
        write :: a -> Write
instance Writeable NCName where
        write = return . TLB.fromLazyText . unNCName
instance NoSource src => Writeable (XMLs src) where
        write xs = do
                ro <- R.ask
                if TL.null (reader_indent_delta ro)
                 then foldMap write xs
                        R.local (const ro{reader_no_text}) $
                                foldMap write xs
                        where reader_no_text =
                                (`all` xs) $ \case
                                 Tree (Sourced _ (NodeText (EscapedText et))) _ts ->
                                        all (\case
                                         EscapedPlain t -> TL.all Char.isSpace t
                                         _ -> False) et
                                 _ -> True
instance NoSource src => Writeable (XML src) where
        write (Tree (Sourced _src nod) xs) = do
                ro <- R.ask
                case nod of
                        NodeAttr an
                         | [Tree (Sourced _ (NodeText av)) _] <- toList xs -> do
                                return $ " "<>buildAttr (prefixifyQName (reader_ns_scope ro) an) av
                         | otherwise -> mempty
                        NodeCDATA t ->
                                return $
                                        reader_indent ro <>
                                        "<[CDATA[["<>build t<>"]]>"
                        NodeComment t ->
                                return $
                                        reader_indent ro <>
                                        "<!--"<>build t<>"-->"
                        NodeElem elemQName -> do
                                let (elemAttrs, elemChilds) =
                                        (`Seq.spanl` xs) $ \case
                                                 Tree (Sourced _ NodeAttr{}) _ -> True
                                                 _ -> False
                                let (usedNS, declNS) ::
                                        ( HS.HashSet Namespace
                                        , Namespaces NCName
                                        ) =
                                        foldl' go (initUsedNS, initDeclNS) elemAttrs
                                         | qNameSpace elemQName == xmlns_empty = mempty
                                         | otherwise                           = HS.singleton $ qNameSpace elemQName
                                        initDeclNS = def{namespaces_default = namespaces_default $ reader_ns_scope ro}
                                        go (!uNS, !dNS) = \case
                                                Tree (Sourced _ (NodeAttr QName{..})) vs
                                                 -- xmlns:prefix="namespace"
                                                 | qNameSpace == xmlns_xmlns
                                                 , [Tree (Sourced _ (NodeText t)) _] <- toList vs ->
                                                        let n = unescapeText t in
                                                        (uNS,) dNS
                                                         { namespaces_prefixes =
                                                                (if TL.null n
                                                                then HM.delete
                                                                -- NOTE: empty namespace means removal of the prefix from scope.
                                                                else (`HM.insert` qNameLocal))
                                                                 (Namespace n)
                                                                 (namespaces_prefixes dNS)
                                                 -- xmlns="namespace"
                                                 | qNameSpace == xmlns_empty
                                                 , qNameLocal == NCName "xmlns"
                                                 , [Tree (Sourced _ (NodeText t)) _] <- toList vs ->
                                                        dNS{namespaces_default = Namespace $ unescapeText t}
                                                 -- name="value"
                                                 | qNameSpace == xmlns_empty -> (uNS, dNS)
                                                 -- {namespace}name="value"
                                                 | otherwise -> (HS.insert qNameSpace uNS, dNS)
                                                _ -> (uNS, dNS)
                                let inhNS =
                                        -- NOTE: the inherited namespaces,
                                        -- including those declared at this element.
                                         (namespaces_prefixes declNS)
                                         (namespaces_prefixes (reader_ns_scope ro))
                                let autoNS =
                                        -- NOTE: the namespaces used but not declared nor default,
                                        -- with fresh prefixes.
                                        HM.delete (namespaces_default declNS) $
                                        (`S.evalState` HS.empty) $
                                         (\() -> S.gets freshNCName)
                                         (HS.toMap usedNS `HM.difference` inhNS)
                                let autoAttrs =
                                        -- NOTE: XMLify autoNS
                                         (\acc (Namespace v) p ->
                                                (acc Seq.|>) $
                                                        Tree (notSourced $ NodeAttr QName{qNameSpace=xmlns_xmlns, qNameLocal=p}) $
                                                                pure $ tree0 $ notSourced $ NodeText $ EscapedText $ pure $ EscapedPlain v
                                         ) mempty autoNS
                                let scopeNS = declNS { namespaces_prefixes = autoNS <> inhNS }
                                return $
                                        let build_elemPName = build $ prefixifyQName scopeNS elemQName in
                                        let build_elemAttrs =
                                                (`foldMap` (autoAttrs <> elemAttrs)) $ \case
                                                 Tree (Sourced _ (NodeAttr an)) vs
                                                  | [Tree (Sourced _ (NodeText av)) _] <- toList vs ->
                                                        " "<>buildAttr (prefixifyQName scopeNS{namespaces_default=""} an) av
                                                 _ -> mempty in
                                        reader_indent ro
                                         <> "<"<>build_elemPName
                                         <> build_elemAttrs <>
                                        let build_elemChilds = write elemChilds
                                                `R.runReader` ro
                                                 { reader_ns_scope = scopeNS
                                                 , reader_indent   = reader_indent ro <> build (reader_indent_delta ro)
                                                 } in
                                        if null elemChilds
                                        then "/>"
                                        else ">"
                                                 <> build_elemChilds
                                                 <> (
                                                        if TL.null (reader_indent_delta ro)
                                                        || noIndent elemChilds
                                                        then mempty
                                                        else reader_indent ro
                                                 <> "</"<>build_elemPName<>">"
                                        noIndent =
                                                all $ \case
                                                 Tree (Sourced _ (NodeText _txt)) _ts -> True
                                                 _ -> False
                        NodePI pn pv
                         | pn == "xml" -> do
                                write_xs <- write xs
                                return $
                                        "<?"<>build pn<>s<>write_xs<>"?>"
                         | otherwise ->
                                return $
                                        reader_indent ro <>
                                        "<?"<>build pn<>s<>build pv<>"?>"
                                where s | TL.null pv = ""
                                        | otherwise  = " "
                        NodeText t -> do
                                return $
                                        if reader_no_text ro
                                         then mempty
                                         else build t

buildAttr :: PName -> EscapedText -> TLB.Builder
buildAttr n v = build n<>"=\""<>buildAttrValue v<>"\""

buildAttrValue :: EscapedText -> TLB.Builder
buildAttrValue (EscapedText et) = (`foldMap` et) $ \case
 EscapedPlain p -> build p
 EscapedEntityRef EntityRef{..} ->
        build $ TL.replace "\"" "&quot;" entityRef_value
 EscapedCharRef (CharRef c)
        | c == '\"' -> "&quot;"
        | otherwise -> build c

removeSpaces :: XMLs src -> XMLs src
removeSpaces xs =
        if (`all` xs) $ \case
         Tree (Sourced _ (NodeText (EscapedText et))) _ts ->
                all (\case
                 EscapedPlain t -> TL.all Char.isSpace t
                 _ -> False) et
         _ -> True
        then (`Seq.filter` xs) $ \case
                 Tree (Sourced _ NodeText{}) _ts -> False
                 _ -> True
        else xs