-- |

-- Module      :  Database.Oracle.Enumerator

-- Copyright   :  (c) 2004 Oleg Kiselyov, Alistair Bayley

-- License     :  BSD-style

-- Maintainer  :  oleg@pobox.com, alistair@abayley.org

-- Stability   :  experimental

-- Portability :  non-portable

-- Oracle OCI implementation of Database.Enumerator.

{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}

{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Database.Oracle.Enumerator

  ( Session, connect

  , prepareQuery, prepareLargeQuery, prepareCommand, prepareLargeCommand

  , sql, sqlbind, prefetch, cmdbind

  , StmtHandle, Out(..)

  , module Database.Enumerator



import Database.Enumerator

import Database.InternalEnumerator

import Database.Oracle.OCIConstants

import qualified Database.Oracle.OCIFunctions as OCI

import Database.Oracle.OCIFunctions

  ( OCIHandle, EnvHandle, ErrorHandle, ServerHandle, ConnHandle, SessHandle, StmtHandle

  , OCIException (..), catchOCI)

import Foreign

import Foreign.C

import Control.Monad

import Control.Exception

import Control.Monad.Trans

import Control.Monad.Reader

import Data.Char (toLower)

import Data.Dynamic

import Data.List (isPrefixOf)

import Data.IORef

import Data.Int

import Data.Time

import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)

import System.Time

-- --------------------------------------------------------------------

-- -- ** Error handling

-- --------------------------------------------------------------------

nullAction :: IO ()

nullAction = return ()

between i (l, u) = i >= l && i <= u

-- Where did I find these mappings?...

errorSqlState :: Int -> (String, String)

errorSqlState 0 = ("00", "000")

-- 02 - no data

errorSqlState 1403 = ("02", "000")

errorSqlState 1095 = ("02", "000")

-- 23 - integrity violation

errorSqlState 1 = ("23", "000")

errorSqlState e | e >= 2290 && e <= 2299 = ("23", "000")

-- 42 - syntax error or access rule violation

errorSqlState 22 = ("42", "000")

errorSqlState 251 = ("42", "000")

errorSqlState e | e `between` (900, 999) = ("42", "000")

errorSqlState 1031 = ("42", "000")

errorSqlState e | e `between` (1490, 1493) = ("42", "000")

errorSqlState e | e `between` (1700, 1799) = ("42", "000")

errorSqlState e | e `between` (1900, 2099) = ("42", "000")

errorSqlState e | e `between` (2140, 2289) = ("42", "000")

errorSqlState e | e `between` (2420, 2424) = ("42", "000")

errorSqlState e | e `between` (2450, 2499) = ("42", "000")

errorSqlState e | e `between` (3276, 3299) = ("42", "000")

errorSqlState e | e `between` (4040, 4059) = ("42", "000")

errorSqlState e | e `between` (4070, 4099) = ("42", "000")

-- 08 - connection errors

errorSqlState 12154 = ("08", "001") -- TNS: can't resolve service name

-- unspecified error

errorSqlState _ = ("01", "000")

throwSqlError e m = do


    s@(ssc,sssc) = errorSqlState e

    ec = case ssc of

      "XX" -> DBFatal

      "58" -> DBFatal

      "57" -> DBFatal

      "54" -> DBFatal

      "53" -> DBFatal

      "08" -> DBFatal

      _ -> DBError

  throwDB (ec s e m)

-- |rethrow converts an OCIException to a DBException.

-- The third parameter is an IO action that you can use to clean up any handles.

-- First we get the error message from the Env or ErrorHandle,

-- and then we run the cleanup action to free any allocated handles.

-- (Obviously, we must extract the error message _before_ we free the handles.)

-- If there's no cleanup action required then simply pass nullAction.

class OCIExceptionHandler a where

  rethrow :: a -> OCIException -> IO () -> IO b

instance OCIExceptionHandler ErrorHandle where

  rethrow err ex finaliser = do

    (e, m) <- OCI.formatErrorMsg ex err


    throwSqlError e m

instance OCIExceptionHandler EnvHandle where

  rethrow env ex finaliser = do

    (e, m) <- OCI.formatEnvMsg ex env


    throwSqlError e m

-- |What do we do if creating the first handle (Environment) fails?

-- There's no Env- or ErrorHandle to get the error message from,

-- so do the best we can by constructing a message with formatErrorCodeDesc.

-- Still throws DBException.

reportOCIExc :: OCIException -> IO a

reportOCIExc (OCIException e m) = do

  let s = OCI.formatErrorCodeDesc e m

  printError s

  throwDB (DBError (errorSqlState 0) 0 s)

  return undefined

printError :: String -> IO ()

printError s = hPutStrLn stderr s

-- --------------------------------------------------------------------

-- -- ** OCI Function Wrappers

-- --------------------------------------------------------------------

-- These wrappers ensure that only DBExceptions are thrown,

-- and never OCIExceptions.

data Session = Session

  { envHandle :: EnvHandle

  , errorHandle :: ErrorHandle

  , connHandle :: ConnHandle


  deriving Typeable

class FreeHandle ht where dispose :: ht -> IO ()

instance FreeHandle EnvHandle where dispose h = freeHandle (castPtr h) oci_HTYPE_ENV

instance FreeHandle ErrorHandle where dispose h = freeHandle (castPtr h) oci_HTYPE_ERROR

instance FreeHandle ServerHandle where dispose h = freeHandle (castPtr h) oci_HTYPE_SERVER

instance FreeHandle ConnHandle where dispose h = freeHandle (castPtr h) oci_HTYPE_SVCCTX

instance FreeHandle SessHandle where dispose h = freeHandle (castPtr h) oci_HTYPE_SESSION

instance FreeHandle StmtHandle where dispose h = freeHandle (castPtr h) oci_HTYPE_STMT

-- |Reports and ignores any errors when freeing handles.

-- Will catch attempts to free invalid (already freed?) handles.

freeHandle :: OCIHandle -> CInt -> IO ()

freeHandle ocihandle handleType = catchOCI ( do

    OCI.handleFree handleType ocihandle

  ) (\(OCIException e m) -> do

    let s = OCI.formatErrorCodeDesc e m

    printError s


-- |Assumes that if an exception is raised,

-- the Env and Error handles should be freed.

inOCI :: EnvHandle -> ErrorHandle -> IO a -> IO a

inOCI env err action = catchOCI action $ \e -> do

  rethrow err e $ do

    dispose err

    dispose env

-- |Does not free handles when exception raised.

inSession :: Session -> (EnvHandle -> ErrorHandle -> ConnHandle -> IO a) -> IO () -> IO a

inSession session action finaliser = do


    env = envHandle session

    err = errorHandle session

    conn = connHandle session

  catchOCI (action env err conn) (\e -> rethrow err e finaliser)

getEnv :: IO EnvHandle

getEnv = catchOCI OCI.envCreate reportOCIExc

getErr :: EnvHandle -> IO ErrorHandle

getErr env = catchOCI ( do

    err <- OCI.handleAlloc oci_HTYPE_ERROR (castPtr env)

    return (castPtr err)

  ) (\e -> rethrow env e (dispose env))

getServer :: EnvHandle -> ErrorHandle -> IO ServerHandle

getServer env err = inOCI env err $ do

    server <- OCI.handleAlloc oci_HTYPE_SERVER (castPtr env)

    return (castPtr server)

getConnection :: EnvHandle -> ErrorHandle -> IO ConnHandle

getConnection env err = inOCI env err $ do

    conn <- OCI.handleAlloc oci_HTYPE_SVCCTX (castPtr env)

    return (castPtr conn)

getSessionHandle :: EnvHandle -> ErrorHandle -> IO SessHandle

getSessionHandle env err = inOCI env err $ do

    session <- OCI.handleAlloc oci_HTYPE_SESSION (castPtr env)

    return (castPtr session)

-- |The idea with multiple logons is to first connect to the server.

-- Then you create a connection and a session, set the user id details,

-- and begin the session.

-- When finished, you end the session,

-- detach from the server, and free the handles.

-- So we should have, globally, one EnvHandle and one ErrorHandle,

-- and then, per session, one ServerHandle, one ConnHandle, and one SessHandle.

-- Also, for each server (or Instance, in Oracle-speak), we could share

-- the ServerHandle among the many ConnHandles and SessHandles.

-- At the moment we're being lazy,

-- and not reusing the Env and ErrorHandles for new connections.

startServerSession :: String -> String -> EnvHandle -> ErrorHandle -> ServerHandle -> IO ConnHandle

startServerSession user pswd env err server = do

    conn <- getConnection env err

    -- the connection holds a reference to the server in one of its attributes

    OCI.setHandleAttr err (castPtr conn) oci_HTYPE_SVCCTX (castPtr server) oci_ATTR_SERVER

    session <- getSessionHandle env err

    if (user == "")

      then do

        OCI.sessionBegin err conn session oci_CRED_EXT

      else do

        OCI.setHandleAttrString err (castPtr session) oci_HTYPE_SESSION user oci_ATTR_USERNAME

        OCI.setHandleAttrString err (castPtr session) oci_HTYPE_SESSION pswd oci_ATTR_PASSWORD

        OCI.sessionBegin err conn session oci_CRED_RDBMS

    -- the connection also holds a reference to the session in one of its attributes

    OCI.setHandleAttr err (castPtr conn) oci_HTYPE_SVCCTX (castPtr session) oci_ATTR_SESSION

    -- and we need to create a valid transaction handle for the connection, too.

    trans <- OCI.handleAlloc oci_HTYPE_TRANS (castPtr env)

    OCI.setHandleAttr err (castPtr conn) oci_HTYPE_SVCCTX (castPtr trans) oci_ATTR_TRANS

    return conn

logon :: String -> String -> String -> EnvHandle -> ErrorHandle -> IO ConnHandle

logon user pswd dbname env err = inOCI env err $ do

    server <- getServer env err

    OCI.serverAttach err server dbname

    startServerSession user pswd env err server

logoff :: ErrorHandle -> ConnHandle -> IO ()

logoff err conn = catchOCI (do

    session <- OCI.getHandleAttr err (castPtr conn) oci_HTYPE_SVCCTX oci_ATTR_SESSION

    server <- OCI.getHandleAttr err (castPtr conn) oci_HTYPE_SVCCTX oci_ATTR_SERVER

    OCI.sessionEnd err conn session

    OCI.serverDetach err server

    dispose session

    dispose conn

    dispose server

  ) (\e -> rethrow err e nullAction)

dbConnect :: String -> String -> String -> IO Session

dbConnect user pswd dbname = do

  env <- getEnv

  err <- getErr env

  conn <- logon user pswd dbname env err

  return (Session env err conn)

dbDisconnect :: Session -> IO ()

dbDisconnect session = do


    env = envHandle session

    err = errorHandle session

    conn = connHandle session

  logoff err conn

  dispose err

  dispose env


-- |Oracle only supports ReadCommitted and Serialisable.

-- If you ask for RepeatableRead, we must go one better and choose Serialisable

-- (ReadCommitted is no good because you can get non-reapeatable reads).

-- Oracle has a ReadOnly mode which will give you RepeatableRead,

-- but you can't do any updates.

-- Oracle's default (and weakest) behaviour is ReadCommitted;

-- there's no equivalent for ReadUncommitted.

beginTrans :: Session -> IsolationLevel -> IO ()

beginTrans session isolation = inSession session

  (\_ err conn -> do

      case isolation of

        ReadUncommitted -> OCI.beginTrans err conn oci_TRANS_READWRITE

        ReadCommitted -> OCI.beginTrans err conn oci_TRANS_READWRITE

        RepeatableRead -> OCI.beginTrans err conn oci_TRANS_SERIALIZABLE

        Serialisable -> OCI.beginTrans err conn oci_TRANS_SERIALIZABLE

        Serializable -> OCI.beginTrans err conn oci_TRANS_SERIALIZABLE

  ) nullAction

commitTrans :: Session -> IO ()

commitTrans session = inSession session

  (\_ err conn -> OCI.commitTrans err conn)


rollbackTrans :: Session -> IO ()

rollbackTrans session = inSession session

  (\_ err conn -> OCI.rollbackTrans err conn)


getStmt :: Session -> IO StmtHandle

getStmt session = inSession session

  (\ env err _ -> do

      stmt <- OCI.handleAlloc oci_HTYPE_STMT (castPtr env)

      return (castPtr stmt)

  ) nullAction

closeStmt :: Session -> StmtHandle -> IO ()

closeStmt _ stmt = dispose stmt

-- FIXME stmt should not be closed by these functions,

-- because they don't create it.

-- stmt should be closed in function that creates it.

setPrefetchCount :: Session -> StmtHandle -> Int -> IO ()

setPrefetchCount session stmt count = inSession session

  (\_ err _ -> with count $ \countPtr ->

        OCI.setHandleAttr err (castPtr stmt) oci_HTYPE_STMT countPtr oci_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWS

  ) (closeStmt session stmt)

stmtPrepare :: Session -> StmtHandle -> String -> IO ()

stmtPrepare session stmt sql = inSession session

  (\_ err _ -> OCI.stmtPrepare err stmt sql

  ) (closeStmt session stmt)

word32ToInt :: Word32 -> Int

word32ToInt n = fromIntegral n

getRowCount :: Session -> StmtHandle -> IO Int

getRowCount session stmt = inSession session

  (\_ err _ -> do

      rc <- OCI.getHandleAttr err (castPtr stmt) oci_HTYPE_STMT oci_ATTR_ROW_COUNT

      return (word32ToInt rc)

  ) (closeStmt session stmt)

execute :: Session -> StmtHandle -> Int -> IO Int

execute session stmt iterations = inSession session

  (\_ err conn -> do

      OCI.stmtExecute err conn stmt iterations

      getRowCount session stmt

  ) (closeStmt session stmt)

fetchRow :: Session -> PreparedStmtObj -> IO CInt

fetchRow session stmt = inSession session

  (\_ err _ -> OCI.stmtFetch err (stmtHandle stmt))

  nullAction  -- cleanup handled by doQuery1Maker

defineCol :: Session -> PreparedStmtObj -> Int -> Int -> CInt -> IO OCI.ColumnInfo

defineCol session stmt posn bufsize sqldatatype = inSession session

  (\_ err _ -> OCI.defineByPos err (stmtHandle stmt) posn bufsize sqldatatype)

  (closeStmt session (stmtHandle stmt))

bindByPos :: Session -> PreparedStmtObj -> Int -> CShort -> OCI.BufferPtr -> Int -> CInt -> IO ()

bindByPos session stmt posn nullind val bufsize sqldatatype = inSession session

  (\_ err _ -> OCI.bindByPos err (stmtHandle stmt) posn nullind val bufsize sqldatatype)

  (closeStmt session (stmtHandle stmt))

bindOutputByPos :: Session -> PreparedStmtObj -> Int -> OCI.BindBuffer -> Int -> CInt -> IO OCI.BindHandle

bindOutputByPos session stmt posn buffer bufsize sqldatatype = inSession session

  (\_ err _ -> OCI.bindOutputByPos err (stmtHandle stmt) posn buffer bufsize sqldatatype)

  (closeStmt session (stmtHandle stmt))

-- --------------------------------------------------------------------

-- -- ** Sessions

-- --------------------------------------------------------------------

connect :: String -> String -> String -> ConnectA Session

connect user pswd dbname = ConnectA (dbConnect user pswd dbname)

-- --------------------------------------------------------------------

-- -- Statements and Commands

-- --------------------------------------------------------------------

-- ==== A wrapper for SQL statements ====

-- When we execute queries with the OCI,

-- we need to specify how many times the statement should be executed.

-- For select statements it is zero (!?), while everything else is one

-- (>1 executions is for array binds).

-- For a select, if you have defined output buffers then the iterations

-- parameter for 'execute'

-- says how many rows to put in the buffers immediately after the execute

-- (so there's no need for a call to OCIStmtFetch).

-- We don't use this, and set up the buffers after the execute.

-- So there's a distinction between queries and commands.

-- Note that PL/SQL blocks which populate output bind buffers

-- are treated like queries by our library,

-- so we need some way of distinguishing between queries and commands.

newtype QueryString = QueryString String

sql :: String -> QueryString

sql str = QueryString str

instance Command QueryString Session where

  executeCommand sess (QueryString str) = doCommand sess str

doCommand sess str = do

  stmt <- getStmt sess

  -- stmtPrepare and execute both close the stmt if an exception is thrown,

  -- so there should be no need for bracket here.

  stmtPrepare sess stmt str

  rc <- execute sess stmt 1

  closeStmt sess stmt

  return rc

instance Command String Session where

  executeCommand sess str = executeCommand sess (sql str)

data CommandBind = CommandBind String [BindA Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj]

cmdbind :: String -> [BindA Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj] -> CommandBind

cmdbind sql parms = CommandBind sql parms

instance Command CommandBind Session where

  executeCommand sess (CommandBind sqltext bas) = do

    let (PreparationA pa) = prepareStmt' 0 sqltext FreeWithQuery CommandType

    ps <- pa sess

    bindRun sess ps bas (\(BoundStmt bs) -> do

      n <- getRowCount sess (stmtHandle bs)

      closeStmt (stmtSession ps) (stmtHandle ps)

      return n


instance Command BoundStmt Session where

  executeCommand s (BoundStmt pstmt) =

    getRowCount s (stmtHandle pstmt)

instance ISession Session where

  disconnect sess = dbDisconnect sess

  beginTransaction sess isolation = beginTrans sess isolation

  commit sess = commitTrans sess

  rollback sess = rollbackTrans sess

-- We need to keep track of the scope of the PreparedStmtObj

-- i.e. should it be freed when the Query (result-set) is freed,

-- or does it have a longer lifetime?

-- PreparedStmtObjs created by prepareStmt have a lifetime possibly

-- longer than the result-set; users should use withPreparedStatement

-- to manage these.

-- PreparedStmtObjs can also be created internally by various instances

-- of makeQuery (in class Statement), and these will usually have the

-- same lifetime/scope as that of the Query (result-set).

data StmtLifetime = FreeWithQuery | FreeManually

-- We also need to note if the statement is a query (select)

-- or some sort of command. This influences subsequent behaviour in two ways:

--   1. when execute is done, we specify either 0 or 1 iterations,

--      for selects or or commands, respectively (see bindRun)

--   2. when fetchRow is called by doQuery, for selects we call OCI stmtFetch,

--      but for commands we ignore the call (do nothing), because the

--      output buffers will already have been filled.

data StmtType = SelectType | CommandType

data PreparedStmtObj = PreparedStmtObj

      { stmtLifetime :: StmtLifetime

      , stmtType :: StmtType

      , stmtHandle :: StmtHandle

      , stmtSession :: Session

      , stmtCursors :: IORef [RefCursor StmtHandle]

      -- stmtBuffers are actually output bind buffers.

      -- we package them to look like ColumnBuffers

      -- (as created by allocBuffer) so that we can use them

      -- like ColumnBuffers.

      , stmtBuffers :: IORef [ColumnBuffer]


beginsWithSelect "" = False

beginsWithSelect text = isPrefixOf "select" . map toLower $ text

inferStmtType text = if beginsWithSelect text then SelectType else CommandType

prepareQuery :: QueryString -> PreparationA Session PreparedStmtObj

prepareQuery (QueryString sqltext) =

  prepareStmt' (prefetchRowCount defaultResourceUsage) sqltext FreeManually SelectType

prepareLargeQuery :: Int -> QueryString -> PreparationA Session PreparedStmtObj

prepareLargeQuery count (QueryString sqltext) =

  prepareStmt' count sqltext FreeManually SelectType

prepareCommand :: QueryString -> PreparationA Session PreparedStmtObj

prepareCommand (QueryString sqltext) =

  prepareStmt' 0 sqltext FreeManually CommandType

-- | Seems like an odd alternative to 'prepareCommand' (what is a large command?)

-- but is actually useful for when the outer query it a procedure call that

-- returns one or more cursors. The prefetch count for the inner cursors is

-- inherited from the outer statement, which in this case is a command, rather

-- than a select. Normally prefetch would be irrelevant (and indeed it is for

-- the outer command), but we also save it in the statement so that it can be

-- reused for the child cursors.

prepareLargeCommand :: Int -> QueryString -> PreparationA Session PreparedStmtObj

prepareLargeCommand n (QueryString sqltext) =

  prepareStmt' n sqltext FreeManually CommandType

prepareStmt' count sqltext lifetime stmtype =

  PreparationA (\sess -> do

    stmt <- getStmt sess

    stmtPrepare sess stmt (OCI.substituteBindPlaceHolders sqltext)

    setPrefetchCount sess stmt count

    newPreparedStmt lifetime stmtype sess stmt


newPreparedStmt lifetime iteration sess stmt = do

  c <- newIORef []

  b <- newIORef []

  return (PreparedStmtObj lifetime iteration stmt sess c b)

-- --------------------------------------------------------------------

-- -- ** Binding

-- --------------------------------------------------------------------

newtype BoundStmt = BoundStmt { boundStmt :: PreparedStmtObj }

type BindObj = Int -> IO ()

newtype Out a = Out a

instance IPrepared PreparedStmtObj Session BoundStmt BindObj where

  bindRun sess stmt bas action = do

    sequence_ (zipWith (\i (BindA ba) -> ba sess stmt i) [1..] bas)

    let iteration = case (stmtType stmt) of

          SelectType -> 0

          CommandType -> 1

    execute sess (stmtHandle stmt) iteration

    writeIORef (stmtCursors stmt) []

    action (BoundStmt stmt)

  destroyStmt sess pstmt = closeStmt sess (stmtHandle pstmt)

instance DBBind (Maybe String) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj where

  bindP = makeBindAction

instance DBBind (Out (Maybe String)) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj where

  bindP (Out v) = makeOutputBindAction v

instance DBBind (Maybe Int) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj where

  bindP = makeBindAction

instance DBBind (Out (Maybe Int)) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj where

  bindP (Out v) = makeOutputBindAction v

-- I don't think Oracle supports int64 in v8i's OCI API...

--  instance DBBind (Maybe Int64) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj where

--    bindP = makeBindAction

instance DBBind (Maybe Double) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj where

  bindP = makeBindAction

instance DBBind (Out (Maybe Double)) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj where

  bindP (Out v) = makeOutputBindAction v

instance DBBind (Maybe CalendarTime) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj where

  bindP = makeBindAction

instance DBBind (Maybe UTCTime) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj where

  bindP = makeBindAction

instance DBBind (Out (Maybe UTCTime)) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj where

  bindP (Out v) = makeOutputBindAction v

-- StmtHandles (i.e. RefCursors) are output only, I think

-- (altough you have to pass a valid one in, or it'll hurl).

-- We create the StmtHandle here, so the user doesn't have to

-- (is this a bad idea?...)

instance DBBind (Out (Maybe StmtHandle)) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj where

  bindP (Out v) = BindA (\sess stmt pos -> do

      stmt2 <- getStmt sess

      bindOutputMaybe sess stmt (Just stmt2) pos


-- Instances for non-Maybe types i.e. bare Int, Double, String, etc.

instance DBBind (Maybe a) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj

    => DBBind a Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj where

  bindP x = bindP (Just x)

instance DBBind (Out (Maybe a)) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj

    => DBBind (Out a) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj where

  bindP (Out x) = bindP (Out (Just x))

-- Default instances, using generic Show.

instance (Show a) => DBBind (Maybe a) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj where

  bindP (Just x) = bindP (Just (show x))

  bindP Nothing = bindP (Nothing `asTypeOf` Just "")

instance (Show a) => DBBind (Out (Maybe a)) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj where

  bindP (Out (Just x)) = bindP (Out (Just (show x)))

  bindP (Out Nothing) = bindP (Out (Nothing `asTypeOf` Just ""))

makeBindAction x = BindA (\ses st -> bindMaybe ses st x)

bindMaybe :: (OracleBind a)

  => Session -> PreparedStmtObj -> Maybe a -> Int -> IO ()

bindMaybe sess stmt v pos =

  bindWithValue v $ \ptrv -> do

    bindByPos sess stmt pos (bindNullInd v) (castPtr ptrv) (bindDataSize v) (bindType v)

-- Note currying... we don't provide the column-position;

-- it's provided when bindRun is invoked.

makeOutputBindAction v = BindA (\sess stmt -> bindOutputMaybe sess stmt v)

bindOutputMaybe :: (OracleBind a)

  => Session -> PreparedStmtObj -> Maybe a -> Int -> IO ()

bindOutputMaybe sess stmt v pos = do

      buffer <- mallocForeignPtrBytes (bindBufferSize v)

      nullind <- mallocForeignPtr

      sizeind <- mallocForeignPtr

      withForeignPtr buffer $ \bufptr ->

        withForeignPtr nullind $ \indptr ->

          withForeignPtr sizeind $ \szeptr -> do

            poke (castPtr indptr) (bindNullInd v)

            poke (castPtr szeptr) (bindDataSize v)  -- input size

            bindWriteBuffer (castPtr bufptr) v

      bindOutputByPos sess stmt pos (nullind, buffer, sizeind) (bindBufferSize v) (bindType v)


        colbuf = ColumnBuffer

          { colBufBufferFPtr = buffer

          , colBufNullFPtr = nullind

          , colBufSizeFPtr = sizeind

          , colBufColPos = 0

          , colBufSqlType = (bindType v)


      appendOutputBindBuffer stmt colbuf

-- If the bind values are output, then we save them in a list.

-- We can then use a doQuery to fetch the values,

-- just like the Postgres technique of returning values

-- as a set of tuples.

-- I guess there'll only ever be a single row to fetch

-- in the Oracle case, though.

appendOutputBindBuffer stmt buffer = do

  buffers <- readIORef (stmtBuffers stmt)

  modifyIORef (stmtBuffers stmt) (++ [buffer { colBufColPos = 1 + length buffers }])

class OracleBind a where

  bindWithValue :: a -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO ()) -> IO ()

  bindWriteBuffer :: Ptr Word8 -> a -> IO ()

  bindDataSize :: a -> Int

  bindBufferSize :: a -> Int

  bindBufferSize v = bindDataSize v

  bindNullInd :: a -> CShort

  -- non-Maybe types aren't nullable, so null-ind is always 0

  -- for values in these types.

  bindNullInd _ = 0

  bindType :: a -> CInt

instance OracleBind a => OracleBind (Maybe a) where

  bindWithValue (Just v) a = bindWithValue v a

  bindWithValue Nothing a = a nullPtr

  bindWriteBuffer b (Just v) = bindWriteBuffer b v

  bindWriteBuffer b Nothing = return ()

  bindDataSize (Just v) = bindDataSize v

  bindDataSize Nothing = 0

  bindBufferSize (Just v) = bindBufferSize v

  bindBufferSize x@Nothing =

    let (Just v) = (Just undefined) `asTypeOf` x in bindBufferSize v

  bindNullInd (Just v) = 0

  bindNullInd Nothing = -1

  bindType (Just v) = bindType v

  bindType Nothing = bindType (undefined :: a)

instance OracleBind String where

  -- FIXME  should these be withUTF8String{Len} ?

  bindWithValue v a = withCString v (\p -> a (castPtr p))

  bindWriteBuffer b s = withCStringLen s (\(p,l) ->

    copyBytes (castPtr b) p (1+l))

  bindDataSize s = fromIntegral (length s)

  bindBufferSize _ = 32000

  bindType _ = oci_SQLT_CHR

instance OracleBind Int where

  bindWithValue v a = withBinaryValue toCInt v (\p v -> poke (castPtr p) v) a

  bindWriteBuffer b v = poke (castPtr b) v

  bindDataSize _ = (sizeOf (toCInt 0))

  bindType _ = oci_SQLT_INT

instance OracleBind Double where

  bindWithValue v a = withBinaryValue toCDouble v (\p v -> poke (castPtr p) v) a

  bindWriteBuffer b v = poke (castPtr b) v

  bindDataSize _ = (sizeOf (toCDouble 0.0))

  bindType _ = oci_SQLT_FLT

instance OracleBind CalendarTime where

  bindWithValue v a = withBinaryValue id v (\p dt -> calTimeToBuffer (castPtr p) dt) a

  bindWriteBuffer b v = calTimeToBuffer (castPtr b) v

  bindDataSize _ = 7

  bindType _ = oci_SQLT_DAT

instance OracleBind UTCTime where

  bindWithValue v a = withBinaryValue id v (\p dt -> utcTimeToBuffer (castPtr p) dt) a

  bindWriteBuffer b v = utcTimeToBuffer (castPtr b) v

  bindDataSize _ = 7

  bindType _ = oci_SQLT_DAT

instance OracleBind StmtHandle where

  bindWithValue v a = alloca (\p -> poke p v >> a (castPtr p))

  bindWriteBuffer b v = poke (castPtr b) v

  bindDataSize _ = sizeOf nullPtr

  bindType _ = oci_SQLT_RSET

withBinaryValue :: (OracleBind b) =>

  (b -> a)  -- ^ convert Haskell value to C value

  -> b      -- ^ value to convert (we call bindSize on this value to get buffer size)

  -> (Ptr Word8 -> a -> IO ())  -- ^ action to place converted value into buffer

  -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO ())       -- ^ action to run over buffer; buffer will be freed on completion

  -> IO ()

withBinaryValue fn v pok action =

  -- FIXME  is bindBufferSize better here?

  --allocaBytes (bindBufferSize v) $ \p -> do

  allocaBytes (bindDataSize v) $ \p -> do

  pok p (fn v)

  action (castPtr p)

clength :: Foldable m => m a -> Integer

clength = fromIntegral . length

toCInt :: Int -> CInt; toCInt = fromIntegral

fromCInt :: CInt -> Int; fromCInt = fromIntegral

toCChar :: Char -> CChar; toCChar = toEnum . fromEnum

fromCChar :: CChar -> Char; fromCChar = toEnum . fromEnum

toCDouble :: Double -> CDouble; toCDouble = realToFrac

fromCDouble :: CDouble -> Double; fromCDouble = realToFrac

toCFloat :: Float -> CFloat; toCFloat = realToFrac

fromCFloat :: CFloat -> Float; fromCFloat = realToFrac

-- --------------------------------------------------------------------

-- -- ** Queries

-- --------------------------------------------------------------------

-- We save a reference to the parent PreparedStmtObj.

-- In a lot of cases (the simple ones) the parent is that same

-- as the PreparedStmtObj.

-- It only differs when we use the NextResultSet instance of makeQuery.

-- It is only Nothing when we are processing a RefCursor;

-- in this case we don't want to save any nested cursors returned

-- by the query.

data Query = Query

  { queryStmt :: PreparedStmtObj

  , querySess :: Session

  , queryParent :: Maybe PreparedStmtObj


data QueryResourceUsage = QueryResourceUsage { prefetchRowCount :: Int }

defaultResourceUsage :: QueryResourceUsage

defaultResourceUsage = QueryResourceUsage 100  -- sensible default?

data QueryStringTuned = QueryStringTuned QueryResourceUsage String [BindA Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj]

sqlbind :: String -> [BindA Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj] -> QueryStringTuned

sqlbind sql parms = QueryStringTuned defaultResourceUsage sql parms

prefetch :: Int -> String -> [BindA Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj] -> QueryStringTuned

prefetch count sql parms = QueryStringTuned (QueryResourceUsage count) sql parms

instance Statement BoundStmt Session Query where

  makeQuery sess bstmt = return (Query (boundStmt bstmt) sess (Just (boundStmt bstmt)))

instance Statement PreparedStmtObj Session Query where

  makeQuery sess pstmt = return (Query pstmt sess (Just pstmt))

instance Statement QueryString Session Query where

  makeQuery sess (QueryString sqltext) = makeQuery sess sqltext

instance Statement String Session Query where

  makeQuery sess sqltext = makeQuery sess (QueryStringTuned defaultResourceUsage sqltext [])

-- Important to use FreeManually here...

-- If we destroy the StmtHandle when the query is done,

-- it does not allow us to re-use the StmtHandle,

-- which is vital for nested cursors

-- (mainly because I haven't figured out how to

-- marshal StmtHandles back to Haskell-land).

-- However, this means we have to process StmtHandles

-- immediately; we can't save them up and process them later,

-- after the parent query is done.

-- Contrast this with the Postgres back-end, where the RefCursor

-- just contains a String, which is the cursor name.

-- It's no trouble to marshal a String back to Haskell-land.

instance Statement (RefCursor StmtHandle) Session Query where

  makeQuery sess (RefCursor stmt) = do

    pstmt <- newPreparedStmt FreeManually SelectType sess stmt

    return (Query pstmt sess Nothing)

-- For NextResultSet, we call makeQuery passing (RefCursor StmtHandle).

-- This creates a query with no parent statement.

-- All other instances of Statement make a statement its own parent.

instance Statement (NextResultSet mark PreparedStmtObj) Session Query where

  makeQuery sess (NextResultSet (PreparedStmt pstmt)) = do

    cursors <- readIORef (stmtCursors pstmt)

    if null cursors then throwDB (DBError ("02", "000") (-1) "No more result sets to process.") else return ()

    writeIORef (stmtCursors pstmt) (tail cursors)

    makeQuery sess (head cursors)

instance Statement QueryStringTuned Session Query where

  makeQuery sess (QueryStringTuned resUsage sqltext bas) = do


     (PreparationA action) =

        prepareStmt' (prefetchRowCount resUsage) sqltext FreeWithQuery SelectType

    pstmt <- action sess

    sequence_ (zipWith (\i (BindA ba) -> ba sess pstmt i) [1..] bas)

    execute sess (stmtHandle pstmt) 0

    return (Query pstmt sess (Just pstmt))

instance Statement CommandBind Session Query where

  makeQuery sess (CommandBind sqltext bas) = do


     (PreparationA action) =

        prepareStmt' 1 sqltext FreeWithQuery CommandType

    pstmt <- action sess

    sequence_ (zipWith (\i (BindA ba) -> ba sess pstmt i) [1..] bas)

    execute sess (stmtHandle pstmt) 1

    return (Query pstmt sess (Just pstmt))

data ColumnBuffer = ColumnBuffer

   { colBufBufferFPtr :: OCI.ColumnResultBuffer

   , colBufNullFPtr :: ForeignPtr CShort

   , colBufSizeFPtr :: ForeignPtr CUShort

   , colBufColPos :: Int

   , colBufSqlType :: CInt


instance IQuery Query Session ColumnBuffer where

  destroyQuery query = do

    let pstmt = queryStmt query

    case stmtLifetime pstmt of

      FreeWithQuery -> closeStmt (stmtSession pstmt) (stmtHandle pstmt)

      _ -> return ()

  fetchOneRow query = do

    let pstmt = queryStmt query

    -- Only call fetchRow if there are no bind output buffers

    -- If there are bind output buffers then assume this was a

    -- procedure call.

    -- In this case you will always get the same row over and over,

    -- so you'd better be careful with your iteratees

    buffers <- readIORef (stmtBuffers pstmt)

    if not (null buffers) then return True

      else do

        rc <- fetchRow (querySess query) pstmt

        return (rc /= oci_NO_DATA)

  currentRowNum query =

    getRowCount (querySess query) (stmtHandle (queryStmt query))

  freeBuffer q buffer = return ()

-- This is where we differ the behaviour depending on the

-- type of statement: is it a regular query,

-- where we just create column buffers, or do we have

-- bind output buffers, in which case we return those

-- as the column buffers?

allocBuffer query (bufsize, ociBufferType) colpos = do

  buffers <- readIORef (stmtBuffers (queryStmt query))

  if null buffers

    then do

      (_, buf, nullptr, sizeptr) <- liftIO $ defineCol (querySess query) (queryStmt query) colpos bufsize ociBufferType

      return $ ColumnBuffer

        { colBufBufferFPtr = buf

        , colBufNullFPtr = nullptr

        , colBufSizeFPtr = sizeptr

        , colBufColPos = colpos

        , colBufSqlType = ociBufferType


    else do

      if length buffers >= colpos

        then return (buffers !! (colpos - 1))


          throwDB (DBError ("02", "000") (-1) ( "There are " ++ show (length buffers)

            ++ " output buffers, but you have asked for buffer " ++ show colpos ))

-- When you allocate a StmtHandle define buffer (as opposed to a bind buffer)

-- you have to populate it with a valid StmtHandle before you call fetch.

-- FIXME  when is this freed? When is the StmtHandle destroyed?

allocStmtBuffer query colpos = do

  colbuf <- allocBuffer query (sizeOf nullPtr, oci_SQLT_RSET) colpos

  buffers <- readIORef (stmtBuffers (queryStmt query))

  -- if buffers is null then assume this is a define buffer,

  -- rather than a bind buffer.

  -- Bind buffers are stuffed into the stmtBuffers list

  -- when they are created.

  if null buffers

    then do

      -- If this is a define buffer (as opposed to bind buffer)

      -- then shove a valid StmtHandle into it.

      stmt <- getStmt (querySess query)

      withForeignPtr (colBufBufferFPtr colbuf) $ \p -> poke (castPtr p) stmt

    else return ()

  return colbuf

bufferToString :: ColumnBuffer -> IO (Maybe String)

bufferToString buffer = OCI.bufferToString (undefined, colBufBufferFPtr buffer, colBufNullFPtr buffer, colBufSizeFPtr buffer)

bufferToCaltime :: ColumnBuffer -> IO (Maybe CalendarTime)

bufferToCaltime buffer = OCI.bufferToCaltime (colBufNullFPtr buffer) (colBufBufferFPtr buffer)

bufferToUTCTime :: ColumnBuffer -> IO (Maybe UTCTime)

bufferToUTCTime buffer = OCI.bufferToUTCTime (colBufNullFPtr buffer) (colBufBufferFPtr buffer)

calTimeToBuffer :: OCI.BufferPtr -> CalendarTime -> IO ()

calTimeToBuffer buf ct = OCI.calTimeToBuffer buf ct

utcTimeToBuffer :: OCI.BufferPtr -> UTCTime -> IO ()

utcTimeToBuffer buf utc = OCI.utcTimeToBuffer buf utc

bufferToInt :: ColumnBuffer -> IO (Maybe Int)

bufferToInt buffer = OCI.bufferToInt (colBufNullFPtr buffer) (colBufBufferFPtr buffer)

bufferToDouble :: ColumnBuffer -> IO (Maybe Double)

bufferToDouble buffer = OCI.bufferToDouble (colBufNullFPtr buffer) (colBufBufferFPtr buffer)

bufferToStmtHandle :: ColumnBuffer -> IO (RefCursor StmtHandle)

bufferToStmtHandle buffer = do

  v <- OCI.bufferToStmtHandle (colBufBufferFPtr buffer)

  return (RefCursor v)

-- Right now the StmtHandle in the buffer is updated with a new

-- cursor on each fetch.

-- If we call defineByPos before each fetch then we can provide

-- a fresh StmtHandle for each fetch (thus preserving the handles

-- from previous fetches), but this will require support from

-- Database.Enumerator i.e. we need to add a function, say reallocBuffers,

-- which is called before each row is fetched,

-- which will give us an opportunity to reallocate memory for buffers

-- if it is required.

-- This might be a bad idea though, because it is likely to lead

-- to space leaks. Perhaps the current approach of reusing the

-- StmtHandle is better from a memory management point-of-view.

-- That said, the Oracle DBMS has a fairly low limit (on the order

-- of 100 or so) on the number of open cursors, so perhaps space

-- leaks aren't as likely as I think.

instance DBType (RefCursor StmtHandle) Query ColumnBuffer where

  allocBufferFor _ q n = allocStmtBuffer q n

  fetchCol q buffer = do

    rawstmt <- OCI.bufferToStmtHandle (colBufBufferFPtr buffer)

    appendRefCursor q (RefCursor rawstmt)

appendRefCursor query refc = do

  case queryParent query of

    -- no parent stmt? => probably just a doQuery over a RefCursor.

    -- Don't bother saving returned RefCursors.

    Nothing -> return ()

    Just pstmt -> modifyIORef (stmtCursors pstmt) (++ [refc])

  return refc

instance DBType (Maybe String) Query ColumnBuffer where

  allocBufferFor _ q n = allocBuffer q (16000, oci_SQLT_CHR) n

  fetchCol q buffer = bufferToString buffer

instance DBType (Maybe Int) Query ColumnBuffer where

  allocBufferFor _ q n = allocBuffer q (4, oci_SQLT_INT) n

  fetchCol q buffer = bufferToInt buffer

instance DBType (Maybe Double) Query ColumnBuffer where

  allocBufferFor _ q n = allocBuffer q (8, oci_SQLT_FLT) n

  fetchCol q buffer = bufferToDouble buffer

instance DBType (Maybe UTCTime) Query ColumnBuffer where

  allocBufferFor _ q n = allocBuffer q (7, oci_SQLT_DAT) n

  fetchCol q buffer = bufferToUTCTime buffer

instance DBType (Maybe CalendarTime) Query ColumnBuffer where

  allocBufferFor _ q n = allocBuffer q (7, oci_SQLT_DAT) n

  fetchCol q buffer = bufferToCaltime buffer

-- |This single polymorphic instance covers all of the

-- type-specific non-Maybe instances e.g. String, Int, Double, etc.

instance DBType (Maybe a) Query ColumnBuffer

    => DBType a Query ColumnBuffer where

  allocBufferFor v q n = allocBufferFor (Just v) q n

  fetchCol q buffer = throwIfDBNull (buffer_pos q buffer) (fetchCol q buffer)

buffer_pos q buffer = do

  row <- currentRowNum q

  return (row, colBufColPos buffer)

-- |A polymorphic instance which assumes that the value is in a String column,

-- and uses Read to convert the String to a Haskell data value.

instance (Show a, Read a) => DBType (Maybe a) Query ColumnBuffer where

  allocBufferFor _ q n = allocBuffer q (16000, oci_SQLT_CHR) n

  fetchCol q buffer = do

    v <- bufferToString buffer

    case v of

      Just s -> if s == "" then return Nothing else return (Just (read s))

      Nothing -> return Nothing