tamarin-prover-term- Term manipulation library for the tamarin prover.

MaintainerBenedikt Schmidt <beschmi@gmail.com>
Safe HaskellNone




Types for communicating with Maude.


Maude terms

conversion from/to maude terms



:: (MonadBind (Lit c LVar) MaudeLit m, MonadFresh m, Show (Lit c LVar), Ord c) 
=> (c -> LSort)

A function that returns the sort of a constant.

-> VTerm c LVar

The term to translate.

-> m MTerm 

Convert an LNTerm with arbitrary names to an MTerm.



:: (MonadBind (Lit Name LVar) MaudeLit m, MonadFresh m) 
=> LNTerm

The term to translate.

-> m MTerm 

Convert an LNTerm to an MTerm.



:: (MonadBind MaudeLit (Lit c LVar) m, MonadFresh m, Show (Lit c LVar), Ord c, Show c) 
=> String

Name hint for freshly generated variables.

-> MTerm

The maude term to convert.

-> m (VTerm c LVar) 

Convert an MTerm to an LNTerm under the assumption that the bindings for the constants are already available.



:: Ord c 
=> BindT (Lit c LVar) MaudeLit Fresh a

Computation to execute.

-> (a, Map MaudeLit (Lit c LVar)) 

Run a BindT (Lit c LVar) MaudeLit Fresh computation with an empty fresh supply and an empty binding map and return the result and the resulting inverted binding map.



:: (Ord c, Show (Lit c LVar), Show c) 
=> Map MaudeLit (Lit c LVar)

The binding map to use for constants.

-> MSubst

The maude substitution.

-> SubstVFresh c LVar 

msubstToLSubstVFresh bindings substMaude converts a substitution returned by Maude to a VFresh substitution. It expects that the range of the maude substitution contains only fresh variables in its range and raises an error otherwise.

msubstToLSubstVFree :: (Ord c, Show (Lit c LVar), Show c) => Map MaudeLit (Lit c LVar) -> MSubst -> Subst c LVarSource

msubstToLSubstVFree bindings substMaude converts a substitution returned by Maude to a VFree substitution. It expects that the maude substitution contains no fresh variables in its range and raises an error otherwise.