module System.Terminfo.Internal
    ( terminfoDBLocs
    , locationsPure
    , parseTDVar
    ) where

#if ! MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), pure)
import Control.Error
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import System.FilePath

terminfoDBLocs :: IO [FilePath]
terminfoDBLocs = locationsPure
    <$> lookupEnv "TERMINFO"
    <*> (lookupEnv "HOME" <$$/> ".terminfo")
    <*> lookupEnv "TERMINFO_DIRS"
    <*> pure ["/lib/terminfo", "/usr/share/terminfo"]

(<$/>) :: Functor f => f FilePath -> FilePath -> f FilePath
fa <$/> b = (</> b) <$> fa
infixr 4 <$/>

(<$$/>) :: (Functor f, Functor g)
        => f (g FilePath)
        -> FilePath
        -> f (g FilePath)
ffa <$$/> b = fmap (<$/> b) ffa
infixr 4 <$$/>

-- | I hate this name. There is undoubtedly a better way of structuring all
-- of this, starting way up at 'dirTreeDB'.
locationsPure :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ Override directory
              -> Maybe FilePath -- ^ $HOME
              -> Maybe String   -- ^ $TERMINFO_DIRS
              -> [FilePath]     -- ^ Defaults
              -> [FilePath]
locationsPure ovr usr termdirs defs = case ovr of
    Just override -> [override]
    Nothing       -> catMaybes [usr] ++ system

    system = case termdirs of
        Just list -> parseTDVar defs list
        Nothing   -> defs

parseTDVar :: [String] -> String -> [String]
parseTDVar defs = replace "" defs . split ':'

-- | Replace an element with multiple replacements
replace :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
replace old news = foldr (\x acc -> if x == old
                                       then news ++ acc
                                       else x : acc)

-- | split, as seen in ByteString and Text, but for Strings.
split :: Char -> String -> [String]
split s = foldr go [[]]
    go c acc = if c /= s
                  then unshift c acc
                  else "" : acc

    -- | /perldoc -f unshift/
    unshift c (xs:xss) = (c:xs) : xss
    unshift c []       = [[c]]