{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, RankNTypes, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, OverloadedStrings, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, FlexibleContexts #-}

module Data.Text.Region.Types (

	Point(..), pointLine, pointColumn, pointRegion, Size, (.-.), (.+.),

	Region(..), regionFrom, regionTo,


	Contents, emptyContents,

	concatCts, splitCts, splitted,

	Editable(..), contents, by, measure,

	Replace(..), replaceRegion, replaceWith, Edit(..), replaces,


	module Data.Group

	) where

import Prelude hiding (id, (.))

import Prelude.Unicode

import Control.Category

import Control.Lens hiding ((.=))

import Data.Aeson

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L

import Data.Group

import Data.List

import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))

import Data.Text (Text)

import qualified Data.Text as T

-- | Point at text: zero-based line and column

data Point = Point {

	_pointLine  Int,

	_pointColumn  Int }

		deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

makeLenses ''Point

-- | As empty region

pointRegion  Iso' Point Region

pointRegion = iso (\p  Region p p) _regionFrom

instance ToJSON Point where

	toJSON (Point l c) = object ["line" .= l, "column" .= c]

instance FromJSON Point where

	parseJSON = withObject "point" $ \v  Point <$> v .: "line" <*> v .: "column"

instance Semigroup Point where

	Point l c <> Point bl bc

		| l  0 = Point bl (c + bc)

		| otherwise = Point (l + bl) c

instance Monoid Point where

	mempty = Point 0 0

	Point l c `mappend` Point bl bc

		| l  0 = Point bl (c + bc)

		| otherwise = Point (l + bl) c

instance Group Point where

	invert (Point l c) = Point (negate l) (negate c)

-- | Distance between 'Point's is measured in lines and columns.

-- And it is defined, that distance between point at l:c and point (l + 1):0 is one line no matter c is

-- because we need to go to new line to reach destination point

-- Columns are taken into account only if points are on the same line

type Size = Point

-- | @pt .-. base@ is distance from @base@ to @pt@

-- Distance can't be less then zero lines and columns

(.-.)  Point  Point  Point

Point l c .-. Point bl bc

	| bl < l = Point (l - bl) c

	| bl  l = Point 0 (max 0 (c - bc))

	| otherwise = Point 0 0

-- | Opposite to '.-.'


-- prop> (pt .-. base) .+. base = pt

(.+.)  Point  Point  Point

(Point l c) .+. (Point bl bc)

	| l  0 = Point bl (c + bc)

	| otherwise = Point (l + bl) c

-- | Region from 'Point' to another

data Region = Region {

	_regionFrom  Point,

	_regionTo  Point }

		deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

makeLenses ''Region

instance ToJSON Region where

	toJSON (Region f t) = object ["from" .= f, "to" .= t]

instance FromJSON Region where

	parseJSON = withObject "region" $ \v -> Region <$> v .: "from" <*> v .: "to"

-- | Main idea is that there are only two basic actions, that changes regions: inserting and cutting

-- When something is cutted out or inserted in, 'Region' positions must be updated

-- All editings can be represented as many cuts and inserts, so we can combine them to get function

-- which maps source regions to regions on updated data

-- Because insert is dual to cut (and therefore composes something like iso), we can also get function to map regions back

-- Combining this functions while edit, we get function, that maps regions from source data to edited one

-- To get back function, we must also combine opposite actions, or we can represent actions as 'Iso'

-- Same idea goes for modifying contents, represent each action as isomorphism and combine them together

-- This works if we don't use overlapped regions

newtype Map = Map { mapIso :: Iso' Region Region }

instance Semigroup Map where

	Map l <> Map r = Map (r . l)

instance Monoid Map where

	mempty = Map $ iso id id

	Map l `mappend` Map r = Map (r . l)

instance Group Map where

	invert (Map f) = Map (from f)

-- | Contents is list of lines, list must have at least one (maybe empty) line

type Contents a = [a]

-- | Empty contents are contents with one empty line

emptyContents  Monoid a  Contents a

emptyContents = [mempty]

checkCts  Contents a  Contents a

checkCts [] = error "Contents can't be empty"

checkCts cs = cs

concatCts  Monoid a  Contents a  Contents a  Contents a

concatCts ls rs = init (checkCts ls) ++ [last (checkCts ls) `mappend` head (checkCts rs)] ++ tail (checkCts rs)

-- | Split 'Contents' at some 'Point'

splitCts  Editable a  Point  Contents a  (Contents a, Contents a)

splitCts (Point l c) cts = (take l cts ++ [p], s : drop (succ l) cts) where

	(p, s) = splitContents c (cts !! l)

-- | Get splitted 'Contents' at some 'Point'

splitted  Editable a  Point  Iso' (Contents a) (Contents a, Contents a)

splitted p = iso (splitCts p) (uncurry concatCts)

-- | Something editable, string types implements this

class Monoid a  Editable a where

	-- | Split editable at some position

	splitContents  Int  a  (a, a)

	contentsLength  a  Int

	splitLines  a  [a]

	joinLines  [a]  a

-- | Get 'Contents' for some 'Editable', splitting lines

contents  (Editable a, Editable b)  Iso a b (Contents a) (Contents b)

contents = iso splitLines joinLines

by  Editable a  a  Contents a

by = splitLines

instance Editable String where

	splitContents = splitAt

	contentsLength = length

	splitLines s = case break ( '\n') s of

		(pre', "")  [pre']

		(pre', _:post')  pre' : splitLines post'

	joinLines = intercalate "\n"

instance Editable Text where

	splitContents = T.splitAt

	contentsLength = T.length

	splitLines = T.split ( '\n')

	joinLines = T.intercalate "\n"

-- | Contents 'Size'

measure  Editable s  Contents s  Size

measure [] = error "Invalid input"

measure cts = Point (pred $ length cts) (contentsLength $ last cts)

-- | Serializable edit action

data Replace s = Replace {

	-- | 'Region' to replace

	_replaceRegion  Region,

	-- | 'Contents' to replace with

	_replaceWith  Contents s }

		deriving (Eq)

makeLenses ''Replace

instance (Editable s, ToJSON s)  ToJSON (Replace s) where

	toJSON (Replace e c) = object ["region" .= e, "contents" .= view (from contents) c]

instance (Editable s, FromJSON s)  FromJSON (Replace s) where

	parseJSON = withObject "edit" $ \v  Replace <$> v .: "region" <*> (view contents <$> v .: "contents")

instance (Editable s, ToJSON s)  Show (Replace s) where

	show = L.unpack  encode

-- | Edit is several replace actions, applied simultaneously, must not overlap

newtype Edit s = Edit {

	_replaces  [Replace s] }

		deriving (Eq, Show, Semigroup, Monoid)

makeLenses ''Edit

instance (Editable s, ToJSON s)  ToJSON (Edit s) where

	toJSON = toJSON  _replaces

instance (Editable s, FromJSON s)  FromJSON (Edit s) where

	parseJSON = fmap Edit  parseJSON

class Regioned a where

	regions  Traversal' a Region

instance Regioned Point where

	regions = pointRegion

instance Regioned Region where

	regions = id

instance Regioned (Replace s) where

	regions = replaceRegion

instance Regioned (Edit s) where

	regions = replaces . each . replaceRegion