{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
module Symantic.XML.Text where

import Data.Bool
import Data.Char (Char)
import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..))
import Data.Function (($), (.))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import Data.String (IsString(..), String)
import Text.Show (Show(..))
import qualified Data.Char as Char
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TLB

import Symantic.XML.Namespace

-- * Type 'Escaped'
-- | 'EscapedText' lexemes.
data Escaped
 =   EscapedPlain     TL.Text
 |   EscapedEntityRef EntityRef
 |   EscapedCharRef   CharRef
 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- ** Type 'EntityRef'
data EntityRef
 =   EntityRef
 {   entityRef_name  :: NCName
 ,   entityRef_value :: TL.Text
 } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

 entityRef_apos :: EntityRef
entityRef_lt   = EntityRef (NCName "lt") "<"
entityRef_gt   = EntityRef (NCName "gt") ">"
entityRef_amp  = EntityRef (NCName "amp") "&"
entityRef_quot = EntityRef (NCName "quot") "\""
entityRef_apos = EntityRef (NCName "apos") "'"

-- ** Type 'CharRef'
newtype CharRef = CharRef Char
 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- * Type 'EscapedText'
newtype EscapedText = EscapedText (Seq Escaped)
 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

instance IsString EscapedText where
  fromString = escapeText . fromString

unEscapedText :: EscapedText -> Seq Escaped
unEscapedText (EscapedText et) = et
{-# INLINE unEscapedText #-}

escapeText :: TL.Text -> EscapedText
escapeText s =
  EscapedText $
  -- Add '>' to escape "]]>" without adding a 'TL.replace'.
  case TL.span (`List.notElem` ("<&>"::String)) s of
   (t, r) | TL.null t -> escape r
          | otherwise -> EscapedPlain t Seq.<| escape r
  escape t = case TL.uncons t of
   Nothing -> mempty
   Just (c, cs) -> escapeTextChar c Seq.<| et
     where EscapedText et = escapeText cs

escapeTextChar :: Char -> Escaped
escapeTextChar = \case
 '<'  -> EscapedEntityRef entityRef_lt
 '&'  -> EscapedEntityRef entityRef_amp
  -- Add '>' to escape "]]>".
 '>'  -> EscapedEntityRef entityRef_gt
 c    -> EscapedPlain $ TL.singleton c

unescapeText :: EscapedText -> TL.Text
unescapeText (EscapedText et) = (`foldMap` et) $ \case
 EscapedPlain t -> t
 EscapedEntityRef EntityRef{..} -> entityRef_value
 EscapedCharRef (CharRef c) -> TL.singleton c

-- * Type 'EscapedAttr'
newtype EscapedAttr = EscapedAttr (Seq Escaped)
 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

instance IsString EscapedAttr where
  fromString = escapeAttr . fromString

unEscapedAttr :: EscapedAttr -> Seq Escaped
unEscapedAttr (EscapedAttr et) = et
{-# INLINE unEscapedAttr #-}

escapeAttr :: TL.Text -> EscapedAttr
escapeAttr s =
  EscapedAttr $
  case TL.span (`List.notElem` ("<&\""::String)) s of
   (t, r) | TL.null t -> escape r
          | otherwise -> EscapedPlain t Seq.<| escape r
  escape t = case TL.uncons t of
   Nothing -> mempty
   Just (c, cs) -> escapeAttrChar c Seq.<| et
     where EscapedAttr et = escapeAttr cs

escapeAttrChar :: Char -> Escaped
escapeAttrChar = \case
 '<'  -> EscapedEntityRef entityRef_lt
 '&'  -> EscapedEntityRef entityRef_amp
 -- Remove '\'' because 'textifyAttr' uses '"' for quoting.
 -- '\'' -> EscapedEntityRef entityRef_apos
 '"'  -> EscapedEntityRef entityRef_quot
 c    -> EscapedPlain $ TL.singleton c

unescapeAttr :: EscapedAttr -> TL.Text
unescapeAttr (EscapedAttr et) = unescapeText (EscapedText et)

-- * Class 'Textify'
class Textify a where
  textify :: a -> TLB.Builder
instance Textify Char.Char where
  textify = TLB.singleton
instance Textify String where
  textify = TLB.fromString
instance Textify TL.Text where
  textify = TLB.fromLazyText
instance Textify NCName where
  textify = textify . unNCName
instance Textify PName where
  textify PName{..} =
    case pNameSpace of
     Nothing -> textify pNameLocal
     Just p -> textify p<>":"<> textify pNameLocal
instance Textify Namespace where
  textify = textify . unNamespace
instance Textify EntityRef where
  textify EntityRef{..} = "&"<>textify entityRef_name<>";"
instance Textify CharRef where
  textify (CharRef c) = "&#"<>textify (show (Char.ord c))<>";"
instance Textify EscapedText where
  textify (EscapedText et) = (`foldMap` et) $ \case
   EscapedPlain     t -> textify t
   EscapedEntityRef r -> textify r
   EscapedCharRef   r -> textify r
instance Textify EscapedAttr where
  textify (EscapedAttr et) = "\""<>txt<>"\""
    txt = (`foldMap` et) $ \case
     EscapedPlain     t -> textify t
     EscapedEntityRef r -> textify r
     EscapedCharRef   r -> textify r

textifyAttr :: PName -> EscapedAttr -> TLB.Builder
textifyAttr n v = " "<>textify n<>"="<>textify v