template-0.1: Simple string substitutionContentsIndex
The Template type.
The Context type.
Basic interface
I/O with Templates
I/O with Handles

A simple string substitution library that supports "$"-based substitution. Substitution uses the following rules:

  • "$$" is an escape; it is replaced with a single "$".
  • "$identifier" names a substitution placeholder matching a mapping key of "identifier". "identifier" must spell a Haskell identifier. The first non-identifier character after the "$" character terminates this placeholder specification.
  • "${identifier}" is equivalent to "$identifier". It is required when valid identifier characters follow the placeholder but are not part of the placeholder, such as "${noun}ification".

Any other apperance of "$" in the string will result in an error being raised.

Here is an example of a simple substitution:

 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
 import Text.Template

 context = Map.fromList . map packPair
     where packPair (x, y) = (B.pack x, B.pack y)

 helloTemplate = B.pack "Hello, $name! Want some ${fruit}s?"
 helloContext = context [("name", "Johan"), ("fruit", "banana")]

 main = B.putStrLn $ substitute helloTemplate helloContext

If you render the same template multiple times it's faster to first convert it to a more efficient representation using template and then rendering it using render. In fact, all that substitute does is to combine these two steps.

data Template
type Context = Map ByteString ByteString
template :: ByteString -> Template
render :: Template -> Context -> ByteString
substitute :: ByteString -> Context -> ByteString
showTemplate :: Template -> ByteString
readTemplate :: FilePath -> IO Template
renderToFile :: FilePath -> Template -> Context -> IO ()
hRender :: Handle -> Template -> Context -> IO ()
The Template type.
data Template
A repesentation of a ByteString template, supporting efficient rendering.
show/hide Instances
The Context type.
type Context = Map ByteString ByteString
A mapping with keys that match the placeholders in the template.
Basic interface
template :: ByteString -> Template
Creates a template from a template string.
render :: Template -> Context -> ByteString

Performs the template substitution, returning a new ByteString.

If a key is not found in the context an error is raised.

substitute :: ByteString -> Context -> ByteString

Performs the template substitution, returning a new ByteString. Note that

 substitute tmpl ctx == render (template tmpl) ctx

If a key is not found in the context an error is raised.

showTemplate :: Template -> ByteString
Shows the template string.
I/O with Templates
readTemplate :: FilePath -> IO Template
Reads a template from a file lazily. Use 'text mode' on Windows to interpret newlines
renderToFile :: FilePath -> Template -> Context -> IO ()
Renders and writes a template to a file. This is more efficient than first rendering the template to a ByteString and then writing it to a file using writeFile.
I/O with Handles
hRender :: Handle -> Template -> Context -> IO ()
Renders and writes a template to a Handle. This is more efficient than first rendering the template to a ByteString and then writing it to a Handle using hPutStr.
Produced by Haddock version 0.8