{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
-- | Provide some functionality for tracking the distribution of test inputs
-- when using Hedgehog property-based testing.
module Test.Tasty.Hedgehog.Coverage
  -- * Data types
    Cover (..)
  , Tally (..)

  -- * Test helpers
  , testPropertyCoverage
  , withCoverage

  -- * Coverage functions
  , classify
  , label
  , collect

  -- * Property Config Helpers
  -- | These functions work exactly as their original Hedgehog counterparts, only modified to work with the 'Cover' type.
  , withTests
  , withRetries
  , withDiscards
  , withShrinks
  ) where

import           Data.Typeable                 (Proxy (..))

import           Control.Monad                 (when)
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class        (liftIO)
import           Control.Monad.State           (MonadState, StateT (..), modify,

import           Data.Map                      (Map)
import qualified Data.Map                      as Map

import           Data.Maybe                    (fromMaybe)

import           Data.Text                     (Text)
import qualified Data.Text                     as Text

import           Hedgehog                      (evalM)
import           Hedgehog.Internal.Property    (DiscardLimit,
                                                PropertyConfig (..),
                                                PropertyName (..),
                                                PropertyT (..),
                                                ShrinkLimit (..), ShrinkRetries,
                                                TestLimit (..), defaultConfig,
import           Hedgehog.Internal.Report      (FailureReport (FailureReport, failureShrinks),
                                                Progress (..), Report (..),
                                                Result (..), ShrinkCount (..),
                                                TestCount (..))

import qualified Hedgehog.Internal.Report      as Report
import           Hedgehog.Internal.Runner      (checkReport)
import qualified Hedgehog.Internal.Seed        as Seed

-- Hedgehog has the necessary CPP in place to handle older GHCs for these, I see
-- no reason to duplicate their efforts. I'm already depending on internal
-- modules so there is no increase in risk.
import           Hedgehog.Internal.Source      (HasCallStack,

import           Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.WL (Doc, (<#>), (<+>), (</>))
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.WL as PP

import           Text.Printf                   (printf)

import           Test.Tasty.Options
import qualified Test.Tasty.Providers          as T

import           Test.Tasty.Hedgehog           (HedgehogDiscardLimit (..),
                                                HedgehogReplay (..),
                                                HedgehogShowReplay (..),
                                                HedgehogShrinkLimit (..),
                                                HedgehogShrinkRetries (..),
                                                HedgehogTestLimit (..))

-- |
-- This is the type used to store the information about the inputs.
newtype Tally = Tally
  { unTally :: Map Text Int
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Gather the property name and the 'Cover' with the property to be tested.
-- Tasty relies on this type
data CoveredProperty = CoveredProperty
  { _coverName :: PropertyName
  , _coverProp :: Cover

-- | Equivalent to the 'Property' type from Hedgehog, but slightly modified for
-- the purpose of enabling the classification functionality.
data Cover = Cover
  { _coverageConf :: !PropertyConfig
  , _coverageProp :: PropertyT (StateT Tally IO) ()

mapPropertyConfig :: (PropertyConfig -> PropertyConfig) -> Cover -> Cover
mapPropertyConfig f cover = cover { _coverageConf = f (_coverageConf cover) }

-- | Set the number of times a property should be executed before it is considered
--   successful.
--   If you have a test that does not involve any generators and thus does not
--   need to run repeatedly, you can use @withTests 1@ to define a property that
--   will only be checked once.
withTests :: TestLimit -> Cover -> Cover
withTests lim = mapPropertyConfig (\c -> c { propertyTestLimit = lim })

-- | Set the number of times a property is allowed to discard before the test
--   runner gives up.
withDiscards :: DiscardLimit -> Cover -> Cover
withDiscards n = mapPropertyConfig $ \c -> c { propertyDiscardLimit = n }

-- | Set the number of times a property is allowed to shrink before the test
--   runner gives up and prints the counterexample.
withShrinks :: ShrinkLimit -> Cover -> Cover
withShrinks n = mapPropertyConfig $ \c -> c { propertyShrinkLimit = n }

-- | Set the number of times a property will be executed for each shrink before
--   the test runner gives up and tries a different shrink. See 'ShrinkRetries'
--   for more information.
withRetries :: ShrinkRetries -> Cover -> Cover
withRetries n = mapPropertyConfig $ \c -> c { propertyShrinkRetries = n }

-- | Records how many test cases satisfy a given condition.
-- @
-- prop_reverse_involutive :: Cover
-- prop_reverse_involutive = withCoverage $ do
--   xs <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 100) Gen.alpha
--   classify (length xs > 50) "non-trivial"
--   test_involutive reverse xs
-- @
-- Which gives output similar to:
-- @
--  reverse involutive:          OK
--    18.00% non-trivial
-- @
  :: MonadState Tally m
  => Bool                       -- ^ @True@ if this case should be included.
  -> Text                       -- ^ The label for this input.
  -> m ()
classify b l = when b $
  modify (Tally . Map.alter (Just . maybe 1 (+1)) l . unTally)

-- | Attach a simple label to a property.
-- @
-- prop_reverse_reverse :: Cover
-- prop_reverse_reverse = withCoverage $ do
--   xs <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 100) Gen.alpha
--   label ("length of input is " ++ show (length xs))
--   reverse (reverse xs) === xs
-- @
-- Which gives output similar to:
-- @
-- reverse involutive:          OK
--     4.00% with a length of 0
--     7.00% with a length of 1
--     3.00% with a length of 11
--     2.00% with a length of 12
--     2.00% with a length of 13
--     ...
-- @
  :: MonadState Tally m
  => Text                       -- ^ The label for the input.
  -> m ()
label =
  classify True

-- | Uses the input itself as the label, useful for recording test case distribution.
-- @
-- prop_reverse_reverse :: Cover
-- prop_reverse_reverse = withCoverage $ do
--   xs <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 100) Gen.alpha
--   collect (length xs)
--   reverse (reverse xs) === xs
-- @
-- Which gives output similar to:
-- @
-- reverse involutive:          OK
--     8.00% \"\"
--     1.00% \"AFkNJBLiWYEBFRyZhulpMkkqIvsDpLAmaYoFTnNNFfkrbPUqDIRUuZOFGohTfB\"
--     1.00% \"AWWfLCfmZPoydVYXwnFHyCEWztXanEzdoc\"
--     1.00% \"CJJVBGOeaIkLfcOUGV\"
--     1.00% \"CNrTsblqfEz\"
--     1.00% \"CxDqm\"
-- @
  :: ( MonadState Tally m
     , Show a
  => a                          -- ^ The input to collect.
  -> m ()
collect =
  label . Text.pack . show

-- | Simiar to the <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hedgehog-0.6/docs/Hedgehog.html#v:property property> function in Hedgehog, this creates a 'Cover' that lets us track the required information.
  :: HasCallStack
  => PropertyT (StateT Tally IO) ()
  -> Cover
withCoverage m =
  Cover defaultConfig $ withFrozenCallStack (evalM m)

-- | Create a 'Test.Tasty.Providers.TestTree' using a 'Cover' property test.
  :: T.TestName
  -> Cover
  -> T.TestTree
testPropertyCoverage name cov =
  T.singleTest name (CoveredProperty (PropertyName name) cov)

ratio :: Integral n => n -> Int -> Double
ratio x y = fromIntegral x / fromIntegral y

  :: PropertyConfig
  -> Report Result
  -> Tally
  -> Doc a
prettyTally _config report (Tally tally) =
    TestCount testCount = reportTests report

    shrinkCount = case reportStatus report of
      -- Account for the failed test that might have included our classified case,
      -- otherwise numbers are skewed. I am not convinced this is correct though.
      Failed FailureReport {failureShrinks = ShrinkCount n} -> 1 + n
      -- We haven't had to shrink so there were no test failures so our
      -- testCount is indicative of the total number of tests that were run.
      _                                                     -> 0

    ntests = shrinkCount + testCount

    ppTally (l,t) =
      PP.text (printf "%.2f%%" (100.0 * ratio t ntests)) <+>
      PP.text (Text.unpack l)
    PP.vsep $ ppTally <$> Map.toList tally

  :: PropertyConfig
  -> Report Progress
  -> T.Progress
reportToProgress config (Report testsDone _ status) =
    TestLimit testLimit     = propertyTestLimit config
    ShrinkLimit shrinkLimit = propertyShrinkLimit config

    ratio'd :: Integral n => n -> Int -> Float
    ratio'd x y = 1.0 * realToFrac (ratio x y)
    case status of
      Running      -> T.Progress "Running" (ratio'd testsDone testLimit)
      Shrinking fr -> T.Progress "Shrinking" (ratio'd (Report.failureShrinks fr) shrinkLimit)

  :: PropertyConfig
  -> Bool
  -> String
  -> Tally
  -> Report Result
  -> IO String
reportOutput config showReplay name tally report@(Report _ _ status) = do
  rpt <- Report.ppResult (Just (PropertyName name)) report

    toStr = PP.display . PP.renderPrettyDefault
    tal = prettyTally config report tally

  pure $ case status of
    Failed fr -> do
        size = PP.text . show $ Report.failureSize fr
        seed = PP.text . show $ Report.failureSeed fr

        replayStr = if showReplay
          then PP.text "Use"
               <+> PP.squotes ("--hedgehog-replay" <+> PP.dquotes (size <+> seed))
               <+> "to reproduce"
          else mempty

      toStr $ PP.align tal </> PP.line <#> rpt <#> replayStr

    GaveUp -> "Gave up"
    OK     -> toStr tal

instance T.IsTest CoveredProperty where
  testOptions =
    return [ Option (Proxy :: Proxy HedgehogReplay)
           , Option (Proxy :: Proxy HedgehogShowReplay)
           , Option (Proxy :: Proxy HedgehogTestLimit)
           , Option (Proxy :: Proxy HedgehogDiscardLimit)
           , Option (Proxy :: Proxy HedgehogShrinkLimit)
           , Option (Proxy :: Proxy HedgehogShrinkRetries)

  run opts (CoveredProperty name (Cover conf prop)) yieldProgress = do
      HedgehogReplay         replay = lookupOption opts
      HedgehogShowReplay showReplay = lookupOption opts
      HedgehogTestLimit       mTests = lookupOption opts
      HedgehogDiscardLimit mDiscards = lookupOption opts
      HedgehogShrinkLimit   mShrinks = lookupOption opts
      HedgehogShrinkRetries mRetries = lookupOption opts

      config =
          (fromMaybe (propertyTestLimit conf) mTests)
          (fromMaybe (propertyDiscardLimit conf) mDiscards)
          (fromMaybe (propertyShrinkLimit conf) mShrinks)
          (fromMaybe (propertyShrinkRetries conf) mRetries)

    randSeed <- Seed.random

      size = maybe 0 fst replay
      seed = maybe randSeed snd replay

      runProp = checkReport config size seed prop
        (liftIO . yieldProgress . reportToProgress config)

    (rresult, tally) <- runStateT runProp (Tally mempty)

      resultFn = if reportStatus rresult == OK
                 then T.testPassed
                 else T.testFailed

    out <- reportOutput config showReplay (unPropertyName name) tally rresult
    return $ resultFn out