module Control.Monad.Terminal.Terminal where

import           Control.Monad.STM
import           Data.ByteString
import           Data.Text

import           Control.Monad.Terminal.Input

data Terminal
  = Terminal
  { -- | The terminal identification string usually extracted from the
    --   environment variable `TERM`. Should contain values like `xterm`
    --   or `rxvt-unicode`.
    termType         :: ByteString
    -- | A stream of input events. The transaction will succeed as soon as the
    --   next input event becomes available.
    --   Note: Trying to read more than one event within the same transaction
    --   might be successfull, but might also lead to undesired behaviour as
    --   the transaction will block until all of its preconditions are fulfilled.
    --   Some form of `orElse` needs to be used in a correct way for reading
    --   several events at once.
  , termInput        :: STM Event
    -- | This transaction appends a piece of `Data.Text.Text` to the output buffer.
    --   It shall block when the buffer exeeded its capacity
    --   and unblock as soon as space becomes available again.
    --   Note: All implementations must limit the size of the output buffer or
    --   the application is at risk of running out of memory when writing much
    --   faster than the terminal can read. Using a `Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar.TMVar`
    --   as a buffer of size 1 is perfectly fine here.
  , termOutput       :: Text -> STM ()
    -- | This transaction succeeds as soon as an interrupt event occurs.
    --   Executing the transaction shall reset an interrupt flag maintained
    --   by a supervising background thread.
    --   It is mandatory to regularly check this transaction in order to signal
    --   responsiveness to the background thread. The supervisor is otherwise
    --   advised to terminate the program as soon as a second interrupt arrives.
    --   Note: This is a very low-level operation. Operations like `waitEvent`,
    --   `waitEventOrElse` or `waitInterruptOrElse` are more convenient and do
    --   this automatically.
  , termInterrupt    :: STM ()
    -- | This operations flushes the output buffer. Whether it blocks or
    --   not until the buffer has actually been flushed shall be undefined
    --   (there might be other buffers involved that cannot be force-flushed
    --   so it is probably better to not give any guarantees here).
  , termFlush        :: STM ()
    -- | This transaction shall return the latest known screen size without
    --   blocking. The first parameter denotes the number of rows and the
    --   one the number of columns.
  , termScreenSize   :: STM (Int, Int)
  , termSpecialChars :: Char -> Maybe Event